
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Student Achievements
University Ranks
University Rank
S. No.Name of the StudentsBranchYearRankUniversity
1HURISHA BARVINM.E(PED)20178Anna University
2STEPHY.P.TM.E(PED)201517Anna University
3POTHUMANI. VM.E(PED)201544Anna University
4PONNARASI REEE201427Anna University
5ANUSHA LEEE201439Anna University
6HURISHA BARVINEEE201321Anna University
7DHIVITHA VEEE201325Anna University
8KALPANA CEEE201226Anna University
9KAVITHAMANI REEE201228Anna University
10VINUSHREE K BEEE201238Anna University
11ARCHANA NEEE201239Anna University
12KARTHIKA NEEE201250Anna University
13CHARANRAJ MEEE201126Anna University
14SINDHU PEEE201128Anna University
15ARUNMOZHI PEEE201132Anna University
16SASIKALA MEEE201139Anna University
17ABIRAMI SEEE201140Anna University
18DHARANIKA TEEE201144Anna University
19KALEESHWARI PEEE201146Anna University
20SUSITHRA GEEE201150Anna University

Students Achievements in Co-Curricular Activities

Co Curricular
S. NoName of the studentsName of the EventVenueAwards /PrizesDate
1K.Vishnukumar & M.Sivasakthivel, II Yearproject presentation, (E-Military jocket with climate adjustment shoot)Gnanamani Engineering College2nd price12.10.2022
2S.Lingeshwaran, II-YearPaper PresentationKPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, CoimbatoreII Prize21.02.2020
3S.Lingeshwaran,II-YearPaper PresentationAngel college of Engineering, TirupurI Prize21.02.2020
4S.Lingeshwaran,II-YearPaper PresentationKongu Engineering College, PerunduraiI Prize10.03.2020
5S.Vaishnavi,III-YearBlue BrainCMS College of Engineering, NamakkalIII Prize17.02.2018
6K.A.Vijay & S.Pradeep, III YearLASER EvesdroppingSona College of Technology, SalemIII Prize25.09.2017
7A. Jeevaganesh &R. Kumaresan,III YearElectric power generation using hydrogen by fuel cellJansons Institute of Technology, CoimbatoreII prize26.09.2017
8B.Indhumathi,III YearFluid motion in combustion chamberJansons Institute of Technology, CoimbatoreII prize26.09.2017
9R.Kumaresan &A.Jeevaganesh,III yearQuiz warsJansons Institute of Technology, CoimbatoreII Prize26.09.2017
10K. Yuvaraj & S. Manisha II YearSolar TreeGRT Institute of Engineering and Technology, TiruthaniIInd Prize (Rs. 1000/-)27.08.2016
11M. Deepan Chakaravarthi & M.Periyar II YearHearing Aids forDeaf & Dump PeopleSengunthar Engineering College, TiruchengodeII Prize19.02.2016
12A. Sandeep kumar, B. Vimal kumar & S. Santhosh kumar III YearElectrical Device Control using Andrino Bluetooth control DeviceGovernment College of Engineering, SalemIII Prize03.03.2016
13M. Deepan Chakravarthi & M. Periyar II YearVideo Chats forDeaf & Dump PeopleGovernment College of Engineering, SalemII Prize03.03.2016
14T. Ravishankar & G. Rakkappan III YearEco-friendly GeneratorAVS College of Engineering, SalemI prize05.03.2016
15M. Periyar & M. Vignesh II YearVideo Chats forDeaf & Dump PeopleAVS College of Engineering, SalemI prize05.03.2016
16N.M. Ananthi, D.Vijayasanthi & D. Karpagam III YearLife Saver Circuit for Railway GateAVS College of Engineering, SalemII prize05.03.2016
17T. Ravishankar, R. Jayakumar III YearMultimediaExcel College of Engineering and Technology, KomarapalayamII Prize09.03.2016
18H. Habeeb Neesa &S. Nandhini Devi, III YearAd-zapInstitute of Road & Transport Technology, ErodeIIIrd Prize08.10.2014
19H. Habeeb Neesa &S. Nandhini Devi, III YearDebateInstitute of Road & Transport TechnologyIIIrd Prize08.10.2014
20H. Habeeb Neesa &S. Nandhini Devi ,III YearMachinistInstitute of Road & Transport TechnologyIst Prize08.10.2014
21R. Karthikeyan II YearTechnical QuizMadurai Institute of Engineering and Technology, MaduraiIst Prize08.10.2014
22K. Kiruthika &P. Usabarth,i III YearMulti mediaMuthayammal Engineering College, RasipuramIst Prize04.02.2015
23S. Karthikeyan, M. Arun & V. Meganathan III YearSolar ApplicationMuthayammal Engineering College, RasipuramIst Prize04.02.2015
24P. Usabarthi &S. Jayanthi III YearT’KwizAngel Engineering College, TirupurIst Prize20.02.2015
25Mujeebar Rahiman &M. Nagasaravanan, III YearMicrochipKPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, CoimbatoreIst Prize04.03.2015
26G. Mohanraj III YearSnapshotKPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, CoimbatoreIInd Prize04.03.2015
27R. Udhaya Kumar &R. Karthikeyan, II YearCircuit DebuggingUnited Institute of Technology, CoimbatoreIIIrd Prize04.03.2015
28G. Nivedha &N.M. Ananthi, II YearTreasure HuntNandha College of Technology, ErodeIInd Prize06.03.2015
29G. Nivedha &N.M. Ananthi, II YearRenewable Energy – Algae FuelNandha College of Technology, ErodeIst Prize06.03.2015
30S. Karthikeyan & J. Mujeebar Rahiman III YearA Novel Artificial Intelligent System for Milk Conservation using Wireless sensor NetworksNandha Engineering College, ErodeIInd Prize31.03.2015
Achievements in Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular
S. No.Name of the StudentName of the Event participatedVenueDatePrizes if Any
1B.Raghul Anna university Zonal, XII Inter College Hockey TournamentErode Sengunthar Engineering College07.11.2022 to 08.11.2022Third place
2K.Manoj KavinAnna university Zonal, XII Inter College Hockey TournamentErode Sengunthar Engineering College07.11.2022 to 08.11.2022Third place
3M.Kharal Thavabala Anna university Zonal, XII Inter College Kabaddi TournamentBuilders Engineering College 02.11.2022 to 04.11.2022Third place
4M.Kharal Thavabala Inter collegiate kabaddi TournamentAngel College of Engineering and Technology. 24.11.2022First Place
5S.Ajith raoStrength lifting associationThuthukudi association21.07.2018 & 22.07.2018Bronze medal
6N.Puspha lathaAmma jj memorial chess tournamentKongu kalvi nelayam higher secondary school,21.07.2018 & 22.07.201822nd place
7V.VivekAu chennai zone 12kabbadiSSM College of Enginnering03.10.2018& 04.10.2018Runner up
8R.Gopinath16 th district junior atheletic championshipVOC park stadium,Erode01.08.2017 & 02.08.2017Participated
9R.kirubakaranAu chennai zone 12 cricket championshipKSR college of technology,tiruchengode11.09.2017 & 13.09.2017Participated 
10M.ManikandanTamilnadu college of engineering championshipkabbadiTamilnadu college of engineering , coimbatore23.03.2018`& 25.03.2018Bronze Medal
11N.Ayyappan,R.Kirubakaran`Tamilnadu college of engineering cricket tournamentTamilnadu college of engineering , coimbatore23.03.2018& 25.03.2018IV place
12K.S.Arul muruganAu chennai zone 12 kho-kho tournamentKSR college of technology,15.10.2016 & 16.10.2016Runner up
13P.AnandhanAu chennai zone 12 ball batmiton tournamentBIT,sathy19.10.2016 & 20.10.2016Bronze medal
14K.S.Arul murugan8th centies kho-kho championshipCoimbatore institute of tech,coimbatore20.02.2017 & 21.02.2017IV place
15P.SivaKabaddi menJKKN college of engineering and technology,25.08.2015 & 26.08.2015II-prize
16P.JanikiramanChennai zone-12 foot ball menSri venkateshwara hi tech engineering college,08.08.2015(half day), & 09.09.2015 to 12.09.2015III-prize
17A.SivabalanChennai zone-12 kho-kho menKSRIET14.09.2015 & 15.09.2015II-prize
18A.Sivabalan,S.Karthi7th centies kho-kho tournamentPSG college of technology,02.02.2016 to 04.02.2016II-prize
19P.Siva5th park cet trophy kabaddiPark college of engineering and technology,06.02.2016 to 08.02.2016III-prize
20P.Siva, M.Manikandan, M.VigneshCIT trophy-2016 tournament kabaddiCoimbatore institute of technology,12.03.2016 to 13.03.2016III-prize
21P.Janikiraman, S.Navin kumarAngel trophy-2016 footballAngel college of engineering and technology, thirupur18.03.2016 to 19.03.2016III-prize
22M.Anantharaj, T.VigneshwarChennai zone-12 football tuornmentMPNMJ engineering college ,chennimalai24.08.2014 & 26.09.2014II position in zonal match
Students attained Infosys Spring Board Course

Academic Year 2021 – 22  II year EEE

1 II/EEE 20105005 S.Dhivakar 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
2 II/EEE 20105005 S.Dhivakar 1 Interactive Skills
3 II/EEE 20105005 S.Dhivakar 1 Java script
4 II/EEE 20105005 S.Dhivakar 1 Desing Thinking
5 II/EEE 20105008 R.Gowtham 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
6 II/EEE 20105010 A. Hariharan 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
7 II/EEE 20105014 S.Jansi 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
8 II/EEE 20105015 K.Jansirani 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
9 II/EEE 20105020 K. Manojkavin 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
10 II/EEE 20105020 K. Manojkavin 1 Arduino vs Raspberry pi
11 II/EEE 20105020 K. Manojkavin 1 Introduction to Robotic Process Automation
12 II/EEE 20105022 R.Naveenkumar 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
13 II/EEE 20105023 N.Navin 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
14 II/EEE 20105024 A.P. Pavithra 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
15 II/EEE 20105025 S.Ponmuthuvel 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
16 II/EEE 20105027 P. Praveen kumar 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
17 II/EEE 20105028 Ramudgar 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
18 II/EEE 20105034 S.Shobana 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
19 II/EEE 20105034 S.Shobana 1 Programing fundamental using python part_2
20 II/EEE 20105034 S.Shobana 1 Java script
21 II/EEE 20105034 S.Shobana 1 Interactive skill
22 II/EEE 20105037 B.Suriya 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
23 II/EEE 20105038 G. Tamilarasan 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
24 II/EEE 20105038 G. Tamilarasan 1 Java Script
25 II/EEE 20105302 G. Dheepankumar 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1
26 II/EEE 20105303 M. Gopinath 1 Programing fundamental using python part_1


Academic Year 2021 – 22  III year EEE

1III/EEE19105001ARUN PRAVIN.V S1Programing fundamental using python part_1
2III/EEE19105001ARUN PRAVIN.V S1Time management
3III/EEE19105001ARUN PRAVIN.V S1Building creative confidence
4III/EEE19105004GOPINATH.S1Programing fundamental using python part_1
5III/EEE19105004GOPINATH.S1Time management
6III/EEE19105005JABASTEEN1Programing fundamental using python part_1
7III/EEE19105005JABASTEEN1Basics of python
8III/EEE19105007JOTHIKA.V1Building creative confidence
9III/EEE19105007JOTHIKA.V1Time management
10III/EEE19105007JOTHIKA.V1Creative thinking
11III/EEE19105008KARKUVEL SHANKAR.G1Programing fundamental using python part_1
12III/EEE19105008KARKUVEL SHANKAR.G1Basics of python
13III/EEE19105008KARKUVEL SHANKAR.G1Creative thinking
14III/EEE19105009KARTHIKEYAN1Building creative confidence
15III/EEE19105009KARTHIKEYAN1Programing fundamental using python part_1
16III/EEE19105009KARTHIKEYAN1Basics of python
17III/EEE19105010KULANTHAIVELU.A1Programing fundamental using python part_1
18III/EEE19105010KULANTHAIVELU.A1Time management
19III/EEE19105010KULANTHAIVELU.A1Building creative confidence
20III/EEE19105011MANIMALAR.M1Programing fundamental using python part_1
21III/EEE19105011MANIMALAR.M1Building creative confidence
22III/EEE19105011MANIMALAR.M1Basics of python
23III/EEE19105011MANIMALAR.M1Time management
24III/EEE19105011MANIMALAR.M1Data structures and algorithms using python
25III/EEE19105012MARUTHURAJ.G1Programing fundamental using python part_1
26III/EEE19105012MARUTHURAJ.G1Basics of python
27III/EEE19105014MOHANLAL.K1Programing fundamental using python part_1
28III/EEE19105014MOHANLAL.K1Basics of python
29III/EEE19105015MUGESH KANNAN.R1Programing fundamental using python part_1
30III/EEE19105015MUGESH KANNAN.R1Machine learning in the cloud with Azure Machine Lrarning
31III/EEE19105015MUGESH KANNAN.R1Basics of python
32III/EEE19105016MYTHILI.A1Basics of python
33III/EEE19105016MYTHILI.A1Programing fundamental using python part_1
34III/EEE19105016MYTHILI.A1Time management
35III/EEE19105017NARAYANASAMY.T1Programing fundamental using python part_1
36III/EEE19105017NARAYANASAMY.T1Basics of python
37III/EEE19105018NAVEEN.C1Basics of python
38III/EEE19105018NAVEEN.C1Programing fundamental using python part_1
39III/EEE19105019NITHISH KUMAR.V1Programing fundamental using python part_1
40III/EEE19105020RAGHUL.B1Basics of python
41III/EEE19105020RAGHUL.B1Programing fundamental using python part_1
42III/EEE19105020RAGHUL.B1Creative thinking
43III/EEE19105021SABARINATHAN.V1Programing fundamental using python part_1
44III/EEE19105021SABARINATHAN.V1Basics of python
45III/EEE19105022SARANYA.S1Programing fundamental using python part_1
46III/EEE19105022SARANYA.S1Time management
47III/EEE19105022SARANYA.S1Creative thinking
48III/EEE19105023SATHEESHKUMAR.S1Basics of python
49III/EEE19105023SATHEESHKUMAR.S1Programing fundamental using python part_1
50III/EEE19105024SELVASUNDARAM.D1Basics of python
51III/EEE19105025VASANTHAKUMAR .R . P1Programing fundamental using python part_1
52III/EEE19105025VASANTHAKUMAR .R . P1Basics of python
53III/EEE19105301DESIKA.P1Programing fundamental using python part_1
54III/EEE19105304SUNDAR.D1Programing fundamental using python part_1
55III/EEE19105304SUNDAR.D1Basics of python
56III/EEE19105305SANTHOSH KUMAR.S1Basics of python
57III/EEE19105305SANTHOSH KUMAR.S1Programing fundamental using python part_1
58III/EEE19105305SANTHOSH KUMAR.S1Creative thinking
59III/EEE19105306RAGHUL.P1Programing fundamental using python part_1
60III/EEE19105306RAGHUL.P1Creative thinking

 Academic Year 2021 – 22  IV year EEE

1IV/EEEES18EE01Aakash Joel M1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
2IV/EEEES18EE02Dinesh E1Software Engineering and Agile Software Development
3IV/EEEES18EE02Dinesh E1Data structures and algorithms using python
4IV/EEEES18EE06Gunasekaran T1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
5IV/EEEES18EE06Gunasekaran T1Data structures and algorithms using python
6IV/EEEES18EE07Jayakumar J1Build Real World Website from Scratch using HTML5 and CSS3
7IV/EEEES18EE08Karan Pandiyan M1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
8IV/EEEES18EE08Karan Pandiyan M1Data structures and algorithms using python
9IV/EEEES18EE08Karan Pandiyan M1Software Engineering and Agile Software Development
10IV/EEEES18EE09Karthik M1Build Real World Website from Scratch using HTML5 and CSS3
11IV/EEEES18EE09Karthik M1JavaScript
12IV/EEEES18EE10Karthik Raj P1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
13IV/EEEES18EE10Karthik Raj P1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
14IV/EEEES18EE10Karthik Raj P1Data structures and algorithms using python
15IV/EEEES18EE11Keerthi Raj N1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
16IV/EEEES18EE11Keerthi Raj N1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
17IV/EEEES18EE11Keerthi Raj N1Data structures and algorithms using python
18IV/EEEES18EE13Lingeswaran.S1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
19IV/EEEES18EE13Lingeswaran.S1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
20IV/EEEES18EE13Lingeswaran.S1Data structures and algorithms using python
21IV/EEEES18EE14Mohan kumar.E1IOT Platforms overview
22IV/EEEES18EE15Mowleeswaran.V1Introduction to Python
23IV/EEEES18EE16Nandhini.V1Build Real World Website from Scratch using HTML5 and CSS3
25IV/EEEES18EE18Olivanan.B1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
26IV/EEEES18EE19Pavitharan R1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
27IV/EEEES18EE19Pavitharan R1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
28IV/EEEES18EE19Pavitharan R1Data structures and algorithms using python
29IV/EEEES18EE20Poovesh P1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
30IV/EEEES18EE20Poovesh P1IoT Platforms Overview
31IV/EEEES18EE20Poovesh P1Internet Of Things 101
32IV/EEEES18EE20Poovesh P1Fundamentals of Information security
33IV/EEEES18EE20Poovesh P1Software Engineering and Agile Software Development
34IV/EEEES18EE23Sanjeev Darshan S1Software Engineering
and Agile Software Development
35IV/EEEES18EE23Sanjeev Darshan S1Blockchain for Enterprises
36IV/EEEES18EE23Sanjeev Darshan S1Data structures and algorithms using python
37IV/EEEES18EE23Sanjeev Darshan S1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
38IV/EEEES18EE23Sanjeev Darshan S1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
39IV/EEEES18EE26Seenivasan D1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
40IV/EEEES18EE26Seenivasan D1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
41IV/EEEES18EE26Seenivasan D1Data structures and algorithms using python
42IV/EEEES18EE29Sumithara M1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
43IV/EEEES18EE29Sumithara M1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
44IV/EEEES18EE30Uma M1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
45IV/EEEES18EE30Uma M1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2
46IV/EEEES18EE32Vinoth Kumar S1Blockchain for Enterprises
47IV/EEEES19LEE02Krishna Kumar R1Managing project risks and changes
48IV/EEEES19LEE02Krishna Kumar R1Security Investment Returns in the long run
49IV/EEEES19LEE03Mukilan R1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
50IV/EEEES19LEE04Mythili M1Software Engineering agil software development
51IV/EEEES19LEE05Siva S1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 1
52IV/EEEES19LEE05Siva S1Software Engineering agil software development
53IV/EEEES19LEE05Siva S1Internet of things 101
54IV/EEEES19LEE05Siva S1Programming Fundamental Using Python Part 2

Contact Us

Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

Thudupathi, Perundurai, Erode - 638057

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