
Industrial Instrumentation Laboratory

S.No.Name of the major EquipmentQuantity
1Ramp response characteristics 1
2Electromagnetic Flow meter1
3ST 2353 Respiration Rate Monitor Trainer1
4ST 2351 Heart Rate cum ECG Monitor trainer with ECG Analysis Software1
5SR 2352 ECG Simulator Trainer with RS 232 Interface1
6Torque Measurement1
7Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Calibration1
8PH Meter Standardization1
9Glass combined Electrode For PH Meter1
10U-V Spectro Photo meter1
11Viscosity Measurement1
12Digital Storage Oscilloscope (25MHZ)1
13Pressure Transmitter 1
14Temperature Transmitter1
15Discharge Co-efficient of Venturi Meter 1
16Flow Transmitter (VLMT 02A)1
17Vacuum Pressure Measurement1
18Conductivity Electrode with conductivity meter display unit1