
Training and Placement Cell

Training Programmes – Summary
II, IIFurnishing the Soft Skills and Communication abilities
(In-house Trainers)
This course helps students to furnish their personality both personally and professionally through the ample training on both the psychological and physiological aspects of the soft skills and the assertive skills. Students are also trained on all the mandatory elements of the communication including Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in order to face the challenging reality.
IIIII, IVConcentrating the logical approach and inquisitive reasoning abilities
(In-house Trainers)
This course helps students to groom their mathematical problem solving abilities using shortcuts which enhances the aptitude stratum of the students. It also helps students to track their minds to analyze situations and problems using reasons and coming up with potential solutions through the concentrated training logical reasoning abilities.
IIIV, VIEnhancing the logical approach and inquisitive reasoning abilities
(In-house Trainers)
This course helps students to re-concentrate on their reasoning abilities and re-emphasizing their ability of assessing the facts and the methodical approach towards numerous complex situations.
IVVIIFurnishing students through Specific Company Oriented Trainings along with Interview Tips and Tricks
(Both External and In-house Trainers)
Based on the industrial requisites of the hour, students are trained on the essential domains and technical areas according to the demands of the recruiting companies. Enhanced external trainings are given to the students to groom their overall placement abilities along with interview tips and tricks to help them get placed in reputed companies.

Contact Us

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

Thudupathi, Perundurai, Erode - 638057

[email protected]

Contact No. : 9488568500, 04294 232701,702,703

Admission : Mail : [email protected], Mobile :9442132706, 9865279443, 9842465500, 9842865500

Official Mail Id : [email protected]

Principal Mail Id : [email protected]


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