Sl. No. | Author Name | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference |
1. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Treatment Of Paper Mill Effluent By Electrochemical Method | P.S.G.College Of Technology, Coimbatore, Sep.2001 |
2. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Liquid Solid Semi fluidization of heterogeneous mixtures: Prediction of minimum and maximum semi-fluidization velocity using internals | Chemcon 2002,Osmania University, Hyderabad, Dec,2002 |
3. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Treatment of Distillery Effluent by Electro Chemical method | Chemcon 2002, Osmania University ,Hyderabad, Dec.,2002 |
4. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on Semi-Fluidization: Prediction of packed bed formation and clear zone height using Kenics Mixing elements | Chemcon 2002,Osmania University ,Hyderabad, Dec,2002 |
5. | Mr.S.K.A.Nachimuthu | Recovery of Caustic Soda from wash water of mercerizing process and recycle of treated effluent. | Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003. |
6. | Mr.S.K.A.Nachimuthu | Defluouridation of Steel industry effluent using High density Sludge Precipitation method. | Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003. |
7. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Recovery of Caustic Soda from wash water of mercerizing process and recycle of treated effluent. | Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003. |
8. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Defluouridation of Steel industry effluent using High density Sludge Precipitation method. | Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003. |
9. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies and Analysis on Extraction of Rice bran Oil | Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar , Orissa, Dec.,2003. |
10. | Mr.P.Akilamudhan | Studies and Analysis on Extraction of Rice bran Oil | Chemcon 2003, RPL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Dec.,2003. |
11. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Comparative study on removal of chromium by chemical coagulation and electro coagulation from tannery effluent | Conducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003 |
12. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | RTD studies in a electrochemical reactor | Conducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003 |
13. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Recovery of chromium ions from chrome plating industry effluent by using Electrodiaresis method | Conducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003 |
14. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies and Determination of Eod in the Anodic Oxidation of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent | Conducted by SAEST, CECRI, Karaikudi held at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec.,2003 |
15. | Mr.R.S.Sathyan | Treatment of Starch Effluent by Electrochemical Method at NCE-11 CERI | National Conference in Karaikudi & Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Dec. 2003. |
16. | Mr.R.S.Sathyan | Bio Concentration of Heavy Metals in pangasius (Hamilton 1982) at ETSAT 2004 | Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Jan.2004. |
17. | Mr.R.S.Sathyan | Modelling of Electrochemical Reactor for Treatment of Starch Wastewater at ETSAT 2004 | Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Jan.2004. |
18. | Mr.T.KarthikeyanMiss Shobha Jose | Studies on Economic & Efficient Medical Waste Incinerator | Centre foe Energy & Environmental Science And Technology,NiT,Trichy,Nov.2004 |
19. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Techno-economic feasibility studies on the characterization and effective utilization of an assortment of solid waste | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004),IIT Bombay, Dec.2004 |
20. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Convince of chemicals on size lessening of materials | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004) IIT Bombay, Dec.2004 |
21. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Hydrodynamic studies on sedimentation of solid particles | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004) IIT Bombay, Dec.2004 |
22. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Sway of grinding aids on grinding of materials | Indian chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2004) IIT Bombay, Dec.2004 |
23. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on Meaningful Utilization of Various Industrial Solid Waste | Emerging Technology 2004,Kalinga Institute of Industrial technology,Bhubaneshwar,Dec.2004 |
24. | Mr.T.Karthikeyan Mr.S.Sathiyan | Development of Wind-Airlift Pump | Sustainable Development in Chemical & Allied Industries. The Institution of Engineers (India),Pune. Sep.2004. |
25. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | An investigation into Removal of Chromium by Coagulation and Electro Coagulation from Electroplating Effluent | INCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006 |
26. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on Influence of Chemicals on Communication of Solid Materials | INCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006 |
27. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Prediction of Liquid Holdup in Three Phase Fluidized Bed Reactor | INCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006 |
28. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Applications of Cashew nut shell liquid as a sand core binder | INCRUIS 06,Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006 |
29. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | RTD studies in an Electro chemical Reactor for the treatment of Pulp and Paper mill | INCRUIS 06, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Jan.2006 |
30. | Mr.P.Akilamudhan | Chrome Tanning An Enzymatic Approach | Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Jan.2006 |
31. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Chrome Tanning An Enzymatic Approach | Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Jan.2006 |
32. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Influence of Grinding aids in Mineral Processing | Conference on Advanced Material Processing & Characterization, Anna University, Chennai, Aug.2006 |
33. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Prediction of bed voidage in three phase fluidized bed reactor | Indian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) |
34. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Grinding studies in autogenous and semi-autogenous ball mills | Indian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006 |
35. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Anodic oxidation of organic pollutants of distillery effluent by electrochemical method | Indian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006 |
36. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on sedimentation rate constants of calcium carbonate slurry | Indian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006 |
37. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Convective heat transfer studies in jacketed vessel under natural and forced conditions | Indian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006 |
38. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on kinetics and optimum conditions of bentonite clay activation process | Indian Chemical Engg. Congress (CHEMCON 2006) IIChE-Ankleswar Gujarat, Dec.2006 |
39. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Effect of Grinding additives on grinding of materials | Applications of Advanced Quality Methods in Engg. and Technology (AAQMENT-06), ESEC,Feb 2006. |
40. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Hydrodynamic studies on sedimentation of various solid materials | Applications of advanced quality methods in engg. and technology (AAQMENT-06), ESEC,Feb 2006. |
41. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Size reduction studies of solid material using grinding additives | Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Dec.2007 |
42. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on prediction of phase holdups in three-phase fluidized bed reactor using Newtonian fluids | Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007 |
43. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | Adsorption of metal ions using Tree leaves | Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007 |
44. | Mr.P.Akilamudhan | Size reduction studies of solid material using grinding additives | Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007 |
45. | Mr.P.Akilamudhan | Adsorption of metal ions using Tree leaves | Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Guwahati Dec.2007 |
46. | Mr.K.Senthilkumar | An experimental study for the prediction of liquid holdup in a three-phase fluidized bed using Non-Newtonian fluids | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (Chemcon 2007) Calcutta Regional Centre, Kolkotta, Dec.2007 |
47. | Mr.P.Akilamudhan | An experimental study for the prediction of liquid holdup in a three-phase fluidized bed using Non-Newtonian fluids | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (Chemcon 2007) Calcutta Regional Centre, Kolkotta, Dec.2007 |
48. | Ms.P.P.Selvi Mr. V. Prince Immanuel | Experimental studies on removal of methylene blue using neem leaves as biosorbents | IIT Madras, Chennai,Nov.2008 |
49. | Mr.G.Srinivasan Mr. V. Prince Immanuel | Biological hydrogen production from bagasse | Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Jan.2009 |
50. | Miss U. Asha Devi Ms.P.P.Selvi | Production of diesel from waste plastics | Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Jan.2009 |
51. | Mr.G.Srinivasan | Hydrogen production from bio mass | Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Oct.2009 |
52. | Ms.P.P.Selvi | Mass Transfer studies and Optimization of geometrical variables for a down flow jet loop reactor | Annamalai University,Chidambaram,Oct.2009 |
53. | Mr.G.Srinivasan Mr. V. Prince Immanuel | Studies on parameters in the extraction of essential oil from palmarosa leaves | Chembiosis 2010, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Mar.2010 |
54. | Dr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on prediction of critical speed and power consumption in three-phase agitated vessel | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2010), Annamalai University, Chidambaram,Dec-2010 |
55. | Dr.K.Senthilkumar Dr.P.Akilamudhan | Experimental investigation on treatment of textile waste water using natural adsorbents | 26th Indian Engg Congress 2011, Bangalore,Dec-2011 |
56. | Dr.K.Senthilkumar Dr.P.Akilamudhan | Studies on removal of heavy metals from industrial effluent | 26th Indian Engg Congress 2011, Bangalore,Dec-2011 |
57. | Prof.N.Krishnasamy Mr.G.Srinivasan | Design options of HUASB reactor for pre treatment of effluent streams from leather industries. | 26th Indian Engg Congress 2011, Bangalore,Dec-2011 |
58. | Miss U. Asha Devi, Miss T. Usha Rani & Mr. V. Prince Immanuel | Adsorption Characteristics Of Reactive Dyes By Low Cost Adsorbents In Batch And Column Modes | Inter National Conference on Green Technology, Sathyabhama University, Chennai. |
59. | Miss U.AshaDevi, Miss T.Usha Rani & Mr. V. Prince Immanuel | Fixed Bed Column Study For The Removal Of Reactive Red 120(Rr120) Dye From Aquatic Environment By Low Cost Adsorbents | Inter National Conference, Periyar Maniammai University, Vallm, Tanjavur 613403 |
60. | Dr.K.Senthilkumar | Experimental studies on spiral heat exchangers for heat sensitive systems | Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chemcon 2011, M.S.Ramaiya College Of Engg., Bangalore,Dce.-2011. |
61. | Dr.K.Senthilkumar | Kinetic Studies on Treatment of Textile Effluent Using Low Cost Adsorbent | Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chemcon 2011, M.S.Ramaiya College Of Engg., Bangalore,Dec.2011 |
62. | Dr.K.Senthilkumar | Studies on Biodecolorization Kinetics of Textile Dyes Using Bacterial Consortium | Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chemcon 2011, M.S.Ramaiya College Of Engg., Bangalore,Dce.2011 |
63. | Mr.G.Srinivasan Miss.T.Usharani | Kinetic model to predict disinfection of water by using natural herbs | Industrial Pollution and Control Technology [IPACT 2013] March 14th and 15th, 2013 |
64. | Mr.B.Vijayakumar | Banana Fertilizer vs Custard Apple Pesticide for High Yield Paddy Crop | International Conference on Nanobio, Biomimetic materials and its applications(ICNBM) Biosummit-2014 at Hindusthan Institute of Technology and college of Arts and Science, 27.02.2014 to 28.02.2014. |
65. | Mr.B.Vijayakumar | Preparation of Medicine using Potash Alum | International Conference on Nanobio, Biomimetic materials and its applications(ICNBM) Biosummit-2014 at Hindusthan Institute of Technology and college of Arts and Science, 27.02.2014 to 28.02.2014. |
66. | Mr.G.Srinivasan, Mr.M.P.Murugesan | Empowering Technical Education to Address sustainability and Global Competitiveness | 43rd ISTE National Annual Convention at Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar held from 19.12.2013 to 21.12.2013. |
67. | Mr.G.Srinivasan, | Teacher Factors Influencing Classroom Information And Communications Technology | 16th ISTE (TN & P) Section State level faculty Convention 2014 at Excel College of Engineering and Technology, Komarapalayam, 11.01.2014. |
68. | Mr. M.P.Murugesan | Photocatalytic degradation of alachlor using mixed metal oxide nanocomposite under visible light | 19th National Symposia On Environment, Organized By School Of Environmental Sciences, At Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, 11 - 13 December 2014. |
69 | Dr.K.Senthilkumar Mr. T.Sathish | Mixing studies in mult-phase reactors | 2nd International conference on Bio-energy, Environment and sustainable technologies at Department of Biotechnology,Arunai Engg College, Thiruvannamalai |
70 | Dr.K.Senthilkumar Dr. P.Akilamudhan | Prediction of bed voidage in three-phase fluidized bed : Air/Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Liquid systems | 28-31 January 2015 2nd International conference on Bio-energy, Environment and sustainable technologies at Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engg College, Thiruvannamalai |
71 | Dr. K. Senthilkumar Dr. P. Akilamudhan | Treatment of paper mill effluent using electrochemical method | 28-31 January 2015 2nd International conference on Bio-energy, Environment and sustainable technologies at Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engg College, Thiruvannamalai |
72 | Dr. K. Senthilkumar Dr. P. Akilamudhan | Batch studies on removal of nickel from industrial effluent | 4th International conference on Technology Development on Agriculture, Energy & environmental Engineering for Green World at Department of Biotechnology, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women 23 & 24 February 2015 |
74. | Dr. P. Akilamudhan & Ms. T. Usharani | Technique for an Authentic Learning Environment | 18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015 |
75. | Ms. G. Thayanidhi & Mr. M. Abdul Ajmal | Problem Based Learning A Need for Engineering Education | 18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015 |
76. | Mr. G. Srinivasan & Mr. M.P.Murugesan | Teacher Factors Influencing Class Room Information and Communication Technology | 18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015 |
77. | Mr. D. Sreenivasan & Mr. T. Sathish | Towards Global Recognition - Quality of Indian Engineering College | 18th ISTE National convention, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on December 9th, 2015 |
78. | Dr. K. Senthilkumar & Mr. T. Sathish | Treatment of removal of heavy metal from an industrial effluent | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
79. | Dr. K. Senthilkumar | Studies on electrochemical treatment of industrial effluent by using electro coagulation method | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
80. | Dr. K. Senthilkumar | Dyeing of cotton with eco-friendly natural dyes obtained from Russelia equisetiformis using single mordants | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
81. | Mr. D. Sreenivasan, Ms. G. Thayanidhi & Mr. M. Abdul Ajmal | A Comparative study on the solubility enhancement pattern ortho and para Cresol through green solvents | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
82. | Mr. B. Vijayakumar | Characterization and Synthesis of Silver Doped Nano Particles for the Sulfur Removal in Industrial Tannery Effluent | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
83. | Mr. B. Vijayakumar | Removal of toxic metal ions from water using agricultural waste (biosorption) | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
84. | Mr. B. Vijayakumar | Removal of pollutant and reuse the polluted water into domestic purpose by biologically | International Conference on Modern, Intelligent And Green Manufacturing organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11 & 12 December 2015 |
85. | M.VENKATARATNAM, AP/CHEM | Modeling and optimization of methyl orange adsorption onto MgONP-AC: Response surface methodology and artificial neural network. | International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Eco Systems (ICACSE) |
86. | M.VENKATARATNAM, AP/CHEM | Mass Transfer Enhancement due to the presence of Rotating Two Stage Four Blade Flat Turbine Promoters in an Electrolytic Cell. | International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Eco Systems (ICACSE) |
87. | M.VENKATARATNAM, AP/CHEM | Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium oxide nanoparticles loaded onto activated carbon (MgONP-AC) for methylene blue adsorption. | Second World Congress on Microscopy |
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