
Industry Institute Partnership Cell

Core Team
S.NoName of the Faculty memberDesignationDepartment
1Dr. V.VenkatachalamPRINCIPALConvener
2Dr. S.KarthickCoordinatorDirector / IIPC
3D. PavunkumarCoordinatorAI&DS
4Mrs. K. K. LekaCoordinatorBME
5Ms. S. ArulmozhiCoordinatorCIVIL
6Dr R PerumalCoordinatorCHEMICAL
7Mr .E.LoganathanCoordinatorCSE
9Dr. S.KarthickCoordinatorEEE
10Ms. C.JayabharathiCoordinatorEIE
11Dr.Thiruvenkata SureshCoordinatorIT
12Mr. N.S.MohanCoordinatorMECH &RAE
13Dr. S. Raj KumarCoordinatorMBA
14Ms. M. HemalathaCoordinatorMCA
15Dr.G. MahendrakumarCoordinatorS & H
16Dr. V. VijayalakshmiCoordinatorS & H
17Mr.M. Ramesh BabuCoordinatorS & H
18Dr.C. BalakrishnanCoordinatorS & H


Contact Us

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

Thudupathi, Perundurai, Erode - 638057

[email protected]

Contact No. : 9488568500, 04294 232701,702,703

Admission : Mail : [email protected], Mobile :9442132706, 9865279443, 9842465500, 9842865500

Official Mail Id : [email protected]

Principal Mail Id : [email protected]


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