
Computer Applications

Program Outcomes(POs)

After going through the two years of study, our Master of Computer Applications (MCA)  Graduates will exhibit ability to:

POsGraduate AttributeProgramme Outcome
1Engineering knowledgeApply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering science.
2Problem analysisIdentify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
3Design/development of solutionsDesign an electrical system or process to improve its performance, satisfying its constraints.
4Conduct investigations of complex problemsConduct experiments in electrical and electronics systems and interpret the data.
5Modern tool usageApply various tools and techniques to improve the efficiency of the system.
6The Engineer and societyConduct themselves to uphold the professional and social obligations.
7Environment and sustainabilityDesign the system with environment consciousness and sustainable development.
8EthicsInteracting industry, business and society in a professional and ethical manner.
9Individual and team workFunction in a multidisciplinary team.
10CommunicationProficiency in oral and written Communication.
11Project management and financeImplement cost effective and improved system.
12Life-long learningContinue professional development and learning as a life-long activity.

Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs)

  1. Enable the students to select the suitable data model, appropriate architecture and platform to implement a system with good performance.
  2. Enable the students to design and integrate various system based components to provide user interactive solutions for various challenges.

Contact Us

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

Thudupathi, Perundurai, Erode - 638057

[email protected]

Contact No. : 9488568500, 04294 232701,702,703

Admission : Mail : [email protected], Mobile :9442132706, 9865279443, 9842465500, 9842865500

Official Mail Id : [email protected]

Principal Mail Id : [email protected]


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