Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Research & Development
Research Facilities
S. No. | Name of the Important Equipment | Utilization |
1. | Motor Solve software | Electrical Machines Laboratory |
2. | Digital Storage oscilloscope | Power Electronics Laboratory |
3. | Converter fed DC drives | Electrical Drives and control Laboratory |
4. | Converter fed AC drives | Electrical Drives and control Laboratory |
5. | BLDC motor control Drive | Electrical Drives and control Laboratory |
6. | SRM motor drive | Electrical Drives and control Laboratory |
- Research facilities in the research lab have been
- The department Research Laboratory is equipped with the following equipment of high caliber to carry out research
- PC with Core i3 processor, 2GB RAM, 500GB HDD configuration
- Hybrid Energy System Module
- Solar Energy Panel
- Fuel Cell Module
- Digital Storage
In addition to the above the following modelling and design softwares are available to do the research using MATLAB, Motorsolve and etc.
Snapshot of Research Laboratory
Apart from UG and PG students, research scholars also utilize this facility. The department has already been recognized as research centre under Anna University Chennai. The details of the scholars is given below
- Product called Implication of Electrical Energy Generation by using Domestic Ceiling Fan is developed.
Research Supervisors
S.No | Name of the Supervisor | Faculty | Specialization |
1 | Dr. P.Selvan | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Power System |
2 | Dr. R. Muthukumar | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Power System |
3 | Dr. R. Kannan | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Power Electronics |
4 | Dr. A.Johny Renoald | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Power Electronics |
Power System | |||
Electrical Machines | |||
Image Processing | |||
Control System |
Research Scholars
(under the Guidance of Supervisors)
Research Scholars (under the Guidance of Supervisors) | ||||
S.No. | Supervisor | Scholar | Register No. | Status |
1 | Dr. P.Selvan | D.C. Kumarasan | 13July/EEE/PHD/001 | Completed |
2 | Dr. P.Selvan | V.V.Nijil | 19153697151 | Completed |
3 | Dr. P.Selvan | B.Gopalakrishnan | 21143691113 | Confirmation Meeting Completed |
4 | Dr. R. Muthukumar | L.Mubaraali | 1614469307 | Confirmation Meeting Completed |
5 | Dr. R. Muthukumar | S.Kalpana | 16244697195 | Confirmation Meeting Completed |
6 | Dr. R. Muthukumar | P.R.Bijisha | 16254697134 | Confirmation Meeting Completed |
7 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | Santhakumar | 21134697131 | Course work Completed |
8 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | E.Immanuvel bright | 21143691169 | Course work Completed |
9 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | E.Sathish | 21143691213 | Course work Completed |
10 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | R.Sathish | 21144691172 | Confirmation Meeting Completed |
11 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | L.Vijay Anand | 21144691319 | Course work Completed |
12 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | S.Karthikeyan | 22133691152 | DC-2 Completed |
Funding Received
S.No | Principal Investigator & Co Investigator | Title | Funds Received | Funding Agency |
1 | Dr. A.Anbarasan, Assistant Professor (Sl. Gr.)/EEE | Modernization and Removal of obsolescence in Electrical Machines Laboratory (MODROBS) | 4,50,000.00 | AICTE |
2 | Dr. M.Shyamalagowri, Associate Professor/EEE | Entrepreneurship Awareness camp 3 Programmes | 60,000.00 | DST- NIMAT (EDI) |
3 | Mr.L.Anbarasu, Assistant Professor(Sr. Gr.)/EEE | Electric power generation for television using solar based dish antennae | 20,000.00 | IE(I)- grant in aid scheme |
4 | Mr. G.S.Satheesh Kumar, Assistant Professor/EEE | National Seminar on Avenues and Opportunities of OLEDs | 20,000.00 | TNSCST |
5 | Dr. M.Shyamalagowri, Associate Professor/EEE | National level seminar on Institutional Quality Enhancement and sustenance in Higher Education in Rural areas | 50,000.00 | NAAC |
6 | Mr. S.P.Dwarakesh, Assistant Professor/EEE | Fuel Free magnetic ripple vehicle | 10,000.00 | TNSCST(Student Proposal Scheme) |
7 | Dr. M.Shyamalagowri, Associate Professor/EEE | Entrepreneurship Awareness camp - 5 Programmes | 1,00,000.00 | DST- NIMAT (EDI) |
8 | Dr. R. MuthuKumar | Field technician – Water purifier and other home appliances | 3,82,500.00 | PMKVY, AICTE, New Delhi |
9 | Mr. G. Gunasekaran | Solar Panel Installation Technician | 4,25,000.00 | PMKVY, AICTE, New Delhi |
10 | Dr.M.Shymalagowri | Faculty Development Programme | Rs, 1,00,000 Applied Date: 30.06.2020 | DST-NIMAT, New Delhi |
11 | Dr.M.Shymalagowri | STTP | Rs, 3,33,333 | AICTE, New Delhi |
12 | Dr.M.Shymalagowri | ATAL FDP on “Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adaptation” | 93,000 | ATAL |
Faculty Pursuing Ph.D.
Faculty Pursuing Ph.D. | |||||||
S.No. | Name | Year of Registration | Registration Number | Supervisor Name | Status | ||
1 | Immanuvel bright E | Jan-21 | 21143691169 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | Provisional Registration Confirmed | ||
2 | Vijay Anand L | Jan-21 | 21144691319 | Dr.R.Muthukumar | Course work Completed | ||
3 | Tamil Selvi S | Jan-21 | 21243691194 | Dr.C.Nagarajan | Provisional Registration Confirmed | ||
4 | Karthikeyan P | Dec-23 | 24149691252 | Dr.P.Selvan | DC Meeting 1 Completed | ||
5 | Preetha K | Jul-21 | 21243597167 | Dr.S.Titus | Provisional Registration Confirmed | ||
Reviewer (Journals): | |||
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Name of the journals | Period |
1 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics | From Jun 2021 |
2 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Soft Computing (Springer) | From Dec 2020 |
3 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Solar Energy (Elsevier) | From Dec 2017 |
4 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Electric Power Components and Systems, (Taylor & Francis) | From Jan 2020 |
5 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | International Journal of Fuzzy System (Springer) | From Nov 2017 |
6 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (Sage Publications) | From Jan 2021 |
7 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | International Transaction of Electrical Energy System (Wiley) | From Feb 2021 |
8 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy system (IOS press) | From Jun 2021 |
9 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology | From Feb 2021 |
10 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | The Journal Tehni?ki vjesnik – Technical Gazette (TV-TG) | From Feb 2021 |
11 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Journal of Applied Science and Engineering | From Jun 2021 |
12 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiley) | From Aug 2021 |
13 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | IET Electric power applications | From 2018 |
14 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | Circuit World (Emerald Publication) | From 2019 |
15 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | IET Smart Grid | Form 2022 |
16 | Dr.AJohnyRenoald | International Journal of Circuit Theory andApplications | Form 2022 |
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