
Research and Development Cell

Funding Received
S.No.DepartmentName of the FacultyName of the ProposalAgency DetailsAmount sanctioned (In Rs.)
1ECEMs.E.L.Dhivya PriyaIoT Based low cost compact dyeing machine using ARDUINO (MSME Idea Hackathon 2.0)MSME1300000
2ECEV. ThamizarasanWorkshop on ‘Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design & Prototyping using open-source EDA ToolsSERB50000
3ECEDr.S.Karthick & V. ThamizarasanDissemination of Innovative Technology (DIT) Scheme for The Training Programme on ‘Smart precision and automatic farming (Agriculture) through Modern ICTTNSCST50000
4PhysicsDr.V.VijayalakshmiInternational Conference on Modern Functional Materials and its Multifunctional Applications (ICMFM-2023)SERB50000
5ECEDr.R.KalaivaniNational Seminar on AI based Soft Sensor and Green internet of Things for Sustainable AgricultureMoES100000
6ChemicalDr.P.Akilamudhan & SasikumarNational Seminar on N2 fixating Biofertilizers: Current and Futuristic Trends on Sustainable Agriculture and Food SecurityMoES75000
7PhysicsDr.K.SujathaContributions of "STEM" (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to Nuclear Research and Technological InnovationsBRNS45000
8ECEV.ThamizharasanImplementation of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence Algorithm in VLSI DesignBRNS50000
9MechDr.N.Saravanan Mr.S.ManikandanOne week Seminar on Contemporary technological advancements in green energy conservation for Sustainable DevelopmentSERB100000
10PhysicsDr.T.S.SenthilInternational Conference on Sustainable Materials for Energy Applications (ICSME-24)SERB100000
11ECEMs.E.L.Dhivya PriyaWorkshop on "Futuristic Development based IIoT 5.0 with the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)"SERB100000
12MechDr.S.SureshDesigning and Developing AI-enhanced Unmanned Arial Vehicle (Drone) for Industry 5.0SERB90000
13ECEE.L. Dhivya PriyaOne day National Seminar on Vehicular Tracking and Intelligent transport system design with 6G based Novel Cloud modelCSIR20000
14RAEDr.Y.RobinsonTwo days National seminar on Robotics as a ServiceCSIR20000
15PhysicsDr.J.AarthiIntellectual Property Rights & InnovationsSERB90000
16R&DDr.T.S.SenthilAnu Awareness YatraIGCAR115000
S.NoDepartment of the Principal Investigator/ Co-InvestigatorName of the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator (if applicable)Name of the ProposalName of the Funding AgencyFunds provided (INR )Month and Year of receving the grant
1ECEMs. E.L. Dhivya Priya and Dr.A.Sathish KumarOne Day National Seminar on "Design of Antenna at Public Safety Spectrum for Mission Critical Communication in GHZ Band "ICSSR50000Mar-23
2ECEMr.V. Thamizharasan, Assistant ProfessorProject on "Smart, Precision and Automatic Farming (Agriculture) through Modern ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) "TNSCST7500Feb-23
3ChemicalMr. P. Selvaprakash, Assistant ProfessorProject on "Recovery of Sodium Sulphate and Sodium Carbonate Salts from Textile effluent "TNSCST7500Feb-23
4CivilDr.S.Arul Mozhi, Associate ProfessorProject on "Advanced Oxidation Process for Treatment of contaminated water with micro pollutants "TNSCST7500Feb-23
5ITDr.S. Umarani, Assistant ProfessorProject titled "IoT based anti-theft flooring system using Raspberry pi"TNSCST7500Feb-23
6AI&DSDr.G.Saravanan, Associate ProfessorSign Language Translator using AITNSCST4000Feb-23
7MechanicalMr.G.Dhayanithi, Assistant ProfessorExperimental Analysis of Electric Vehicle without rechargeableTNSCST7500Feb-23
8BMEMs. N. Ageela, Assistant ProfessorA Bendable and wearble cardio respiratory monitroing devices fusing to non-contact sensorTNSCST7500Feb-23
9Management StudiesMr. M. Nandhakumar, Assistant ProfessorProblems and vanquish strategies of female entrepreneur in erode TownTNSCST7500Feb-23
S.No.DepartmentName of the FacultyName of the ProposalAgency DetailsAmount sanctioned
(In Rs.)
1ECEV. ThamizarasanLung cancer detection using digital image processing on CT ScanFAER McAfee5000
M.Karthick kumar
V. Thamizarasan
National Level Technical Seminar on Application of Spintronics Technology in Neuromorphic Computing For AICSIR20000
3ECEDr.R.Kalaivani, Prof & HeadDesign and Development of machine learning based vehicular MIMO VLC system with imaging receivers employing spatial multiplexing & spatial diversity to enhance Road safety in Smart citiesAICTE-RPS24,000
S.No.DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctionedCo- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1.   ECEMODROBS - Modernization of Communication LabAICTE1313725Dr.R.Kalaivani, Prof/ECE
2.   MechSTTP - A Short Term Training Program on '3D Printing Technology - A means for Modern Manufacturing'AICTE295667Dr.M.Pandian, HoD/Mech
3.   CSEATAL FDPAICTE93,000Dr.G.Saravanan
4.   EEESTTPAICTE3,33,333Dr.M.Shyamalagowri
5.   All DeptPMKVYAICTE24,46,225-
Total Amount4481950
S.No.DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctioned/received/ AwardsCo- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1.     CSEFDPAICTE479000Dr.V.Venkatachalam, Principal
2.     CSESeminarCSIR20,000Mr.D.Vijaybabu AP/CSE
3.     PhysicsNon-liner optical and antibacterial applications of Glycine and its derivativesDST4,50,000Dr.P.Dhanasekaran&Dr.T.S.Senthil
4.     ECEEconomic Empowerment of Rural and Tribal Women through Low Cost Diapers and Sanitary Napkin MakingDIT-TNSTSC50000Dr.R.Kalaivani, HoD/ECE
&M.Ramya, AP/ECE
5.     ECESTTPAICTE331000Dr.R.Kalaivani, HoD/ECE& R.PoornimaAP/ECE
6.     MBAA Critical Analysis on Gender based violence in Rural Districts of TamilnaduICSSR, New Delhi500000Dr. A.RavisankarAP/MBA
7.     MechEDI CampDST-NIMAT60000Dr.M.Pandian, HoD/Mech&P.Chockkalinam, AP/Mech
8.     MechUBAUBA50000Mr.Dhayanidhi, AP/Mech
9.     MathsNational seminarICSSR75000Dr.P.G.Palanimani, HoD/Maths
10.   EEEEntrepreneurship Development ProgrammeDST-NIMAT20000Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ASP/EEE
11.   ChemicalSTTPAICTE356666Dr.P.Akilamudhan, P/Chemical
Funds Received by the  faculty
S.No.DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctioned/Co- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1. PhysicsRecent Trends in Nano BiosensorsCSIR15,000T.Senthil Ganesh
2. ChemistryCreating awareness of application of natural dyes to the dyersTNSCST- DIT50,000Dr.M.Kumaresan
3. MathematicsOne Week National Level Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Hemodynamics- A Dynamics of Blood FlowCSIR50,000Chitra & Renuka
4. MathematicsNational level seminar on Numerical techniques for partial differential equationsCSIR35,000Renuka & Chitra
5. ESECPopularisation of ScienceTNSCST25,000Dr.V.Venkatachalam, Principal
6. EEEEntrepreneurship Development ProgrammeDST-NIMAT1,00,000 (Ist Installment 80,000) Dr.M.Shyamalagowri
7. CivilRural MassonAICTE PMKVY2,54,000 (I & IInd Installment) Mr.Poovendren, AP/Civil
8. ECEMobile Phone Hardware Repair Technician AICTE PMKVY3,82,000 (Ist Installment 1,14,600)Dr.R.Kalaivani, Professor/ECE
9. ECECCTV Installation TechnicianAICTE PMKVY3,82,000 (Ist Installment 1,14,600)Ms.R.Poornima, Asst.Prof./ECE
10.   EIEField Technician- AC MechanicAICTE-PMKVY3,82,500 (Ist Installment 1,14,600)Dr.D.Sivanandakumar, Asst.Prof./EIE
11.   CivilConstruction Mason ConcreteAICTE PMKVY4,25,000 (Ist Installment 1,27,500)Mr.S.Boobathiraja, Ass. Prof/Civil
12.   CivilMining Assistant Mine Surveyor DraughtsmanAICTE PMKVY2,12,500 (Ist Installment 63,600)Mr.P.Balamurugan, Asst.Prof./Civil
13.   ChemicalIron and Steel Iron And Steel – Utility Hand Plant OperationsAICTE PMKVY2,55,000 (Ist Installment 76,500)Dr.P.Akilamudhan, Professor/Chemical
14.   ChemicalTextile Dyestuff & Chemical
Preparation Operator
AICTE PMKVY3,18,750 (Ist Installment 65,625)Ms.T.Usharani, Asst.Prof./Chemical
15.   MechanicalPlumbing Plumber PipelineAICTE PMKVY3,71,875 (Ist Installment 1,11,562)Mr.G.Dhayanithi, Asst.Prof./Mechanical
16.   EEEElectronics TechnicianAICTE PMKVY4,25,000 (Ist Installment 1,27,500)Mr.G.Gunasekaran, Asst.Prof./EEE
17.   EEEElectronics Field Technician - Water Purifier Other Home ApplianceAICTE PMKVY3,82,000 (Ist Installment 1,14,600)Dr.R.Muthukumar, ASP/EEE
18.   CSEIT/ITeS Domestic Data entry OperatorAICTE PMKVY3,67,500 (Ist Installment 1,10,250)Dr.M.Vimaladevi, ASP/CSE
19.   CSEIT/ITeS Junior Software DeveloperAICTE PMKVY3,67,500 (Ist Installment 1,10,250)Dr.G.Sivakumar, ASP/CSE
20.   MCAApparel Sewing Machine OperatorAICTE PMKVY3,50,625 (Ist Installment 1,05,187)Mr.P.Natarajan, Asst.Prof./ MCA
21.   MCAHealthcare Emergency Medical Technician-BasicAICTE PMKVY4,25,000 (Ist Installment 1,27,500)Mr.P.Rajesh, Asst.Prof./MCA
22.   MCAIT/ITeS Domestic IT Helpdesk AttendantAICTE PMKVY3,67,500 (Ist Installment 1,10,250)Mr.C.Senthilkumar, Asst.Prof./MCA
23.   PhysicsNon-liner optical and antibacterial applications of Glycine and its derivativesDST5,00,000 (IInd Installment) Dr.P.Dhanasekaran
24.   MBAA project to create awareness on menstruation hygiene practices and uplift the economy of rural and tribal women through manufacturing eco friendly low cost sanitary napkinsNRDMS,
DST, New Delhi
(II- installment)
Dr. K.T. Kalaiselvi( PI)
Mr.D.Nidhyanath(Co- PI)
25.   ChemicalAutomated and Integrated process control stationAICTE-MODROBSRs.9,50,000Dr. P.Akilamudhan
26.   ECEPrerana-Programme centre for SC/ST StudentsAICTE Dr.R.Kalaivani, Professor/ECE
27.   ESECFaculty Development ProgramAICTERs.4,90,000/-Dr.V.Venkatachalam, Principal
28MBAA Critical Analysis on Gender Violence Issues in Western TamilnaduICSSR, New DelhiRs.5,00,000/-Dr.A.Ravisankar &
Funds Received by the Student
S.No.DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctioned/
received/ Awards
Co- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1.   ECEWearing Technology to monitor urinary bladder kidney functioningFAER-Mcafee Scholar ProgramRs. 5,000Faculty:
2.   ChemicalFire retardant property of cotton fabrics treated with spinach oleracea (in tamil pasali keeral) leaves extractFAER-Mcafee Scholar ProgramRs. 5,000Faculty:
3.   ChemicalSynthesis of Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silica and Imparting their properties from wheat gluten and fish scaleTNSCSTRs. 7,500Faculty:
G.Ashwin, A John, S.Manikandan,
Honey Sree Laya
4.   CivilExperimental verification on Textile waste using in concreteTNSCSTRs. 7,500Faculty:
K.Mohana Priya
M.Sivaram, M.Sumegan, S.Venatesan, K.Raja
5.   MCAMobile app based trauma alert of two-wheeler crash injuries and alive human detectionTNSCSTRs. 5,000Faculty:
Dr.J. Vandarkuzhali
T.Dhanasekaran, R.Paramsivam, M.Hemalatha
6.   EIESmart bike for multi parameter controlTNSCSTRs. 7,500Faculty:


S.No.DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctioned/ Received (in Rs.)Co- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1.  Management studiesWorkshop on ‘Menstrual health and Hygiene Management among Rural and Tribal adolescent girls’Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi40,000Dr. K.T. Kalaiselvi
Mr.D. Nithiyanandh
Asst. Prof.
2.  PhysicsNucleation control, separation and crystallization of L- glutamic acid polymorphs by solution growth technique and growth and characterization of single crystals of L- glutamic acid derivativesBoard of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), DAE, MumbaiRs. 5,17,032
(2nd Instalment)
PI: Dr. P. Dhanasekar
Asst. Prof.
Co- PI:
Dr. T.S. Senthil
3.  EEEEntrepreneurship Awareness Camp (3 Nos.)Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), Ahmadabad60,000Ms. M. Shyamalagowri
Associate Prof.
4.  Physics?- Alumina doped rutile TiO2 nanorod based high efficiency dye sensitized solar cellsBoard of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), DAE, Mumbai6,16,000
(2nd Instalment)
Dr. T. S. Senthil Professor
Dr. N.M. Ganesan
Asst. Prof.

5.  ChemicalSeminar on ‘Geologic Sequestration of green house gasses and innovative green technologies for protection of atmosphere’Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi50,000Dr. K. Senthilkumar
6.  CSESeminar on ‘Data analysis in health care system’Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi40,000Dr. P.Venkateshwari
Mr. G.Sivakumar
7.  EEEElectric power generation for television using solar based dish antennaInstitution of Engineers (India), Kolkatta20,000Guides:
Mr. L. Anbarasu, AP
Dr.P. Selvan, Professor
N. Balaji
J.Mujeebar Rahiman
S. Thirumoorthi
8.  MechanicalProduction and characterization of aluminum with quartz in compositesAICTE, New Delhi30,000
(2nd Instalment)
Dr. T. Thirumalai
Asst. Prof.
9.  PhysicsNon linear and anti bacterial applications of Glyciene and its derivativesScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB),
DST, New Delhi
Dr. P. Dhanasekaran
Asst. Prof.
10.   ChemicalSeminar on “Nano catalysts and its application in waste waterCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi20,000Ms. T. Usha Rani
Asst. Prof.
11.   ChemicalWater desalination and intense purification using graphene oxide-zinc oxide nano particles compositesFoundation for Advancement for Education and Research (FAER 2016-17), BangaloreSelected for FundingGuide:
Ms. T.Usharani, AP
S.Bhagya Lakshmi
R.Dinesh kumar

12.   CivilBendable light weight concreteFoundation for Advancement for Education and Research (FAER 2016-17), BangaloreSelected for FundingGuide:
Mr. P.Selvakumar
Asst. Prof.

DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctioned/received/ AwardsCo- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1.  PhysicsInternational travel grantSERB, DST, New DelhiRs .0.76 lakhDr. P. Dhanasekaran
Asst. Prof.
2.  Management studiesEntrepreneurship Awareness CampEntrepreneurship Development Institution of India, Ahmadabad Rs. 0.20 lakhDr. K.T. Kalaiselvi,
Mr. D. Nidhyanandh,
Asst. Professors
3.  Management studiesWorkshop on “Promotion of health”ICMR, New DelhiRs. 0.40 lakhDr. K.T. Kalaiselvi
Mr. A. Ravisankar
4.  Management studiesWorkshop on “Gender violence”ICSSR, New DelhiRs. 1.00 lakhMr. A. Ravisankar
5.  MCAHuman Rescue SystemIEEERs. 0.331 lakhPriyanka Ramasamy
Guide: Dr. G. Lalli
6.  MCAImpeding the use of mobilesIEEERs. 0.331 lakhM. Deepa Sonia
Mr.M. Dhanasekar
7.  EIESmart LAPTOP ChargerIEEERs. 0.331 lakhM.Naveenkumar
Guide: Dr.M. Kandasamy
8.  MechanicalCO2 Absorption from the exhaust gasFAERSelected for final roundMr. M. Gopi, Asst. Prof.
P. Manimaran
S. Sivakumar
G. Tamilazhagan
M. SaravanaKumar
9.  EIESmart laptop charger46th All India Student Design Competition – 2015 organized by NDRF, Institution of Engineers (India), BangaloreSilver medal in Environmental Engineering DisciplineMr. K. Pradeepkumar, Final Year EIE
10.  MechanicalA device to prevent LPG leakageMakkal Sinthanai Peravai, ErodeYoung Scientist Award-2015
3.353 lakh
Mr. L. Jerish Raj,
Third Year Mechanical
S.No.DepartmentDetails of funding proposalsFunding agencyAmount sanctioned/
received/ Awards
Co- ordinator (s) / Principal Investigator (s)
1.     PhysicsNucleation control, separation and crystallization of L- glutamic acid polymorphs by solution growth technique and growth and characterization of single crystals of L- glutamic acid derivativesBoard of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), DAE, MumbaiRs.5.33 lakh
(3rd Instalment)
Dr. T.S. Senthil Professor/Physics
2.     PhysicsAlpha Alumina doped rutile TiO2 nanorod based high efficiency dye sensitized solar cellsBoard of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), DAE, MumbaiRs. 6.16 lakh
(3rd Installment)
Dr. T. S. Senthil Professor
Dr.N.M. Ganesan
3.     ChemicalEntrepreneurship Development ActivityDST NIMAT New Delhi0.10 lakh (Ist Instalment)Dr.P.Akilamuthan
4.     EEENational Seminar on Avenues and Opportunities of OLED in Engineering & ResearchTNSCST, Tamilnadu0.20 lakhMr.G.S.Sathees Kumar, AP/EEE
5.     MCAScience Exhibition for School StudentsTNSCST0.45 lakhDr. M. Thangavel
Ms. K.S. Saratha
Mr. A. Rajesh
6.     MCAAwareness programme ”Cervical cancer prevention and early detection for rural women”TNSCSTDr. J. Vandarkuzhali
Mr. P. Natarajan
Mr. C. Senthil Kumar
7.     CSEElectronics & HardwareAICTE, New Delhi under PMKVY SchemeRs. 2,02,500
(II installment Rs.60,750)
Dr. K.M.Subramanian
8.     MechanicalAutomotiveRs. 16,200
(II installment Rs.4,860)
9.     MBAA project to create awareness on menstruation hygiene practices and uplift the economy of rural and tribal women through manufacturing eco friendly low cost sanitary napkinsNRDMS,
DST, New Delhi
II- installment for recurring expenses)
Dr. K.T. Kalaiselvi( PI)
Mr.D.Nidhyanath(Co- PI)
10.   MBAWomen Entrepreneurship Development through making low cost sanitary napkins for the rural women SHGS in Erode Dt.TNSCSTRs.54,000Dr. K.T. Kalaiselvi
11.   ECETelecom-Sub-Sector-Handset (T)- Optical Fiber TechnicianAICTE, New Delhi under PMKVY SchemeRs. 3,03,750
(Rs.91,125- I installment)
Dr.R. Kalaivani
12.   MCAApparelRs. 3,03,750
(Rs.91,125- I installment)
13.   MBAA Study on people involvement in
producing organic
food products through kitchen garden
TNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
14.   CivilRemoval of excess Ca & Mg in Dalmiapuram using Vetiveria
Zizaniodes and Terminalia
TNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
Ms.L Mekala
V Manopriya
15.   ChemicalFormulation of eco-friendly
detergent power from paddy husk ash
TNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
Sreenivasan D
U. Upasanaa
P. Nandhakumar
M. Syed
16.   ChemicalWater desalination and intense purification using reduced graphene oxide – zine oxide nano particle compositesTNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
S.Bhagya Lakshmi
R.Dinesh kumar
17.   ChemicalExperimental studies on influence of surfactants on sulfure dioxide capture in a packed bed reactorTNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
Annakkamu N.
Manikandan T.
Eldho Kuriakose
Mohammed Shafi V.
18.   ChemicalEffect of vinyl acetate effluent in reducing heat of hydration of concreteTNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
19.   MechanicalDesign and Fabrication of flower tying machineTNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
20.   EIESmart circuit breaker for electrical substationTNSCST, Chennai under student project schemeRs.10,000Faculty:
Mr.Prabakaran K.
Arivu Prasad R.
Ashok Kumar R.
Ashokkumar V.
21.   MBAwomen entrepreneurship development through making low cost sanitary napkins for the rural women GHGS in Erode Dt.TNSCST, Chennai under DIT schemeRs.54,000Dr. K.T. Kalaiselvi
22.   MBATransgender economic empowerment initiative programme through computer aided trainingTNSCST, Chennai under DIT schemeRs.46,500Dr. M. Thangavel
23.   MechanicalFDP on Heat and Mass transferCentre for Faculty,
Anna University, Chennai
self supportedDr.M. Pandian
Mr. S. Nagarajan
24.   Computer ApplicationsA state level exhibition and competition on innovative android apps in healthcare, education and personal securityTNSCST, ChennaiRs.20,000Dr.J. Vandarkuzhali
25.   MathsPopularization of Science among rural school students through movable science exhibitionTNSCST, ChennaiRs.25,000Dr. G. R. Uma Maheswari

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