
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Conference Publication 2023 – 2024

S.No.Name of the FacultyTitle of the PaperName of the Conference
1Mr.E.ImmanuvelbrightHigh Gain Super Lift Luo Converter with PSO Optimized PI Controller Based EV Application2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, Doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10306574.
2Mr.E.ImmanuvelbrightHigh Speed FPGA Assisted IoT Development for Smart PV Grid Monitoring System2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering (ICEMCE), Madurai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, Doi: 10.1109/ICEMCE57940.2023.10434182.
3Dr.L.AnbarasuSynergy of Robotics and IoT Monitoring in Industries Using Deep Resnets2023 International Conference on Research Methodologies in Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunication Engineering (RMKMATE), Chennai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/RMKMATE59243.2023.10369296.
4Dr.L.AnbarasuPerformance Analysis of AI Based Interleaved Boost Converter under PV Partial Shaded Conditions2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering (ICEMCE), Madurai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEMCE57940.2023.10434141

Conference Publications 2022-2023

S.NoName of the FacultyTitle of the paperName of the Conference
1Dr. P. SelvanLED Lighting System using Sensor less Illumination Controlling with Neural NetworkInternational Conference on Management, Engineering, Science and Humanities
2Real Time Power Management for Energy Conservation at Load PointInternational Conference on Management, Engineering, Science and Humanities
3AC-DC Power Factor Correction and Half Bridge Rectifier Resonant tank Combo ControllerInternational Conference on Management, Engineering, Science and Humanities
4Dr M ShyamalagowriLED Lighting System using Sensor less Illumination Controlling with Neural NetworkInternational Conference on Management, Engineering, Science and Humanities
5Real Time Power Management for Energy Conservation at Load PointInternational Conference on Management, Engineering, Science and Humanities
6AC-DC Power Factor Correction and Half Bridge Rectifier Resonant tank Combo ControllerInternational Conference on Management, Engineering, Science and Humanities
7Adjustable Auto Cutoff for Home Appliance Using 555 IC2nd International Conference on Waste, Energy and Environment

Conference Publications 2018-2022

S.No.Name of the FacultyTitle of the PaperName of the Conference
1Mr. G .S. SatheeshKumarA Virtual Impedance Based Analysis of Dynamic Stability in a Micro-Grid SystemIEEE Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS 2018)
2Mrs. S. Tamil SelviA Virtual Impedance Based Analysis of Dynamic Stability in a Micro-Grid SystemIEEE Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS 2018)
3Dr. R. MuthukumarStandardization and stability analysis of 11kV distributed systemInternational Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources (ICISRES-2019)
4Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightFarmers assistant using raspberry PISecond International Conference on Nexgen Technologies
5Mr. G. GunasekaranMicrocontroller Based Automatic Control of Generating Transformer 250 MVA Cooling SystemSecond International Conference on Nexgen Technologies
6Mrs. S. TamilselviAdvanced Distribution Transformer Load Monitoring and ControllingSecond International Conference on Nexgen Technologies
7Mr. S. VijayanandCommon-Ground-Type Transformerless Inverters for Single-Phase Solar Photovoltaic SystemsSecond International Conference on Nexgen Technologies
8Mr. L. Vijay Anand
Detection And Prevention Of Child Abuse Using IoTSecond International Conference on Nexgen Technologies
9Mr. S. P. DwarakeshAutomatic Power Supply from Different Sources for E-Vehicles Second International Conference on Nexgen Technologies
10Prof. M. ShyamalagowriDesign of Micro Hydro Power Plant and Energy Recovery from Cooling Water Outlet 210MW LMW Turbine in MTPSInternational Conference on Trending Technologies in Engineering Research (ICTER-2019)
11Mr. L. AnbarasuIOT Based Sensorless Speed Control of Induction MotorInternational Conference on Trending Technologies in Engineering Research (ICTER-2019)
12Dr. P. SelvanThreshold Voltage Maintain Solar TrackerInternational Conference on Trending Technologies in Engineering Research (ICTER-2019)
13Mr. R. Senthil KumarIoT Based Household Health Safety SystemInternational Conference on Trending Technologies in Engineering Research (ICTER-2019)
14    Dr. P. SelvanSimulation Comparison Of Resonant Reset Forward Converter With Auxiliary Winding Reset Forward Converter1st International Conference On Nextgen Technologies 2018
15Prof. M. ShyamalagowriDesign Of Wide Range Input Bldc Motor Drive Based On Trapezoidal Control1st International Conference On Nextgen Technologies 2018
16      Mr. L. Vijay AnandIndustrial power control by integral cycle switching without generating harmonics1st International Conference On Nextgen Technologies 2018
17Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightConfigurable Multi Output DC-DC Converter For Wide Input Voltage Range For Space Application1st International Conference On Nextgen Technologies 2018
18Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightSimulative approach on inrush current protection circuit with detailed analysis and comparisonInternational Conference on modern trends in Engineering & Research
19Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightGSM based low battery indication and power saver for vehicleInternational Conference on modern trends in Engineering & Research
20Mr. L. Vijay AnandComparison of control mode schemes in switch mope power supplyInternational Conference on modern trends in Engineering & Research
21Dr. P. SelvanDual output forward converter with MAGAMP post regulators for space applicationInternational Conference on modern trends in Engineering & Research
22Mr. G. GunasekaranNFC Based data monitoring and medication scheduling for patients in hospitalInternational Conference on modern trends in Engineering & Research
23Mr. R. Senthil KumarTriples avoider and over speed control in two wheelersInternational Conference on modern trends in Engineering & Research
24Mr. R. Senthil KumarOver speed control and triples avoider for human safety by using sensorsInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and sustainable Technology
25Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightGSM based low battery indication and power saver for vehicleInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and sustainable Technology
26      Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightSimulative approach on inrush current protection circuit with detailed analysis and comparisonInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and sustainable Technology
27     Dr. P. SelvanNovel mppt method with sepic converter for a grid connected hybrid systemInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering & technology
28     Mr. S. P. DwarakeshNovel mppt method with sepic converter for a grid connected hybrid systemInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering & technology
29     Mr. R. Senthil KumarNovel mppt method with sepic converter for a grid connected hybrid systemInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering & technology
30      Prof. M. ShyamalagowriA cascade multilevel inverter using a single dc sourceInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
31     L. Vijay AnandA cascade multilevel inverter using a single dc sourceInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
32S. VijayanandA cascade multilevel inverter using a single dc sourceInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
33Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightA cascade multilevel inverter using a single dc sourceInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
34 Dr. P. SelvanDynamic voltage restorer (dvr) system based on two port hybrid high gain buck boost converter for reducing energy consumptionInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
35  Mr. S. P. DwarakeshAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
36Mr. L. AnbarasuAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
37Mr. G. GunasekaranAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
38Dr.P.SelvanAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science and sustainable technology (icetsst-2017), E-issn: 2348–8379
39Mr. R.Senthil KumarSmart walking stick for visually Impaired peopleInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017 (icrtest’17),
40Mr. S.P.DwarakeshBiometric printer security systemInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017
41Prof. M.ShyamalagowriCyclic load energy saver for star delta induction Motor using plcInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017
42Prof. M.ShyamalagowriIndustrial atmospheric affluence screening Using zigbee technologyInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017
43Prof. M.ShyamalagowriArtifical network based harmonics Reduction of solar fed cascade inverterInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017
44Prof. M.ShyamalagowriPower quality improvement of non-linear electrical load by Using artificial neural network (ann) for harmonic reductionInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017 (icrtest’17),
45Mr. L.AnbarasuBridgeless based online transformers ups Power supply system for energy storage ApplicationsInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017 (icrtest’17),
46Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightZ source network based sensor less bldc motor with minimized commutation torque ripples using dtc methodInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017 (icrtest’17),
47Mr.G.GunasekaranSoil inspection robot for hyperponic plantationInternational conference on recent trends in engineering, science and technology 2017
48Prof. M. ShyamalagowriA multilevel inverter for pv system using adaptive mppt control with reduced harmonicsInternational conference on modern, intelligent and green manufacturing
49 Dr. P. SelvanA multilevel inverter for pv system using adaptive mppt control with reduced harmonicsInternational conference on modern, intelligent and green manufacturing
50Prof. M. ShyamalagowriIn built mobile chargeInternational conference on modern, intelligent and green manufacturing
51Prof. M. ShyamalagowriSolar powered agriculture seed drying system with auto controllingInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
52Prof. M. ShyamalagowriAn optimized approach in street light system using solar energyInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
53Prof. M. ShyamalagowriAutomatic irrigation system by sensing soil moisture contentInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
54Dr. P. SelvanElectric power generation for television using solar based dish antennaInternational conference on advances in bio technology, civil & mechanical science
55Dr. P. SelvanAn upf vienna rectifier fed stand-alone wind energy conversion system with hybrid controllerInternational conference on advances in bio technology, civil & mechanical science
56Mr. L. Vijay AnandDtmf based handheld scrutinyInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
57Mr. S. VijayanandAutomation in sericulture farmInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
58Mr. E.Immanuvel BrightSingle phase fifteen level inverter using seven level switches towards thd reductionInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
59Mr. L. AnbarasuWireless sensor network for monitoring and controlling the railway accidentsInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
60Mr. R. Senthil KumarRfid and fingerprint based centralized voting systemInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
61Mr. G. GunasekaranSingle phase ac-ac matrix converter using fuzzy logic control in induction heating systemInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
62Mrs. S. TamilselviConversion of waste heat energy into electrical energyInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
63Mr. S. P. DwarakeshElectronic notice board using gsmInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
64Mr. B. RagavendraElectric shock preventionInternational conference on synergistic evolutions in engineering
65Prof. M. ShyamalagowriHybrid seed dryerIcrdais 2k16
66Dr.P.SelvanSolar operated pesticide sprayerNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
67Dr.P.SelvanAn upf vienna rectifier fed stand alone wind energy conversion system with hybrid controllerNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
68Dr.P.SelvanElectric power generation for television using solar based dish antennaNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
69Prof. M. ShyamalagowriSolar powered agriculture seed drying system with auto controllingNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
70Prof. M. ShyamalagowriAn optimized approach in street light system using solar energyNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
71Prof. M. ShyamalagowriAutomatic irrigation system by sensing soil moisture contentNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
72Mr. L.AnbarasuWireless sensor network for monitoring & controlling the railway accidentsNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
73Mr. L.Vijay AnandDtmf based handheld scrutiny systemNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
74Mr. S.P.DwarakeshWireless electronics notice board using smart phonesNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
75Mr.G.S.SatheeshkumarPipeline inspection and rescuing robotNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
76Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightSingle phase fifteen level inverter using seven switches towards thd reductionNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
77Mr. G.GunasekaranSingle phase ac-ac matrix converter using fuzzy logic control in induction heating systemNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
78Mrs.S.TamilselviConversion of waste heat energy into electrical energy by using mppt techniquesNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
79Mr.S.VijayanandAutomation in sericulture farmNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
80Mr. R.Senthil KumarRfid and fingerprint based centralized voting secured systemNational level conference on quality through innovations in engineering (nlc – qie 2016)
81Mr. S. P. DwarakeshElectronic notice board using gsmNational level conference on signal processing and communication systems
82Mr. L.Vijay AnandSensorless predictive peak current control for boost converter using fuzzy logic controller2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
83 Mr. L.Vijay AnandAssessment of mppt controllers(excite & monitor and fuzzy logic control) for detached photovoltaic systemsInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering and technology
84Mr.S.VijayanandSensorless predictive peak current control for boost converter using fuzzy logic controller2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
85Dr.P.SelvanImplementation of hvdc transmission for versatile electric traction system using voltage source converter2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
86Dr.P.SelvanDesign of hybrid electric vehicle charger with llc resonant converter2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
87Dr.P.SelvanAssessment of mppt controllers(excite & monitor and fuzzy logic control) for detached photovoltaic systemsInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering and technology
88Mr.G.S.Satheesh KumarSmart grid: a renovation of power network2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
89  Mr.L.AnbarasuPower factor improvement in electrode-less fluorescent lamp using fuzzy logic controller2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
90 Mr.L.AnbarasuFault detection in power system using live wire conductors5th International conference on “advanced computing control systems, machines and embedded technology”
91Mr.G.GunasekaranPower factor improvement in electrode-less fluorescent lamp using fuzzy logic controller2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
92Mr.B.RagavendraDesign and speed control of dc motor through artificial bee colony algorithm2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
93 Ms.S.Tamil SelviDesign and speed control of dc motor through artificial bee colony algorithm2nd International conference on engineering technology and science
94  Mr.K.SameeullahBidirectional distribution electronic power transformer using multilevel convertersInternational conference on advances in bio technology, civil& mechanical science
95  Mr.R.Senthil KumarBidirectional distribution electronic power transformer using multilevel converters Autonomous photovoltaic water pumping system using super capacitorInternational conference on advances in bio technology, civil& mechanical science 1st International conference on advanced engineering and technology for sustainable development
96Mr.R.Senthil KumarAutonomous Photovoltaic Water Pumping System Using Super Capacitor1st International Conference On Advanced Engineering And Technology For Sustainable Development
97  Mr.E.Immanuvael BrightAssessment of mppt controllers(excite & monitor and fuzzy logic control) for detached photovoltaic systemsInternational conference on emerging trends in engineering and technology
98 Mr. L.AnbarasuFault detection in power system using live wire detectorNational conference on intelligent systems in electronic technologies 2015
99  Dr.A.AnbarasanReal power loss minimization of indian utility system using statcom and tcscIcrtiem
100 Dr.A.AnbarasanHarmonics elimination in grid connected single phase pv inverterInternational conference on engineering technology and science
101Dr.A.AnbarasanEnhancement of power system transient stability by integrating statcom and energy storage deviceInternational conference on “advancedcomputing,control systems,machines and embedded tech.”
102 Dr.A.AnbarasanEnhancement of power quality on wind Generation systems by superconducting magnetic Energy storage systemInternational conference on engineering tech and science
103  Mr.M.ManikandanReal and reactive power compensation in wind Farms by static synchronous compensatorInternational conference on engineering technology and science-(icets’14)
104 Mr.M.ManikandanEnhancement of power quality on wind generation systems by superconducting magnetic Energy storage systemInternational conference on engineering technology and science-(icets’14)
105  Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightComparision mppt controllers for standalone photovoltaic systemInternational conference on trends in mechanical,aeronautical,computer,civil,communication and electrical sciences
106Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightAn effective wireless communication based on laser technologyInternational conference on advancements in electrical and electronics engineering(icaeee-2014)
107 Mr. G.S SatheeshkumarAppraisal of smart grid modeling and Simulation toolsInternational conference on engineering technology and science
108 Mr.L.AnbarasuVoltage balancing control of improved zvs fbtl converter for wecsInternational conference on engineering technology and science
109  Mr. K.SameeullahAn inductive active filtering method for power quality improvement in grid connected pv systemInternational conference on engineering technology and science
110  Mr.B.RagavendraImproved control strategy on cuk – converter fed dc motor using artificial bee colony algorithmInternational conference on trends in engineering
111 Dr.P.SelvanTransient stability enhancement of tneb 400 kv transmission network with svcInternational conference on electrical,communication and computing(icecc-2014)
112 Dr.P.SelvanDesign of solar power optimizer and eliminating leakage current in multi-level inverter for pv systemsInternational conference on “advanced computing control systems, Machines and embedded tech”
113Dr.P.SelvanPhotovoltaic power injected to the grid with quasi impedance source inverterInternational conference on “advanced computing control systems, Machines and embedded tech”(icact2014)
114Mr.L.Vijay AnandIntelligent helmetInternational conference on emerging trends in powering the nation
115Mr.L.Vijay AnandComparison of mppt controllers and fuzzy logic control for standalone photovoltaic systemsInternational conference on trends in mech.,aero.,computer,civil,comm., & electrical sciences
A noval approach of position,estimation,pfc based buck-boost converter and energy generation in bldc motor driveInternational conference on trends in mech.,aero.,computer,civil,comm., & electrical sciences
117 Prof.M.Shyamala
A noval approach of position,estimation fuzzy based pfc converter & energy regeneration in bldc motor driveInternational conference on “advanced computing control systems ,machines and embedded tech”
118 Prof.M.Shyamala
Neural network predictive controller based nonlinearity identificationInternational conference on recent advances in mechanical engg. And interdisciplinary developments
119 Prof.m.shyamala GowriComparative study of controller design by intelligent techniques on non-linear process control reactor-cstrInternational conference on advancement in automation and control
120Mr. G.S Satheeshkumar.A survey on smart grid distributed power flow:iec61850, iec61499 and intelligent controlsInternational conference on advancement in automation and control
121 Dr.A.AnbarasanSingle phase grid connected pv system based on boost inverterSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
122Dr.A.AnbarasanIntelligent energy saving street lighting systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
123  Dr.A.AnbarasanImproving power system transient stability with statcom and energy storage deviceSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
124  Dr.A.AnbarasanA smart energy metering system to control electricity theftSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems
125  Prof.M.ShyamalagowriOptimal design of lcl harmonic filter for three phase pfc rectifierSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
126Prof.M.ShyamalagowriA novel approach of harmonic reduction for 12-pulse diode rectifier using an auxiliary supplySecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
127   Prof.M.ShyamalagowriA novel approach of bldc motor drive with fuzzy based pfc and electrical energy regenerationSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
128    Mr.M.ManikandanMitigation of voltage sag/swell on wind generation systems by superconducting magnetic energy storage systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems
129  Mr.M.ManikandanApplication of static synchronous compensator in wind farms for real and reactive power controlSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems
130   Mr.M.ManikandanElectric power steering using high precision stepper motorSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems
131    Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightA high-performance spwm controller for single-phase ups systems operating under highly nonlinear loadsSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
132  Mr. G.S SatheeshkumarReview of smart grid modeling and mock-up apparatusSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
133Mr. G.S SatheeshkumarIntelligent hybrid power systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
134   Mr.L.AnbarasuControl of improved zvs fbtl converter for wecsSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
135    Mr.L.AnbarasuDirect flux and torque control of 3 phase induction motor drive for speed regulator using flcSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
136    Mr. K.SameeullahA soft switching boost converter with a fly back snubber for high power applicationSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
137Mr. K.SameeullahPower quality improvement by inductive active filtering method in grid connected pv systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
138Mr.B.RagavendraEmpowering technical education to address sustainability and global competitivenesss43rd iste national annual convention
139  Mr.B.RagavendraImproved control strategy on cuk converter fed dc motor using artificial bee colony algorithmSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
140Mr.B.RagavendraA solar power generation for single phase ac load using adaptive neuro – fuzzySecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
141Mr.B.RagavendraImplementation of hybrid technology in intra-functional system of two-wheeler engineSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
142Mr.S.VijayanandDraft system in thermal power plant using renewable energySecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
143Mr.S.VijayanandA new coordinated control strategy for power plant conveyor coal fired boiler systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
144Mr.S.P.DwarakeshA multi input single control battery charger for dc nanogridsSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
145Ms.S.TamilselviAdvanced 0.4 kv unit bus monitoring & d.g set Control implementing PLC and scada Second national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
146   Dr.P.SelvanEmpowering technical education to address sustainability and global competitiveness43rd iste national annual convention
147  Dr.P.SelvanDesign, analysis and implementation of solar power optimizer for pv systemsSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
148Dr.P.SelvanAn energy stored quasi impedence source inverter for the photovoltaic systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
149Dr.P.SelvanEffective usage of solar power for specific dc applications using three port converterSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
150Mr.G.GunasekaranThyristor controlled capacitive ignition system testing module with wireless data transferSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
151Mr.G.GunasekaranHybrid power generation with battery backup systemNational conference on recent enhancement in advanced computing technologies
152   Mr.R.Senthil KumarDriver behavior detection and intelligent transportation systemSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
153Mr.R.Senthil KumarAdaptive neuro fuzzy based soft starting of dc motorSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
154Mr.L.Vijay AnandComparison of perturb & observe and fuzzy logic mppt controller for standalone photovoltaic systemsSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
155Mr.L.Vijay AnandA customized scada system approach for the protection and control of high voltage switch yard using plcSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)
156  Mr.L.Vijay AnandIntelligent helmetSecond national level conference on power electronics, renewable and control systems (nlc-percs’14)


Journal Publications 2023-2024

S.NoAuthor NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal
1Dr.A. Johny Renoald,& Dr.P.Selvan An Advanced Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Using Adaptive Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Intended for Renewable Energy System for Simultaneous DistributionsJournal of Intelligent and fuzzy system, 43(4), 2022, pp. 4395 – 4407. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-220089
2Dr.Johny Renoald ADesign and investigation of PV string/central architecture for bayesian fusion technique using grey wolf optimization and flower pollination optimized algorithmEnergy Conversion and Management, Vol.286, 2023, 117078, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman. 2023.117078
3Dr.A Johny RenoaldA Heuristic Approach to Improve the Data Processing in Big Data Using Enhanced Salp Swarm Algorithm (ESSA) and MK-means Algorithm. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 2625-2640, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-231389.
4Dr. A Johny Renoald Improving Data Processing Speed on Large Datasets in a Hadoop Multi-node Cluster Using Enhanced Apriori AlgorithmJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 6161-6177, 2023. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-232048
5Dr.AJohny Renoald Optimizing Energy Utilization in the Weaving Industry: Advanced Electrokinetic Solutions with Modified Piezo Matrix and Super Lift Luo ConverterElectric Power Components and Systems, DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2023.2262458
6Dr.R.Muthukumar Internet of Things-Based Induction Motor Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Network Electric Power Components and Systems, DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2023.2217434.
7Dr.R.Muthukumar AQU-FRC Net: Automated soil prediction based on faster RCNN with Aquila optimization Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 167-180, 2024.
8Dr.R.Muthukumar Real Time Eco–Friendly Investigation of Induction Motors Using Internet Of Things For Environmental SustainabilityJournal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, VOL 24, No 3, 1014 – 1021(2023).
9Dr.G.S.Satheesh Kumar Modeling and simulation of single- and double-diode PV solar cell model for renewable energy power solution.Environ SciPollut Res, 29, 4414–4430 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15870-7.
10Dr.G.S.Satheesh Kumar Investigation of active cell balancing performance for series connected lithium-ion cells in electric vehicle applicationsIET Power Electron.2023; 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1049/pel2.12575.
11Dr.L.AnbarasuA Symmetric Solar Photovoltaic Inverter to Improve Power Quality Using Digital Pulsewidth Modulation ApproachWireless PersCommun 130, 2059–2097 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10372-w
12Dr. A Johny Renoald , Dr, M, Shyamalagowri & Dr. R.KannanAn Experimental Simulation Testing of Single-diode PV Integrated MPPT Grid-tied Optimized Control Using Grey Wolf AlgorithmJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2022: 1 – 20, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-213259.
13Dr.AJohny Renoald A Novel Hyperparameter Tuned Deep Learning Model for Power Quality Disturbance Prediction in Micro-grids with Attention Based Feature Learning MechanismJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1 Jan. 2024: 2911 – 2927. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-233263.
14Dr.P.SelvanCloud Computing Encrypted Image Retrieval Strategy in Cloud Computing Using a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm’Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1 Jan. 2024: pp. 1 – 15. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-237948
15Dr.P.SelvanDC-Link Capacitor Optimization in AC–DC Converter by Load Current PredictionIntelligent Automation & Soft Computing, IASC, 2023, vol.36, no.1

Journal Publications 2022-2023

S.NoAuthor NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal
1Dr.L.AnbarasuDesign and Control of Modified Resonant Voltage Multiplier Rectifier for Photovoltaic Applications Using Electrolytic Capacitive MaterialHindawi Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2022, Article ID 1151408, 11 Pages
2Dr.M.ShyamalgowriElectric Vehicle Solar Smart Charging Based On Solar Irradiance ForecastingGIS Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 11, Nov 2022
3Dr.AJohnyRenoaldIOT Based Solar Dual Axis Tracking System Using Arduino ControllerJournal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering (e-ISSN: 2582-3000)Volume 8 Issue 3 Year 2022
4Dr.P.SelvanDC-Link Capacitor Optimization in AC–DC Converter by Load CurrentIntelligent Automation & Soft Computing, IASC, 2023, vol.36, no.1
5E. Immanuvel BrightAutomated Solar Energy Multi-Function Farm RobotJournal of Instrumentation and Innovation Sciences, e-ISSN: 2456-9860 Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2022)

Journal Publications 2021-2022

Sl. No.Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal
1Dr. R. Muthukumar, Mr. L Vijay Anand, Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightEnergy Utilization and Prediction using Machine Learning for Improving EMS system: A Study Approach.Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021: 3988-4000Research Article.
2Dr. G. S. Satheeshkumar, Mrs. S. Tamilselvi.Modeling and simulation of single- and double-diode PV solar cell model for renewable energy power solution.Springer Link Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, August 2021.
3Dr. P. SelvanDCM Based Bridgeless PFC converter for EV Charging ApplicationsInternational Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 6, Sep – Oct 2021.
4Dr. P. SelvanSmart Cities With The Integration of Sensor Systems Using IoTDrugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, Volume 10 Issue 1 2021
5Dr. M. ShyamalagowriIoT based Accident Detection and Smart Traffic Monitoring System using Vehicle Counts for Smart CitiesJournal of Chengdu University of Technolgy, Volume 26, Issue 8, 2021
6Dr. M. ShyamalagowriInternet of Things Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Irrigation utilizing Raspberry PIJournal of Chengdu University of Technolgy, Volume 26, Issue 8, 2021
7Mr. L. AnbarasuRenewable Energy based Smart Micro-grid System using Artificial BEE Colony Algorithm Optimized PI Controller and Efficient LUO ConverterDynamic Systems and Applications 30 (2021) No. 8, 1362 – 1382
8Mr. L. AnbarasuA Novel Approach For Smart Fan &LightControl System ForIndustrial ApplicationsNatural Volatiles& Essential Oils,2021;8(5):604–610
9Dr. A. Johny RenoaldExperimental investigation and comparative harmonic optimization of AMLI incorporate modified genetic algorithm using for power quality improvement.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-14, 18th February 2022.
10Dr. A. Johny RenoaldDesign and development of extract maximum power from single-double diode PV model for different environmental condition using BAT optimization algorithm.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-12, 202119 January 2022.
11Dr. A. Johny RenoaldDesign and Investigation of Solar PV Fed Single-Source Voltage-Lift Multilevel Inverter Using Intelligent Controllers.Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2022).

Journal Publications 2020-2021

Sl. No.Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal
1Dr.M.ShyamalagowriSelf – Sustainable Power Substation Power Allocation with IoT based Wireless Transfer of Energy based Monitoring SystemInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-5, June 2020.
2Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarAmending the governing input signal for the speed control of a steam turbineMaterials Today proceeding Elsevier June 2020
3Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarStability improvement on industrial load using current controlled voltage regulatorMaterials Today proceeding Elsevier July 2020
4Dr.G.S.SatheeshkumarReview of echocardiogram analysis and Classification practicesJournal of critical reviews, ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 17, 2020.
5Dr.R.MuthukumarIntelligent fault diagnosis in microprocessor systems for vibration analysis in roller bearings in whirlpool turbine generators real time processor applicationsMicroprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, Volume 76, July 2020
6Mr.L.AnbarasuQuality inspection system using IoT and image processingElsevier: Materials Today, December 2020
7Dr.P.SelvanIdentifications of Irregularities in Mammographic Images Using Computer Aided Diagnostic SchemeSolid State Technology, ISSN: 0038-111X, Volume 63, Issue 6, pp 23098-23106, Dec., 2020
8Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightDevelopment of online intelligent transformer UPS for energy storage applicationsElsevier: Materials Today, December 2020
9Mr.L.VijayAnandDesign and Development of IoT based Health montoring system for Military applicationsElsevier: Materials Today, December 2020
10Mr.S.VijayanandInspection of dynamic power in micro-grid system during impedance-based compensationElsevier: Materials Today, December 2020
11Mr.S.VijayanandOn-Chip cache memory protection with tag-overflow buffer and its VLSI implementationElsevier: Materials Today, February 2021.
12Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightNFC based data monitoring and medication scheduling for patients in hospitalsElsevier: Materials Today, March 2021
13Mr.R.Senthil KumarIntelligent Fuzzy controller based N-T control of 5? SRMElsevier: Materials Today, March 2021
14Mr.L.AnbarasuPredictive data regression technique based carbon nanotube biosensor for efficient patient health monitoring systemSpringer: 10 March 2021
15Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarCongestion free channel allocation for high traffic using MAC in WSNIT in Industry, Vol. 9, No.1, March 2021
16Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightHigh Speed Internet of Things Based Flood Alert System with Arduino ControllerSurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021
17Mr.L.AnbarasuAir, Water, and Noise pollution monitoring and controlling using IoTSurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
18Mr.L.AnbarasuRFID based automatic fuel stationSurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021
19Mr.L.Vijay AnandFault Detection And Monitoring PV SystemSurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021
20Dr.R.MuthukumarHigh gain LUO converter based grid connected Hybrid energy systemSurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
21Mrs.N.JothippriyaHigh Gain DC-DC Converter For three Phase Grid Interactive PV Battery System.SurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
22Mr.R.Senthil KumarElectrical Shirt For Long Term Monitoring Of Sleep Disordered BreathingSurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
23Mrs.S.TamilselviIntegrated dc-dc converted for grid tied bi-directional ev charging.SurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
24Mr.S.VijayanandWireless Power Transfer Based on High Frequency Inverter for EV Applications.SurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
25Dr.G.S.SatheeshkumarCost Effective Advanced Weather Monitoring System using IOT.SurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021.
26Dr.G.S.SatheeshkumarAutomatic Vehicle Speed Detection System Using Image Processing.SurajPunj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021 ISSN NO: 2394-2886.

Journal Publications 2019-2020

Sl. No.Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal
1Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarVoltage Slump Compensation using FactsControllers on Power SystemInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE),ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019.
2Mr.L.AnbarasuIntelligent Energy Efficiency in Pressurized Water SystemInternational Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, Vol.4,2020,pp.62-67, March 2020
3Mrs.N.JothipriyaIntelligent Energy Efficiency in Pressurized Water SystemInternational Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, Vol.4,2020,pp.62-67, March 2020
4Mr.R.Senthil KumarMinimizing Penalty of Industrial Power Consumption by Engaging APFC Unit at Micro Distribution in Thermal Power Station-1 Expn NLCILInternational Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, Vol. 4, 2020, pp.52 – 61, March 2020
5Mr.L.Vijay AnandMinimizing Penalty of Industrial Power Consumption by Engaging APFC Unit at Micro Distribution in Thermal Power Station-1 Expn NLCILInternational Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, Vol. 4, 2020, pp.52 – 61, March 2020
6Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightIntelligent Wireless Accident Detection And Ambulance Rescue SystemJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN NO: 0022-1945, Volume XII, Issue III, March/2020, Page No:468-472 (Impact Factor: 6.2)
7Dr.P.SelvanAuto Power Supply Change Over from Different Sources to Emergency Panel at Thermal Power StationAdalya Journal/Scopus, Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2020 (Impact Factor: 5.3)
8Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarSmartphone-based electrochemical sensor for assessing COVID-19 infected patientsInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Article publication date: 30 November 2020
9Dr.G.S.SatheeshkumarDesign and Implementation of intelligent energy control for tariff management using multi-agent system in smart / micro gridConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 31, Issue 12, Article number 4846
10Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarElectromechanical Strength Analysis ForRectangular RailsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020, Issn No : 1006-7930, Page No: 143
11Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarA novel analysis of brushless drive system with energysaving mechanismJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture &TechnologyVolume XII, Issue III, 2020Issn No : 1006-7930, Page No: 2198.
12Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarAn analysis of var compensator for static and dynamicLoad modelsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Volume XII, Issue III, 2020,Issn No : 1006-7930,Page No: 2204.
13Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarAn optimal power flow on grid connected powerSystem using facts devicesJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Volume XII, Issue III, 2020,Issn No : 1006-7930,Page No: 3795.

Journal Publications 2018-2019

Sl. No.Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal
1.Dr. P. Selvan Stability Improvement of DC Power Systems in Fuzzy LogicInternational Journal on Applications in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 4: Issue 4: November 2018, pp 8 –14 www.aetsjournal.com ISSN (Online) : 2395 – 3527
2.Prof. M. ShyamalagowriSolar PV-Battery Based Hybrid Water Pumping System Using BLDC Motor DriveInternational Journal on Applications in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 4: Issue 4: November 2018, pp 15 – 23 www.aetsjournal.com ISSN (Online) : 2395 – 3527
3.Dr. R. MuthukumarTransformer Less Inverter With Zeta Converter To Reduce Leakage Current In Grid Connected PV SystemsInternational Journal on Applications in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 4: Issue 4: November 2018, pp 1 – 7 www.aetsjournal.com ISSN (Online) : 2395 – 3527
4.L. AnbarasuModeling and Simulation of Renewable Energy Fed Brushless DC Motor Drive Using Improved DC-DC Converter for Reducing Vibration and NoiseJournal of Electrical & Electronic Systems, J Electr Electron Syst, an open access journal Volume 7 , Issue 3 , 1000271 ISSN: 2332-0796
5.L. AnbarasuA novel bridged-insert cascaded five level inverter topologyJournal Of Measurements In Engineering. December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 4
6.E. Immanuvel BrightFarmers assistant using raspberry PIInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 07, Issue 03, March 2019, ISSN No.: 2279-543X, UGC Journal No.: 64650 (Page No. 251-257)
7.G. GunasekaranMicrocontroller Based Automatic Control of Generating Transformer 250 MVA Cooling SystemInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 07, Issue 03, March 2019, ISSN No.: 2279-543X, UGC Journal No.: 64650 (Page No. 258-261)
8. S. TamilselviAdvanced Distribution Transformer Load Monitoring and ControllingInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 07, Issue 03, March 2019, ISSN No.: 2279-543X, UGC Journal No.: 64650 (Page No. 489-494)
9.S. VijayanandCommon-Ground-Type Transformerless Inverters for Single-Phase Solar Photovoltaic SystemsInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 07, Issue 03, March 2019, ISSN No.: 2279-543X, UGC Journal No.: 64650 (Page No. 269-273)
10.L. Vijay AnandDetection And Prevention Of Child Abuse Using IoTInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review,Volume 07, Issue 03, March 2019, ISSN No.: 2279-543X, UGC Journal No.: 64650 (Page No. 471-475)
11.S. P. DwarakeshAutomatic Power Supply from Different Sources for E-VehiclesInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 07, Issue 03, March 2019, ISSN No.: 2279-543X, UGC Journal No.: 64650 (Page No. 1724-1727)
12.Prof . M. ShyamalagowriDesign of Micro Hydro Power Plant and Energy Recovery from Cooling Water Outlet 210MW LMW Turbine in MTPSSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG – IJEEE), Special Issue ICTER, Mar 2019
13.L. AnbarasuIOT Based Sensorless Speed Control of Induction MotorSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG – IJEEE), Special Issue ICTER, Mar 2019
14.Dr. P. SelvanThreshold Voltage Maintain Solar TrackerSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG – IJEEE), Special Issue ICTER, Mar 2019
15.R. Senthil KumarIoT Based Household Health Safety SystemSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG – IJEEE), Special Issue ICTER, Mar 2019
16.L. AnbarasuImplementation of Novel Bridged-Insert Cascaded Five Level Inverter Topology Optimized With Enhanced EPSO Algorithm for commercial applicationsCaribbean Journal Of Science, ISSN: 0008-6452, Volume 53, ISSUE 1 (JAN - APR), 2019; ISSN Authentication: ISSN UK Centre, Frequency: 1 Issue per year (Pages 152-174)
17.        Dr.P.SelvanSimulation Comparison of Resonant Reset Forward Converter with Auxiliary Winding Reset Forward ConverterInternational Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, ISSN(O): 2319-8354, ISSN(P): 2319-8346, Vol. No.7, Special Issue No. 01, January 2018
18.        Prof. M. ShyamalagowriDesign of wide range input BLDC motor drive based on trapezoidal controlInternational Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, ISSN(O): 2319-8354, ISSN(P): 2319-8346, Vol. No.7, Special Issue No. 01, January 2018
19.        L. Vijay AnandIndustrial power control by integral cycle switching without generating harmonicsInternational Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, ISSN(O): 2319-8354, ISSN(P): 2319-8346, Vol. No.7, Special Issue No. 01, January 2018
20.E. Immanuvel BrightConfigurable Multi Output DC-DC converter for wide input voltage range for space applicationInternational Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, ISSN(O): 2319-8354, ISSN(P): 2319-8346, Vol. No.7, Special Issue No. 01, January 2018.
21.        Dr. M. KandasamyVFD based Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by PLC and SCADA Journal for Research , Volume 03 | Issue 10 | December 2017, ISSN: 2395-7549
22.        L. AnbarasuImplementation, Simulation of Four Switch Converter PermanentJournal of Advances in Chemistry, ISSN 2321-807X, Volume 12 Number6, July 2016
23.        L. AnbarasuData Logging Measurement ApplicationsAsian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 9, September 2016, pp. 55-80. ISSN 2249-7315 Impact Factor:4.557
24.        Dr.P.SelvanA Survey on Two Port DC-DC Converter Topologies for Energy PreservationInternational Scientific Journal on Science Engineering & Technology Vo1ume 19, No. 04, August 2016 , Impact Factor:1.873
25.        Dr.P.SelvanExperimental Verification of Improved Two Port Hybrid High Gain Buck Boost Converter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (PV-DVR) System for Social WelfareInternational Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, Vo1ume 4, No. 01, December 2016, ISSN: 2320-4387
26.        Dr.P.Selvan
S. P. Dwarakesh
R. Senthil Kumar
Novel Hybrid High Gain Buck Boost Converter based Energy Saving PI Controller with Photovoltaic Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer (PV-DVR) SystemAsian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2016, pp. 610-629. ISSN 2249-7315 A Journal Indexed in Indian Citation Index
27.    Prof. M. ShyamalagowriA Cascade Multilevel Inverter Using a Single DC SourceSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
28.    L. Vijay AnandA Cascade Multilevel Inverter Using a Single DC SourceSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
29.    S. VijayanandA Cascade Multilevel Inverter Using a Single DC SourceSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
30.    E. Immanuvel BrightA Cascade Multilevel Inverter Using a Single DC SourceSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
31.    Dr. P. SelvanDynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) System based on Two Port Hybrid High Gain Buck Boost Converter for Reducing Energy ConsumptionSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
32.    Mr. S. P. DwarakeshAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
33.    Mr. L. AnbarasuAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
34.    Mr. G. GunasekaranAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
35.    Dr.P.SelvanAn elemental analysis on dynamic stability in a micro-grid system during compensations with impedance based analysisSSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-JEEE), Part - 01, February 2017, E-ISSN: 2348 – 8379
36.    R.Senthil KumarSmart Walking Stick For Viually Impaired PeopleInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
37.    S.P.DwarakeshBiometric Printer Security SystemInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X, ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
38.    M.ShyamalagowriCyclic Load Energy Saver For Star Delta Induction Motor Using PLCInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
39M.ShyamalagowriIndustrial Atmospheric Affluence Screening Using Zigbee TechnologyInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
40.    M.ShyamalagowriArtifical Network Based Harmonics Reduction Of Solar Fed Cascade InverterInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X , ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
41.    M.ShyamalagowriPower Quality Improvement Of Non-Linear Electrical Load By Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) For Harmonic ReductionInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X, ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
42.    L.AnbarasuBridgeless Based Online Transformers UPS Power Supply System For Energy Storage ApplicationsInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
43.  E. ImmanuvelbrightZ Source Network Based Sensor Less BLDC Motor With Minimized Commutation Torque Ripples Using DTC MethodInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
44.    G.GunasekaranSoil Inspection Robot For Hyperponic PlantationInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol.3, Special Issue.24, March 2017, ISSN (ONLINE): 2395-695X ISSN (PRINT): 2395-695X
45.    G.GunasekaranSelf Fuelling Vehicle By Using The Magneto Ignition SystemJournal Of Chemical And Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN;0974-2115, JCPHS Special Issue 10: July 2015(0.684 )
46.    M.ManikandanA Novel Reduced Switch Power Quality Improvement for Current Harmonic Compensation and Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Model Predictive ControlInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Vol. 4, Issue 12, December 2015 (5.016)
47.    E.Immanuvelbright,Full-Bridge Boost Converter with a FlybackSnubber using ZVS techniqueIJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering ISSN-2347-4890 Volume 3 Issue 12 December, 2015(4.528)
48.    L.Vijay AnandFull-Bridge Boost Converter with a FlybackSnubber using ZVS techniqueIJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering ISSN-2347-4890 Volume 3 Issue 12 December, 2015(4.528)
49.    S.VijayanandFull-Bridge Boost Converter with a FlybackSnubber using ZVS techniqueIJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering ISSN-2347-4890 Volume 3 Issue 12 December, 2015(4.528)
50.    L.AnbarasuDesign And Simulation Of Active Single-Axis Photovoltaic Tracker Fed Permanent Magnet Brushless Motor For Commercial ApplicationsInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945 ,Vol. VII/Issue I/Jan.-March.,2016/193-198
51.    S.VijayanandAutomation in Sericulture FarmInternational Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, ISSN: 2455-9024, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 17-19, 2016.(1.035)
52.    E.Immanuvelbright,Automation in Sericulture FarmInternational Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, ISSN: 2455-9024, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 17-19, 2016.(1.035)
53.    L.Vijay AnandAutomation in Sericulture FarmInternational Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, ISSN: 2455-9024, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 17-19, 2016.(1.035)
54.    L.Vijay AnandSingle Phase Fifteen Level Inverter using Seven Switches towards THD ReductionInternational Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 83-88, 2016., ISSN: 2454-1532
55.    S.VijayanandSingle Phase Fifteen Level Inverter using Seven Switches towards THD ReductionInternational Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 83-88, 2016., ISSN: 2454-1532
56.    E.Immanuvelbright,Single Phase Fifteen Level Inverter using Seven Switches towards THD ReductionInternational Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 83-88, 2016., ISSN: 2454-1532
57.    Dr.P.SelvanA Novel Reduced Switch Power Quality Improvement For Current Harmonic Compensation And Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Model Predictive ControlInternational Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, ISSN: 2455-9024, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 50-54, 2016.(1.035)
58.    R.Senthil KumarA Novel Reduced Switch Power Quality Improvement For Current Harmonic Compensation And Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Model Predictive ControlInternational Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, ISSN: 2455-9024, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 50-54, 2016.(1.035)
59.    L.AnbarasuSensorless Control of Four-Switch Inverter for Brushless DC Motor Drive and Its SimulationScientific Research Publishing - Circuits and Systems, 2016, 7, 726-734 May 2016 (1.01)
60.    Dr.P.SelvanA Survey on the Custom Power Device Dynamic Voltage Restorer Structure, Principle and Control Strategy International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJAEET), Vol. 8, No. 5, May 2016 (2.76)
61.    Prof. M. ShyamalagowriA multilevel inverter for PV system using adaptive MPPT control with reduced harmonicsInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN No. 2395 – 0056, Volume 03, Issue no. 04, April 2016, Impact factor 4.45, pp. 2679 – 2684.
62.    G. S. Satheesh KumarA Survey on Smart Grid Distributed Power Flow: IEC61850, IEC 61499 and Intelligent controlsTrans Tech Publications,Switzerland-Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol. 573 (2014) pp346-351,Jun 2014
63.    S.P.DwarakeshModel Reference Adaptive Controller using MOPSO for a Non-Linear Boiler-TurbineInternational Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) , ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-4 Issue-4, (September 2014).
64.    Dr.A.AnbarasanHigh Step Up DC-AC Converter With Reduced Shoot Through States For PV Array By Using ANN ControllerInternational Journal of Engineering Science Invention Research & Development, Vol. I , Issue V, ( November 2014)
65.    Dr.A.AnbarasanPV System with Neutral Point Clamped Inverter for Suppression of Leakage Current and Harmonics based Fuzzy ControllerInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science , Vol. I , Issue VI,( November 2014)
66.    Prof. M. ShyamalagowriIndirect Torque And Speed Control Of ‘PMBLDC’ Motor With Power Factor Improvement Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerInternational Journal of Engineering Research-Online,Vol.2., Issue.6, ISSN: 2321-7758,(November2014)
67.    Prof. M. ShyamalagowriAn Intelligent Approach In Controlling Of Wheelchair For Physically ChallengedInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (May 2015)
68.    Prof. M. ShyamalagowriComparison of nonlinear state estimation approach using unscented kalman filter and extended kalman filter method. Case study – nonlinear process control reactor (continuous stirred tank reactor)International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 ( April 2015)
69.    Dr.P.SelvanImplementation Of HVDC Transmission For Versatile Electric Traction System Using Voltage Source ConverterInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
70.    Dr.P.SelvanDesign of hybrid electric vehicle charger with LLC resonant converterInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
71.    Dr.P.SelvanAssessment of MPPT Controllers (Excite & Monitor and Fuzzy Logic Control) for Detached Photovoltaic SystemsInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.2 (Jan 2015) pp. 1842-1847
72.    L.Vijay AnandAssessment of MPPT Controllers (Excite & Monitor and Fuzzy Logic Control) for Detached Photovoltaic SystemsInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.2 (Jan 2015) pp. 1842-1847
73.    E. Immanuvel BrightAssessment of MPPT Controllers (Excite & Monitor and Fuzzy Logic Control) for Detached Photovoltaic SystemsInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.2 (Jan 2015) pp. 1842-1847
74.    G. S. SatheeshKumarImplementation of Micro grid for Optimal Powerand Tariff Management in InstitutionsInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS),[Vol-2, Issue-2,]ISSN: 2349-6495,( Feb.- 2015)
75.    G. S. SatheeshKumarSmart Grid: A Renovation Of Power NetworkInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 ( April 2015)
76.    L.AnbarasuPower Factor Improvement In Electrode-Less Fluorescent Lamp Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
77.    G.GunasekaranPower Factor Improvement In Electrode-Less Fluorescent Lamp Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
78.    L.Vijay AnandSensorless predictive peak current control for boost converter using fuzzy logic controllerInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
79.    S.VijayanandSensorless predictive peak current control for boost converter using fuzzy logic controllerInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
80.    S.Tamil SelviDesign and Speed Control of DC Motor through Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
81.    B.RagavendraDesign and Speed Control of DC Motor through Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (April 2015)
82.    R.Senthil KumarBidirectional Distribution Electronic Power Transformer Using Multilevel ConvertersInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 ( April 2015)
83.    K.SameeullahBidirectional Distribution Electronic Power Transformer Using Multilevel ConvertersInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 ( April 2015)
84.    L.AnbarasuDesign and Implementation of Embedded Based Cane Robot Using Solar Power Panel for Visually Impaired PeopleJournal Of Applied Sciences Research ISSN : 1819-544x EISSN: 1816-157x,2015 April; 11(5): pages 68-74.
85.    M.Manikandan Three-Level, Boost-Type Converters with MPPT Voltage Balancing Control to Sensing Inductor CurrentInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 12 ( April 2015)
86.    M.ManikandanTransformer-Less Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Voltage Sag Compensation Using PI ControllerInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-2, Issue-4, April- 2015] ISSN: 2349-6495
87.    Dr. P.SelvanA Swarm Intelligence Approach For Voltage Profile Improvement By Optimal Placement Of Multi-Type Facts DevicesInternational Journal Of Advances In Engineering & Emerging Technology, Issn:2321-452x,Vol. 1,No. 1,May 2013
88.    M.ManikandanPower Quality Compensation Using Smes Coil With FLCInternational Journal Of Advances In Engineering & Technology, Issn:22311963,Vol. 6,Issue 4,Pp. 1855-1868,Sept.2013
89.    Prof. M.ShyamalagowriModeling And Simulation Of Nonlinear Process Control – Continuous Stirred Tank ReactorInternational Journal Of Advances In Engineering & Technology, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pp 1813-1888, September 2013
90.    Prof. M.ShyamalagowriModel Predictive Control Design For Nonlinear Process Control Reactor Case Study : CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor)Iosr Journal Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering (IOSR – JEEE), E-ISSN: 2278 – 1676, P – ISSN: 2320 – 3331, Volume 7, Issue 1 (July – August 2013), Pp 88 – 94.
91.    L.Vijay AnandPower Harvesting By Using Human Foot StepInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science,Engineering And Technology, Vol.2,Issue 7,July 2013
92.    R.Senthil KumarPower Factor Improvement Using Single Phase Bridgeless Cuk Converter Topology Based On Fuzzy Logic ControlInternational Journal Of Fuzzy Systems,Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2013
93.    Dr. A. AnbarasanHarmonics Elimination In Grid Connected Single Phase PV InverterInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014
94.    M.ManikandanReal And Reactive Power Compensation In Wind Farms By Static Synchronous CompensatorInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014
95.    M.ManikandanEnhancement Of Power Quality On Wind Generation Systems By Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage SystemInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014
96.    M.ManikandanSuperconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System Based Improvement Of Power Quality On Wind/PV SystemsInternational Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering , Volume 4,Issue 4, April 2014
97.    G.S SatheeshkumarAppraisal Of Smart Grid Modeling and Simulation ToolsInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014
98.    L.AnbarasuVoltage Balancing Control Of Improved ZVS FBTL Converter For WECSInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering andTechnology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014
99.    K.SameeullahAn Inductive Active Filtering Method For Power Quality Improvement In Grid Connected PV SystemInternational Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014
100.    K.SameeullahPower Quality Improvement Of Grid Connected Wind/Pv System Using Inductively Active FilteringInternational Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering , Volume 4,Issue 4, April 2014
101.   Mr.G.GunasekaranApplication Of Static Synchronous Compensator In Wind Farms For Real And Reactive Power ControlInternational Journal Of Scientific Engineering And Technology Research, Volume 3, Special Issue 5, April/May 2014
102.    Mr. B.RagavendraImproved Control Strategy On CUK Converter Fed Dc Motor using Artificial BEE Colony Algorithm International Journal Of Recent Development In Engineering And Technology, ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)), Volume 2, Special Issue 3, February 2014
103.    S.VijayanandImproved Control Strategy On CUK Converter Fed DC Motor using Artificial BEE Colony Algorithm International Journal Of Recent Development In Engineering And Technology, ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)), Volume 2, Special Issue 3, February 2014
104.    Dr.P.SelvanPhotovoltaic Power Injected To The Grid With Quasi Impedance Source InverterInternational Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science (IJERGS),Vol. 2, No.3, Pp. 421–426, (April/May 2014)
105.    Dr.P.SelvanTransient Stability Enhancement Of Real Time System Using ETAPInternational Journal Of Current Research, Issn: 0975-833x, Vol. 6, No.4, Pp. 6154–6159, (April/May 2014)
106.    Dr.P.SelvanTransient Stability Enhancement Of TNEB 400 Kv Transmission Network With SVCJournal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645, Vol. 63, No.1, Pp. 85–91, (May 2014)


S. No.Name of the FacultyTitle of the PatentPublished Details
1Dr.P.SelvanHydrogen Fuel BikeDesign No. 6314538, The Patent Office (U.K) Registration 22/09/2023.Granted Dated:02.10.2023
2Dr.R.MuthukumarCutting Edge Sensor Less Speed Regulations in Induction MotorApplication No.202441004199, The Patent Office Journal No.20/2024
3Mr.P.KarthikeyanSolar Powered Wireless Sensor Node for Data CommunicationsApplication No. 401660001A, The Patent Office Journal No.08/2023 Dated 08.12.2023
4Mrs. S TamilselviImproved Security Level in ATM machine using Biometric based Authentication systemPublication Number : 06/2022,Publication Date : 21/03/2022
5Mr. E.Immanuvel BrightDevelopment of IoT based Flood Alert SystemPublication Number : 50/2021,Publication Date : 10/12/2021
6Dr. P. SelvanA new local Multi Scale Fourier transform based image processing methodology for Scan imagesPublication Number : 39/2021,Publication Date : 29/10/2021
7Dr. P. SelvanVoice based outdoor navigation and location announcement guidance system for blindApplication Number : 2020103056,Publication Date : 9/12/2020
8Dr. G. S. SatheeshkumarTransmission power and frequency based network selection scheme for minimizing the harmful radiation from GSM mobilePublication Number : 36/2020,Publication Date : 04/09/2020
9Dr. M. N. SaravanakumarSecured Protection device for safety during overload conditionsPublication Number : 27/2020,Publication Date : 3/7/2020
10Dr. M. N. SaravanakumarEnergy Efficient Street Light system using arduino Uno and WSN for smart cityPublication Number : 28/2020,Publication Date : 10/7/2020
11Dr. M. N. SaravanakumarAn Optimal method for fault detection of transmission line with loss reductionPublication Number : 28/2020,Publication Date : 10/7/2020
12Dr. R. MuthukumarHybrid Wind Solar SystemExamination Report received on 09/07/2020
13Dr. S. Karthick & Mr. L.Vijay AnandMethod for Automatic health Prediction using Machine LearningPublication Number : 11/2020,Publication Date : 13/03/2020
14Mr. L. AnbarasuDesign for Solar Panel Cleaning System using SPA ConceptPublication Number : 23/2020,Publication Date : 5/6/2020
15Mr. L. Vijay Anand & Mr. R. Senthil KumarDevelopment of Smart Walking Stick for Visually Impaired PeoplePublication Number : 21/2020,Publication Date : 22/5/2020
16Mr. R. Senthil Kumar & Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightDevelopment of Intelligent Traffic Control for Emergency VehiclePublication Number : 25/2020,Publication Date : 19/6/2020
17Mr. S. Vijayanand & Mr. L. Vijay AnandDevelopment of IoT based System to Detect and Prevent Child AbusePublication Number : 28/2020,Publication Date : 10/7/2020
18Mrs. S. TamilSelviSystem and Method to Monitor and Forecast water consumption in premisesPublication Number : 20/2020,Publication Date : 17/1/2020
19Mrs. S. TamilSelviIoT based surface dust finding and cleaning machinePublication Number : 39/2020,Publication Date : 25/09/2020
20Dr. P. SelvanReal Time Traffic Control System using Digital Image ProcessingPublication Number : 39/2020,Publication Date : 25/09/2020
21Dr. R. MuthukumarDesign and Implementation of Home Automation using Voice RecognitionPublication Number : 41/2020,Publication Date : 09/10/2020
22Mr. L. Vijay Anand & Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightDesign and Development of RFID and Finger print based centralized voting systemPublication Number : 45/2020,Publication Date : 06/11/2020
23Mr. E. Immanuvel Bright & Mr. S. VijayanandDevelopment of smart system to avoid triples and over speed control in two wheelersPublication Number : 34/2020,Publication Date : 21/08/2020
24Dr. P. SelvanVoice based outdoor navigation and location announcement guidance system for blindPublication Number : 2020103056
25Mr. L. Vijay Anand & Mr. E. Immanuvel BrightDevelopment of Robot for Pipeline InspectionPublication Number : 21/2020,Publication Date : 22/05/2020
26Dr. G. S. SatheeshkumarSystem and method to monitor and forecast water consumption in premisesPublication Number : 03/2020,Publication Date : 17/01/2020
27Dr. M. N. SaravanakumarImprovement of Voltage Regulation on Distribution Generation using Power system regulatorsPublication Number : 45/2019,Publication Date : 8/11/2019
28Dr. G. S. SatheeshkumarDesign of an real time smart health care system through data minig and IoTPublication Number : 43 / 2019,Publication Date : 25/10/2019
S.NoAuthorBook / Monograph titlePublisheryear
1Dr. P. SelvanHybrid Electric Vehicles Principles And ApplicationsRK Publications2023
2Dr. R. MuthukumarElectrical Drives and ActuatorsISBN NO 978-81-19313-71-6, Global Asan Research.2023
3Dr. R. MuthukumarPower System Protection and SwitchgearISBN NO 978-93-5625-010-9, Scientific International Publishing House.2022
4Dr.AJohnyRenoaldAn Experimental Investigation of Fuzzy-Based Voltage-Lift Multilevel Inverter Using Solar Photovoltaic ApplicationSmart Grids and Green Energy Systems, 59, Wiley Publication2022
5Dr.AJohnyRenoaldInvestigation of Super-Lift Multilevel Inverter Using Water Pump Irrigation SystemSmart Grids and Green Energy Systems, 247, Wiley publication2022
6Dr L AnbarasuApplications of Soft Computing Techniques for Renewable Energy SystemsAkiNik Publications2022
7Dr. P. SelvanCircuit Theory (Regulation-2017)Charulatha Publications ISBN-13: 978-93-86532-58-92017
8Dr. P. SelvanBasic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Regulation-2017)Charulatha Publications ISBN-13: 978-93-86532-59-62017
9Dr. P. SelvanFundamentals of Electromagnetic fieldsLambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-613-9-98313-1; EAN:9786139831312017
10Mr. L. Vijay Anand,Mr. S. Vijayanand,Mr. R. Senthil KumarMeasurements and Instrumentation Short Questions and AnswersLambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-613-9-90760-1; EAN:9786139907601; Published on 05-10-20182018
11Mr. L. Vijay Anand,Mr. S. Vijayanand,Dr. M. ShyamalagowriLinear Integrated Circuits & ApplicationsLambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-613-9-98344-5; EAN:97861399834412018
12Dr. R.Muthukumar, Dr.P.selvan G.GunasekaranBasic of Electrical EngineeringLambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-613-9-44658-22019
13L.Anbarasu, G.GunasekaranSemiconductor Devices and ApplicationLambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-613-9-47160-72019
14S.P. DwarakeshAn Overview of Transmission and DistributionLambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-3-659-88346-02019
15L.Vijay Anand,S.Vijayanand,E.Immanuvel Bright,R.Senthil KumarNew Bridgeless Single Phase AC-DC power factor correction rectifiers on CUK and SEPIC topologyManglam Publications, ISBN No. 978-81-945125-0-92020
16S.TamilSelviApplication of multi agent system in Power system EngineeringPublished by intech.open, ISBN No. 978-613-9-47160-72020
17L. Vijay Anand,R. Senthil Kumar,S. Vijayanand,E. Immanuvel BrightSensorless BLDC Motor with ReducedCommutation Torque Ripples usingDTC TechniqueMANGLAM PUBLICATIONS,DELHI-110053, ISBN No. 978-81-950722-9-32021
18L.VijayAnand,E. Immanuvel Bright,S.Vijayanand,R.SenthilkumarNew Bridgeless Single Phase AC-DC Power Factor Correction Rectifiers Based on Cuk and Sepic TopologyContemporary Research in Engineering and Technology ,Mangalam Publications, Delhi2021
19Dr G S Satheeshkumar,S Tamil SelviApplications of Multi-Agent System in Power SystemEngineeringIntech Open Multi Agent Systems - Strategies and Applications2021

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