Central Library
List of International Journals
1. | Industrial Electronics IEEE Transaction on |
2. | Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on |
3. | Power Delivery, IEEE Transaction on |
4. | Power Systems IEEE Transaction on |
5. | Sustainable Energy ,IEEE Transaction on |
6. | Games, IEEE Transaction on |
7. | Industrial Informatics , IEEE Transaction on |
8. | Very Large Scale Integration Systems IEEE Transactions on |
9. | Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics |
10. | Electronic Materials, Journal of |
11. | Lightwave Technology Journal of |
12. | Microelectromecahnical Systems, Journal of |
13. | Photovoltaics, IEEE |
14. | Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transaction on |
15. | Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transaction on |
16. | Cybernetics IEEE Transaction on |
17. | Systems Man and Cybernetics, Systems, IEEE Transaction on |
18. | Human-Machine Systems, |
IEEE Transaction on | |
19. | Solid State Circuits IEEE Journal of |
20. | Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transaction on |
21. | Robotics IEEE Transaction on |
22. | Automation Science and Engineering IEEE Transaction on |
23. | Mechatronics IEEE/ ASME Transaction on |
24. | Automatic Control IEEE Transaction on |
25. | Control, Systems Technology IEEE Transactions on |
26. | Radiation & Plasma Medical Science |
27. | Microwave and wireless components letters, IEEE |
28. | Terahertz Science & Technology |
29. | Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA Journal of |
30. | Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journals of |
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