
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Video Lectures


S.No.Name of the FacultyName of the SubjectVideo Lecture LinkDate
1Dr.R.KannanClosed Loop Operation of DC Drives -Part 1https://youtu.be/t9ma4m0-cjE25.08.2022
2Dr. A.Johny RenoaldIntroduction of Power Electronic and Convertershttps://youtu.be/8_FtEkjPSTw24.08.2022
3Dr.L.AnbarasuSingle Phase Induction Motorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSuEcNeN8H425.03.2021
4G.RajpriyaConstruction details of DC Machineshttps://youtu.be/tnru4EyxZ8k28.10.2022
5G.RajpriyaConstruction and Working Principle of Transformerhttps://youtu.be/H1YYEW_vSVE28.10.2022
S.No.Name of the FacultyName of the SubjectVideo Lecture LinkDate
1Dr.P.SelvanPower System(Energy Efficiency lighting system)Power System(Energy Efficiency lighting system)30-Sep-21
2Mr.L.AnbarasuElectrical Machines II (Synchronous Generator)Electrical Machines II (Synchronous Generator)30-Sep-21
3Dr.M.ShyamalgowriElectrical Machines (MCQ)Electrical Machines (MCQ)30-Sep-21
4Dr.M.ShyamalgowriPower Plant EngineeringPower Plant Engineering30-Sep-21
5Dr.M.ShyamalgowriRenewable Energy Systems(Wind Energy)Renewable Energy Systems(Wind Energy)30-Sep-21
6Dr.M.ShyamalgowriBEEE Unit I Part 1BEEE Unit I Part 123-Dec-21
7Mr.L.AnbarasuDC Generators Unit -IDC Generators Unit -I29-Dec-21
S.No.Name of the FacultyName of the SubjectVideo Lecture LinkDate
1Mr. L. AnbarasuElectrical Machines I (DC Machines solved Problems)Electrical Machines I (DC Machines solved Problems)29-Aug-20
2Mr. L. AnbarasuElectrical Machines I & II (AC & DC Machines)Electrical Machines I & II (AC & DC Machines)29-Aug-20
3Mr. L. AnbarasuDC Machines and Transformer (Transformer Solved Problems)DC Machines and Transformer (Transformer Solved Problems)19-Oct-20
4Mr. L. AnbarasuElectrical Machines I (DC Machines and Transformer objective type questions)Electrical Machines I (DC Machines and Transformer objective type questions)21-Oct-20
5Dr. P. SelvanPower System Analysis (Economic Load Dispatch)Power System Analysis (Economic Load Dispatch)21-Oct-20
6Mrs. N. JothippriyaElectron Devices and Circuits (Analog Circuits (Bipolar Junction Transistor))Electron Devices and Circuits (Analog Circuits (Bipolar Junction Transistor))21-Oct-20
7Dr.M.ShyamalagowriControl Systems (Concept and objective type questions)Control Systems (Concept and objective type questions)31-Oct-20
8Mr. L. VijayAnandPower System Analysis (Per unit quantities)Power System Analysis (Per unit quantities)31-Oct-20
9Mr. S. VijayanandElectrical and Electronics Measurements (Error Analysis)Electrical and Electronics Measurements (Error Analysis)31-Oct-20
10Dr. R. MuthukumarPower Systems (Load Characteristics)Power Systems (Load Characteristics)24-Nov-20
11Mr.R.SenthilkumarDigital Logic Circuits (Overview)Digital Logic Circuits (Overview)24-Nov-20
12Mrs. S. Tamil SelviCircuit Theory(Mesh Analysis)Circuit Theory(Mesh Analysis)24-Nov-20
13Mrs. N. JothippriyaElectron Devices and Circuits (Analog Circuit)Electron Devices and Circuits (Analog Circuit)30-Nov-20
14Mr.E.Immanuvel BrightControl Systems (Block Diagram Reduction Techniques and Signal Flow Graph)Control Systems (Block Diagram Reduction Techniques and Signal Flow Graph)30-Nov-20
15Mr. L. AnbarasuDC Machines and Transformers (Testing of Transformer)DC Machines and Transformers (Testing of Transformer)24-Dec-20
16Mrs N. JothippriyaElectron Devices and Circuits (LC Oscillator (Analog Circuit))Electron Devices and Circuits (LC Oscillator (Analog Circuit))24-Dec-20
17Mr.R.SenthilkumarDigital Logic Circuits (Counters)Digital Logic Circuits (Counters)04-Jan-21
18Mr. L. VijayAnandPower System Analysis(Gauss-Seidal Load Flow Methods)Power System Analysis(Gauss-Seidal Load Flow Methods)04-Jan-21
19Mrs. S. Tamil SelviCircuit Theory (Nodal Analysis Solved Problems)Circuit Theory (Nodal Analysis Solved Problems)04-Jan-21
20Mr. S. VijayanandAnalog and Digital ElectronicsAnalog and Digital Electronics04-Feb-21
21Mrs. N. JothippriyaPower Electronics (Thyristor)Power Electronics (Thyristor)08-Feb-21
22Mr. L. AnbarasuFlexible AC Transmission Systems(FACTS)Flexible AC Transmission Systems(FACTS)18-May-21


S.No.Name of the FacultyName of the SubjectVideo Lecture LinkDate
1Mr.L.AnbarasuElectrical Machines I (Torque Equation of DC motor)Electrical Machines I (Torque Equation of DC motor)10-Sep-19
2Mr.S.VijayanandVLSI Design (Basic of n MOS,PMOS and CMOS)VLSI Design (Basic of n MOS,PMOS and CMOS)24-Sep-19
3Mr.L.AnbarasuElectrical Machines II (Three phase induction motor)Electrical Machines II (Three phase induction motor)24-Jan-20
4Mrs.S.Tamil SelviSolid State DrivesSolid State Drives31-Jan-20

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