Sl. No.Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Conference
1.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarTreatment Of Paper Mill Effluent By Electrochemical MethodP.S.G.College Of Technology, Coimbatore, Sep.2001
2.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarLiquid –Solid Semi fluidization of heterogeneous mixtures: Prediction of minimum and maximum semi-fluidization velocity using internalsChemcon 2002,Osmania University, Hyderabad, Dec,2002
3.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarTreatment of Distillery Effluent by Electro Chemical methodChemcon 2002,
Osmania University ,Hyderabad, Dec.,2002
4.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on Semi-Fluidization: Prediction of packed bed formation and clear zone height using Kenics –Mixing elementsChemcon 2002,Osmania University ,Hyderabad, Dec,2002
5.     Mr.S.K.A.NachimuthuRecovery of Caustic Soda from wash water of mercerizing process and recycle of treated effluent.Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003.
6.     Mr.S.K.A.NachimuthuDefluouridation of Steel industry effluent using High density Sludge Precipitation method.Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003.
7.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarRecovery of Caustic Soda from wash water of mercerizing process and recycle of treated effluent.Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003.
8.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarDefluouridation of Steel industry effluent using High density Sludge Precipitation method.Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003.
9.     Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies and Analysis on Extraction of Rice bran OilChemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar , Orissa, Dec.,2003.
10.  Mr.P.AkilamudhanStudies and Analysis on Extraction of Rice bran OilChemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003.
11.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarComparative study on removal of chromium by chemical coagulation and electro coagulation from tannery effluentConducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003
12.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarRTD studies in a electrochemical reactorConducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003
13.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarRecovery of chromium ions from chrome plating industry effluent by using Electrodiaresis methodConducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003
14.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies and Determination of Eod in the Anodic Oxidation of Pulp and Paper Mill EffluentConducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003
15.  Mr.R.S.SathyanTreatment of Starch Effluent by Electrochemical Method at NCE-11 CERINational Conference in Karaikudi & Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec. 2003.
16.  Mr.R.S.SathyanBio Concentration of Heavy Metals in pangasius (Hamilton 1982) at ETSAT 2004Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Jan.2004.
17.  Mr.R.S.SathyanModelling of Electrochemical Reactor for Treatment of Starch Wastewater at ETSAT 2004Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Jan.2004.
18.  Mr.T.KarthikeyanMiss Shobha JoseStudies on Economic & Efficient Medical Waste IncineratorCentre foe Energy & Environmental Science And Technology,NiT,Trichy,Nov.2004
19.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarTechno-economic feasibility studies on the characterization and effective utilization of an assortment of solid wasteIndian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004),IIT Bombay, Dec.2004
20.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarConvince of chemicals on size lessening of materialsIndian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004) IIT Bombay, Dec.2004
21.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarHydrodynamic studies on sedimentation of solid particlesIndian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004) IIT Bombay, Dec.2004
22.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarSway of grinding aids on grinding of materialsIndian chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004) IIT Bombay, Dec.2004
23.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on Meaningful Utilization of Various Industrial Solid WasteEmerging Technology 2004,Kalinga Institute of Industrial technology,Bhubaneshwar,Dec.2004
24.  Mr.T.Karthikeyan
Development of Wind-Airlift PumpSustainable Development in Chemical & Allied Industries. The Institution of Engineers (India),Pune. Sep.2004.
25.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarAn investigation into Removal of Chromium by Coagulation and Electro Coagulation from Electroplating EffluentINCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006
26.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on Influence of Chemicals on Communication of Solid MaterialsINCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006
27.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarPrediction of Liquid Holdup in Three Phase Fluidized Bed ReactorINCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006
28.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarApplications of Cashew nut shell liquid as a sand core binderINCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006
29.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarRTD studies in an Electro chemical Reactor for the treatment of Pulp and Paper millINCRUIS 06, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006
30.  Mr.P.AkilamudhanChrome Tanning An Enzymatic ApproachCoimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Jan.2006
31.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarChrome Tanning An Enzymatic ApproachCoimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Jan.2006
32.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarInfluence of Grinding aids in Mineral ProcessingConference on Advanced Material Processing & Characterization, Anna University, Chennai, Aug.2006
33.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarPrediction of bed voidage in three phase fluidized bed reactorIndian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006)
34.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarGrinding studies in autogenous and semi-autogenous ball millsIndian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006
35.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarAnodic oxidation of organic pollutants of distillery effluent by electrochemical methodIndian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006
36.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on sedimentation rate constants of calcium carbonate slurryIndian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006
37.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarConvective heat transfer studies in jacketed vessel under natural and forced conditionsIndian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006
38.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on kinetics and optimum conditions of bentonite clay activation processIndian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006
39.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarEffect of Grinding additives on grinding of materialsApplications of Advanced Quality Methods in Engg. and Technology (AAQMENT-06), ESEC,Feb 2006.
40.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarHydrodynamic studies on sedimentation of various solid materialsApplications of advanced quality methods in engg. and technology (AAQMENT-06), ESEC,Feb 2006.
41.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarSize reduction studies of solid material using grinding additivesConference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Dec.2007
42.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on prediction of phase holdups in three-phase fluidized bed reactor using Newtonian fluidsConference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007
43.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarAdsorption of metal ions using Tree leavesConference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007
44.  Mr.P.AkilamudhanSize reduction studies of solid material using grinding additivesConference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007
45.  Mr.P.AkilamudhanAdsorption of metal ions using Tree leavesConference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007
46.  Mr.K.SenthilkumarAn experimental study for the prediction of liquid holdup in a three-phase fluidized bed using Non-Newtonian fluidsIndian Chemical Engineering Congress (Chemcon 2007) Calcutta Regional Centre, Kolkotta, Dec.2007
47.  Mr.P.AkilamudhanAn experimental study for the prediction of liquid holdup in a three-phase fluidized bed using Non-Newtonian fluidsIndian Chemical Engineering Congress (Chemcon 2007) Calcutta Regional Centre, Kolkotta, Dec.2007
48.  Ms.P.P.Selvi
Mr. V. Prince Immanuel
Experimental studies on removal of methylene blue using neem leaves as biosorbentsIIT Madras, Chennai,Nov.2008
49.  Mr.G.Srinivasan
Mr. V. Prince Immanuel
Biological hydrogen production from bagassePeriyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Jan.2009
50.  Miss U. Asha Devi
Production of diesel from waste plasticsPeriyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Jan.2009
51.  Mr.G.SrinivasanHydrogen production from bio massAnnamalai University, Chidambaram, Oct.2009
52.  Ms.P.P.SelviMass Transfer studies and Optimization of geometrical variables for a down flow jet loop reactorAnnamalai University,Chidambaram,Oct.2009
53.  Mr.G.Srinivasan Mr. V. Prince ImmanuelStudies on parameters in the extraction of essential oil from palmarosa leavesChembiosis 2010, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Mar.2010
54.  Dr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on prediction of critical speed and power consumption in three-phase agitated vesselIndian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2010), Annamalai University, Chidambaram,Dec-2010
55.  Dr.K.Senthilkumar
Experimental investigation on treatment of textile waste water using natural adsorbents26th Indian Engg Congress 2011, Bangalore,Dec-2011
56.  Dr.K.Senthilkumar
Studies on removal of heavy metals from industrial effluent26th Indian Engg Congress 2011, Bangalore,Dec-2011
57.  Prof.N.Krishnasamy
Design options of HUASB reactor for pre treatment of effluent streams from leather industries.26th Indian Engg Congress 2011, Bangalore,Dec-2011
58.  Miss U. Asha Devi, Miss T. Usha Rani & Mr. V. Prince ImmanuelAdsorption Characteristics Of Reactive Dyes By Low Cost Adsorbents In Batch And Column ModesInter National Conference on Green Technology, Sathyabhama University, Chennai.
59.  Miss U.AshaDevi,
Miss T.Usha Rani & Mr. V. Prince Immanuel
Fixed Bed Column Study For The Removal Of Reactive Red 120(Rr120) Dye From Aquatic Environment By Low Cost AdsorbentsInter National Conference, Periyar Maniammai University, Vallm, Tanjavur – 613403
60.  Dr.K.SenthilkumarExperimental studies on spiral heat exchangers for heat sensitive systemsIndian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chemcon 2011, M.S.Ramaiya College Of Engg., Bangalore,Dce.-2011.
61.  Dr.K.SenthilkumarKinetic Studies on Treatment of Textile Effluent Using Low Cost AdsorbentIndian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chemcon 2011, M.S.Ramaiya College Of Engg., Bangalore,Dec.2011
62.  Dr.K.SenthilkumarStudies on Biodecolorization Kinetics of Textile Dyes Using Bacterial ConsortiumIndian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chemcon 2011, M.S.Ramaiya College Of Engg., Bangalore,Dce.2011
63.  Mr.G.Srinivasan Miss.T.UsharaniKinetic model to predict disinfection of water by using natural herbsIndustrial Pollution and Control Technology [IPACT – 2013] March 14th and 15th, 2013
64.  Mr.B.VijayakumarBanana Fertilizer vs Custard Apple Pesticide for High Yield Paddy CropInternational Conference on Nanobio, Biomimetic materials and its applications(ICNBM) Biosummit-2014 at Hindusthan Institute of Technology and college of Arts and Science, 27.02.2014 to 28.02.2014.
65.  Mr.B.VijayakumarPreparation of Medicine using Potash AlumInternational Conference on Nanobio, Biomimetic materials and its applications(ICNBM) Biosummit-2014 at Hindusthan Institute of Technology and college of Arts and Science, 27.02.2014 to 28.02.2014.
66.  Mr.G.Srinivasan, Mr.M.P.MurugesanEmpowering Technical Education to Address sustainability and Global Competitiveness43rd ISTE National Annual Convention at Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar held from 19.12.2013 to 21.12.2013.
67.  Mr.G.Srinivasan,
Teacher Factors Influencing Classroom Information And Communications Technology16th ISTE (TN & P) Section State level faculty Convention 2014 at Excel College of Engineering and Technology, Komarapalayam, 11.01.2014.
68.  Mr. M.P.MurugesanPhotocatalytic degradation of alachlor using mixed metal oxide nanocomposite under visible light19th National Symposia On Environment, Organized By School Of Environmental Sciences, At Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, 11 - 13 December 2014.
Mr. T.Sathish
Mixing studies in mult-phase reactors2nd International conference on Bio-energy, Environment and sustainable technologies at Department of Biotechnology,Arunai Engg College, Thiruvannamalai
Dr. P.Akilamudhan
Prediction of bed voidage in three-phase fluidized bed : Air/Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Liquid systems28-31 January 2015
2nd International conference on Bio-energy, Environment and sustainable technologies at Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engg College, Thiruvannamalai
71Dr. K. Senthilkumar
Dr. P. Akilamudhan
Treatment of paper mill effluent using electrochemical method28-31 January 2015
2nd International conference on Bio-energy, Environment and sustainable technologies at Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engg College, Thiruvannamalai
72Dr. K. Senthilkumar
Dr. P. Akilamudhan
Batch studies on removal of nickel from industrial effluent4th International conference on Technology Development on Agriculture, Energy & environmental Engineering for Green World at Department of Biotechnology, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women 23 & 24 February 2015
74.  Dr. P. Akilamudhan & Ms. T. UsharaniTechnique for an Authentic Learning Environment18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015
75.  Ms. G. Thayanidhi & Mr. M. Abdul AjmalProblem Based Learning – A Need for Engineering Education18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015
76.  Mr. G. Srinivasan & Mr. M.P.MurugesanTeacher Factors Influencing Class Room Information and Communication Technology18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015
77.  Mr. D. Sreenivasan & Mr. T. SathishTowards Global Recognition - Quality of Indian Engineering College18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015
78.  Dr. K. Senthilkumar & Mr. T. SathishTreatment of removal of heavy metal from an industrial effluentInternational Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
79.  Dr. K. SenthilkumarStudies on electrochemical treatment of industrial effluent by using electro coagulation methodInternational Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
80.  Dr. K. SenthilkumarDyeing of cotton with eco-friendly natural dyes obtained from Russelia equisetiformis using single mordantsInternational Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
81.  Mr. D. Sreenivasan, Ms. G. Thayanidhi & Mr. M. Abdul AjmalA Comparative study on the solubility enhancement pattern ortho and para Cresol through green solventsInternational Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
82.  Mr. B. VijayakumarCharacterization and Synthesis of Silver Doped Nano Particles for the Sulfur Removal in Industrial Tannery EffluentInternational Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
83.  Mr. B. VijayakumarRemoval of toxic metal ions from water using agricultural waste (biosorption)International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
84.  Mr. B. VijayakumarRemoval of pollutant and reuse the polluted water into domestic purpose by biologicallyInternational Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015
85.  M.VENKATARATNAM, AP/CHEMModeling and optimization of methyl orange adsorption onto MgONP-AC: Response surface methodology and artificial neural network.International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Eco Systems (ICACSE)
86.  M.VENKATARATNAM, AP/CHEMMass Transfer Enhancement due to the presence of Rotating Two Stage Four Blade Flat Turbine Promoters in an Electrolytic Cell.International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Eco Systems (ICACSE)
87.  M.VENKATARATNAM, AP/CHEMSynthesis and Characterization of Magnesium oxide nanoparticles loaded onto activated carbon (MgONP-AC) for methylene blue adsorption.Second World Congress on Microscopy

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