
Department of Mathematics

Program Attended by the Faculty
S.NoName of the Faculty MembersTitle of the ProgrammeVenue & Date
1Dr.S.S.AnanthanFaculty Development Programme on Algebra and Number TheoryDr.N.G.P.Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 18.05.2019
2C.KasthuriFaculty Development Programme on Algebra and Number TheoryDr.N.G.P.Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 18.05.2019
3K.S.RekhaFaculty Development Programme on Algebra and Number TheoryDr.N.G.P.Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 18.05.2019
4Dr.S.SenthilvelavanAICTE & QIP Sponsored Short term course on “Fourier Series, Transform Techniques and their ApplicationsIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 25.02.2019 & 01.03.2019.
5M.S.DevimaniAICTE & QIP Sponsored Short term course on “Fourier Series, Transform Techniques and their ApplicationsIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 25.02.2019 & 01.03.2019.
6P.RenukaAICTE & QIP Sponsored Short term course on “Fourier Series, Transform Techniques and their ApplicationsIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 25.02.2019 & 01.03.2019.
7R.ChitraAICTE&QIP Sponsored Short term course on “Fourier Series, Transform Techniques and their ApplicationsIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 25.02.2019 & 01.03.2019.
8Dr.P.G.PalanimaniFaculty Development Programme on Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications(On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke, Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
9Dr.P.G.PalanimaniFaculty Development Programme on Machine Learning ML (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
10Dr.S.SenthilvelavanFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke ,
Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
11M.S.DevimaniFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
12P.RenukaFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
13R.ChitraFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
14Dr.S.S.AnanthanFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
15C.KasthuriFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
16K.S.RekhaFaculty Development Programme on Transforms Calculus and its Applications in Differential Equations (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke , Jan-Apr,2019(12 weeks)
17Dr.P.G.PalanimaniNational seminar on Novelty in Differential Calculus and its Engineering ApplicationsNehru Institute of Engineering and technology,Coimbatore, 22.02.2019.
18Dr.S.S.AnanthanNational seminar on Novelty in Differential Calculus and its Engineering ApplicationsNehru Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore, 22.02.2019.
19C.KasthuriNational seminar on Novelty in Differential Calculus and its Engineering ApplicationsNehru Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore, 22.02.2019.
20K.S.RekhaNational seminar on Novelty in Differential Calculus and its Engineering ApplicationsNehru Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore, 22.02.2019.
21Dr.P.G.PalanimaniOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
22Dr.S.SenthilvelavanOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
23M.S.DevimaniOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
24P.RenukaOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
25R.ChitraOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
26Dr.S.S.AnanthanOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
27C.KasthuriOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
28K.S.RekhaOne week National workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Hemodynamics-a dynamics of blood flowErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 11.02.2019 to 16.02.2019
29Dr.P.G.PalanimaniNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
30Dr.S.SenthilvelavanNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
31M.S.DevimaniNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
32P.RenukaNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
33R.ChitraNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
34Dr.S.S.AnanthanNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
35C.KasthuriNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
36K.S.RekhaNational workshop on Theoretical and computational fluid dynamicsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 21.12.2018 & 22.12.2018.
37M.S.DevimaniNational workshop on Applications of Graph Labeling in Communication NetworksVellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 26.11.2018
38Dr.S.S.AnanthanNational workshop on Applications of Graph Labeling in Communication NetworksVellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 26.11.2018
39C.KasthuriNational workshop on Applications of Graph Labeling in Communication NetworksVellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 26.11.2018
40K.S.RekhaNational workshop on Applications of Graph Labeling in CommunicationVellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 26.11.2018
41Dr.P.G.PalanimaniTeachers Knowledge Enrichment Program on advanced mathematical pedagogyCoimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 29.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
42M.S.DevimaniNational level seminar on how to write effective research papers for conferences and journals & project proposals for funding agenciesExcel Engineering College, Komarapalayam, 29.09.2018
43P.RenukaNational level seminar on how to write effective research papers for conferences and journals & project proposals for funding agenciesExcel Engineering College, Komarapalayam, 29.09.2018
44R.ChitraNational level seminar on how to write effective research papers for conferences and journals & project proposals for funding agenciesExcel Engineering College, Komarapalayam, 29.09.2018
45Dr.P.G.PalanimaniInternational Conference On Applied and Computational MathematicsErode Arts and Science College, Erode on 10/8/2018
46Dr.S.SenthilvelavanInternational Conference On Applied and Computational MathematicsErode Arts and Science College, Erode on 10/8/2018
47R.ChitraInternational Conference On Applied and Computational MathematicsErode Arts and Science College, Erode on 10/8/2018
48C.KasthuriInternational Conference On Applied and Computational MathematicsErode Arts and Science College, Erode on 10/8/2018
49K.S.RekhaInternational Conference On Applied and Computational MathematicsErode Arts and Science College, Erode on 10/8/2018
50Dr.P.G.PalanimaniFaculty Development Programme on Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Aug-Oct,2018 (12 weeks)
51P.RenukaFaculty Development Programme on Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Aug-Oct,2018 (12 weeks)
52R.ChitraFaculty Development Programme on Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra (On line Course)Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,Aug-Oct,2018 (12 weeks)
53Dr.S.S.AnanthanFaculty Development Programme for Students Induction ProgrammePSG College of Technology,13.07.2018 to 15.07.2018
54C.KasthuriNational workshop on Discrete Mathematics and its ApplicationsM.Kumarasamy College of Engineering,Karur,02.03.2018
55K.S.RekhaNational workshop on Discrete Mathematics and its ApplicationsM.Kumarasamy College of Engineering,Karur,02.03.2018
56C.KasthuriNational seminar on Algebraic TopologyBharathiar University Extension Centre, Erode, 22.02.2018
57K.S.RekhaNational seminar on Algebraic TopologyBharathiar University Extension Centre, Erode, 22.02.2018
58Dr.P.G.PalanimaniNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
59Dr.S.SenthilvelavanNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
60M.S.DevimaniNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
61P.RenukaNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
62R.ChitraNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
63Dr.S.S.AnanthanNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
64C.KasthuriNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
65K.S.RekhaNational Seminar on Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential EquationsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai 22.12.2017 & 23.12.2017
66M.S.DevimaniNational Seminar on Cancer Biology-A Mathematical ApproachKongu Engineering College, Perundurai,10.11.2017.
67R.ChitraNational Seminar on Cancer Biology-A Mathematical ApproachKongu Engineering College, Perundurai,10.11.2017.
68S.S.AnanthanOne Week quality improvement Training programme on instructional design and delivery systemsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 24.07.2019 to 29.07.2019
69K.S.RekhaOne Week quality improvement Training programme on instructional design and delivery systemsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 24.07.2019 to 29.07.2019
70C.KasthuriOne Week quality improvement Training programe on instructional design and delivery systemsErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 24.07.2019 to 29.07.2019
71M.S.DevimaniInternational workshop on mathematical modelingSri Saradha College for Women, Salem, 31.07.2017
72P.RenukaInternational workshop on mathematical modelingSri Saradha College for Women, Salem, 31.07.2017
73R.ChitraInternational workshop on mathematical modelingSri Saradha College for Women, Salem, 31.07.2017
74S.S.AnanthanFaculty Development Programme on Teaching TechniquesKSRCollege of Arts and Science, 25.07.2016,26.07.2016
75R.ChitraNational seminar on research issues on topology and computingBharathiar University Extension Centre, Erode, 13.07.2017 and 14.07.2017.
76K.S.RekhaNational seminar on research issues on topology and computingBharathiar University Extension Centre, Erode, 13.07.2017 and 14.07.2017.
77Dr.S.SenthilvelavanWorkshop on effective teaching through active learning methodsVeltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University,Chennai,30.12.2016
78Dr.G.R. UmamaheswariWorkshop on effective teaching through active learning methodsVeltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University,Chennai,30.12.2016
79Dr.G.R. UmamaheswariA two day workshop on recent trends in differential equations and its applicationsCoimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 05.08.2016 & 06.08.2016
80M.S.DevimaniA two day workshop on recent trends in differential equations and its applicationsCoimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 05.08.2016 & 06.08.2016
81R.ChitraA two day workshop on recent trends in differential equations and its applicationsCoimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, 05.08.2016 & 06.08.2016
82S.S.AnanthanInternational workshop on research methodology in mathematicsERK Arts and Science College,Dharmapuri,22.09.2016
83M.S.DevimaniSeven Days FDTP on Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Al-Ameen Engineering College,Erode, 17.06.2016 to 23.06.2016
84K.DamodharanSeven Days FDTP on Transforms and Partial Differential EquationsAl-Ameen Engineering College,Erode, 17.06.2016 to 23.06.2016
85P.RenukaSeven Days FDTP on Transforms and Partial Differential EquationsAl-Ameen Engineering College,Erode, 17.06.2016 to 23.06.2016
86R.ChitraSeven Days FDTP on Transforms and Partial Differential EquationsAl-Ameen Engineering College,Erode, 17.06.2016 to 23.06.2016
87Dr.P.G.PalanimaniFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
88Dr.S.SenthilvelavanFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
89Dr.G.R. UmamaheswariFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
90K.DamodharanFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
91M.S.DevimaniFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
92P.RenukaFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
93R.ChitraFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
94S.S.AnanthanFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
95G.KiruthikaFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
96C.KasthuriFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skillErode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai, 10.06.2016
97Dr.P.G.PalanimaniA two day national workshop on applications of mathematics in image analysis and computer visionJanson Institute of technology at Coimbatore, Coimbatore, 27.05.2016 and 28.06.2016
98Dr.S.SenthilvelavanA two day national workshop on applications of mathematics in image analysis and computer visionJanson Institute of technology at Coimbatore, Coimbatore, 27.05.2016 and 28.06.2016
99S.S.AnanthanA two day national workshop on applications of mathematics in image analysis and computer visionJanson Institute of technology at Coimbatore, Coimbatore, 27.05.2016 and 28.06.2016
100C.KasthuriA two day national workshop on applications of mathematics in image analysis and computer visionJanson Institute of technology at Coimbatore, Coimbatore, 27.05.2016 and 28.06.2016
101G.KiruthikaTeachers Enrichment Workshop on Algebra & AnalysisInstitute of mathematical science at Chennai, 23.05.2016 to 28.05.2016
102K.DamodharanDBT Sponsored National Seminar on Recent Advances of Topology in Biomedical Image ProcessingKongu Engineering College, Perundurai, 04.04.2016
103G.KiruthikaNational seminar on applications of mathematicsVelalar College for Women, Erode 25.02.2016& 26.02.2016
104G.KiruthikaFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skill engineering mathematics and its applicationsVelalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 23.01.2016
105C.KasthuriFaculty Development program on teaching technique with soft skill engineering mathematics and its applicationsVelalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 23.01.2016
106G.KiruthikaNational Seminar on writing effective research papers for SCI journals and preparing project proposalsKongu Engineering College, Perundurai, 08.01.2016
107S.S.AnanthanInternational seminar on scope for research &emerging trends in fluid dynamicsKPR institute of engineering and technology at Coimbatore on 27.08.2015
108G.KiruthikaBridge course on MathematicsAnna University Chennai, 22.06.2015 & 23.06.2015
109Dr.S.Senthilvelavan3rd National Conference on advances in differential equations and applicationsPeriyar University, Salem, 04.12.2014 & 05.12.2014
110Dr.P.G.PalanimaniOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
111Dr.S.SenthilvelavanOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
112Dr.G.R. UmamaheswariOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
113K.DamodharanOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
114M.S.DevimaniOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
115M.JayanthiOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
116P.RenukaOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
117R.ChitraOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
118S.S.AnanthanOne day Workshop on effective teaching of engineering MathematicsPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,28.09.2013
119K.DamodharanTwo day E-Seminar on Step-2 ResearchK.S.R. College of Technology. Tiruchengodu, 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
120G.R. UmamaheswariBridge course on MathematicsAnna University Chennai,
18.06.2014 & 19.06.2014
121M.JayanthiTwo day workshop on techniques for evaluating students performanceCoimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, 21.03.2014 & 22.03.2014
122M.S.DevimaniTwo day work shop on stochastic modeling in system engineeringCoimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, 14.03.2014 & 15.03.2014
123V.GunasekariTwo day work shop on stochastic modeling in system engineeringCoimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, 14.03.2014 & 15.03.2014
124Dr.P.G.Palanimani5th Annual Research Congress (KUARC-2013)Karpagam University,Coimbatore 07.12.2013 to 08.12.2013
125G.R. UmamaheswariInternational Workshop on Art of Journal Articles and Thesis WritingErode Sengunthar Engineering College, 12.08.2013
126Dr.P.G.PalanimaniOne Day Workshop on Matlab fundamendals and simulink for system modeling & algorithm developmentErode Sengunthar Engineering College, 28.11.2013
127Dr.S.SenthilvelavanOne Day Workshop on Matlab fundamendals and simulink for system modeling & algorithm developmentErode Sengunthar Engineering College, 28.11.2013
128M.JayanthiOne Day Workshop on Matlab fundamendals and simulink for system modeling & algorithm developmentErode Sengunthar Engineering College, 28.11.2013
129K.DamodharanOne Day Workshop on Matlab fundamendals and simulink for system modeling & algorithm developmentErode Sengunthar Engineering College, 28.11.2013
130S.S.AnanthanFaculty development programe on understanding Gen-Y StudentsHeliks in Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai
131Dr.P.G.Palanimani4th Annual Research Congress KUARC-2012Karpagam University,Coimbatore, 29.11.2012 & 30.11.2012
132R.ChitraOne day workshop on Joy of teaching transforms from engineering perspectivePSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 04.08.2012
133Dr.P.G.PalanimaniWorkshop on LatexErode Sengunthar Engineering College, 13.03.2010

Contact Us

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

Thudupathi, Perundurai, Erode - 638057

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