
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Research Facilities


Sl. No.Name of the equipment/research facilities availableArea of research
1Video streaming ServerAppliance for small wireless LAN deployments. This can be used for case study purpose.
2FirewallCan be used for security applications for all appliances
3Raspberry pi-scientific kitTo create an artificial intelligence model
4Open Source softwareLinux Distribution
5NS2Can be used for simulation of networks
6GlomosimCan be used for Adhoc networks and Wireless Sensor Networks.
7Globus Toolkit, Ecalyptus and GridSIMToolkits and simulators for Grid Computing and Cloud Computing. Students and faculty can use these tools for implementing Grid environment and private cloud environments.
8Rapid MinerTools for various data mining operations like clustering, classification, etc.
9Text2SpeechLightweight and easy to use Text To Speech (TTS) Software is also available.
10Rational suiteUsed to model and design a software system.
11Visi BrokerUsed for message passing system
12Open Source RDBMSDatabase management administration
13OPNETUsed for simulation of Networks
14MATLABUsed for image processing applications
NoName of SupervisorFacultySpecialization
1Dr. V.VenkatachalamInformation and Communication EngineeringNetwork Security
2Dr. G. SaravananInformation and Communication EngineeringWireless Sensor Networks
3Dr. K. SaravananInformation and Communication EngineeringNetwork Security
S.NoNameDesignation/DepartmentUniversityMonth & Year of Registration
1Mrs.T.KalaiselviASP/CSEAnna University, ChennaiJan-21
2Mr.M. SakthivelAP/CSEAnna University, ChennaiJul-23
3Mr. D. VaduganathanAP/ CSEAnna University, ChennaiJan-21
4Mr.U.GowrishankarAP/CSEAnna University, ChennaiJul-21
Faculty Pursuing Ph.D. under the Guidance of Dr. S.V. Santhoshbabu 
S.No.Name of the ScholarCollege AddressSupervisorStatus
1.             Ms.S.HamsarekaErode SEngunthar Engineering College, ErodeDr.A.V.Santhoshbabu, Professor/ CSE,Second DC Meeting completed
2.             Mr.R.KarthikVivekanandha College of Technology for Women, TiruchengodeDr.A.V.Santhoshbabu, Professor/ CSE,Course work completed
3.             Ms.M.D.Saranya K P R Institute of Engineering and Technology,CoimbatoreDr.A.V.Santhoshbabu, Professor/ CSE,Course work completed
4.             Ms.T.HarithaVivekanandha College of Engineering ( Autonomous ) , TiruchengodeDr.A.V.Santhoshbabu, Professor/ CSE,Course work completed


Contact Us

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

Thudupathi, Perundurai, Erode - 638057

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