
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Faculty Achievement
Sl. No.Name of the FacultyDetails of Achievement
1Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaReceived Best paper award for “Fruits Freshness Recognition System by Manipulating Multilayer Convolution Neural Network”
2Ms.E.L. Dhivyapriya14th Shri PK Das Memorial Best Faculty Award
3J.Sridhar & G.LingeshwaranReceived best Paper award from ISTE
4Dr.R.Kalaivani & V.ThamizarasanBest Presentation award –St.Paul Engineering College, Pondicherry
5Dr.R.Kalaivani & J.Madan MohanAppreciation certificate from eyantra –IIT Bombay for succefully completing the Task based training
6Dr.R.Kalaivani & J. SridharAppreciation certificate from Texas Instruments for conducting the online test
S.No.DepartmentName of the FacultyName of the ProposalAgency DetailsYearAmount sanctioned (In Rs.)
1ECEDr.A.Sathishkumar Ms.E.L.DhivyapriyaDesign of Antenna at Public Safety Spectrum for Mission Critical Communication in GHZ BandICSSR NIS/NS/209/IC/2022-23202350000/-
2ECEMr.V.ThamizharasanSmart, Precision and Automatic Farming (Agriculture) through Modern ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)TNSCST202350000/-
3ECEMr.V.Thamizharasan M.K.KarthikumarAnalog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design & Prototyping using Open-Source EDA Tools.SERB202350000/-
4ECEMr.V.ThamizharasanDesign and Implementation of Mini-FM using LI-FI TechnologyTNSCST(SPS)20237500/-
5ECEDr.R.KalaivaniAudio Transmission using USRP and Labview for disaster responseTNSTSC20227500/-
6ECEDr.R.KalaivaniRPS-Design and Development of Machine Learning based vehicular MIMO Visible Light Communication System with imaging receivers employing NOMAAICTE20222054766/-
7ECEDr.R.KalaivaniMODROB- Modernisation of Communication LabAICTE20201313725/-
8ECEDr.R.Kalaivani & Ms.R.PoornimaShort Term training Programme on Massive MIMO and Millimeter wave MIMO Technologies for 5G networksAICTE2020331000/-
9ECEDr.R.KalaivaniSPDP- Skill and personality development programme centre for SC/ST StudentsAICTE2019716000/-
10ECEDr.R.Kalaivani & M.RamyaEconomic Empowerment of Rural and Tribal Women through Low Cost Diapers and Sanitary Napkin Making“ Under Dissemination of Innovative Technology -DIT-TNSTSCTNSTSC201950000/-
11ECEDr.R.KalaivaniPrerana-Gate Coaching for SC/ST Students -AICTEAICTE2019508000/-
12ECEDr.R.Kalaivani & M.RamyaCCTV Installation Technician AICTE-PMKVY-TIAICTE2018382500/-
13ECEDr.R.Kalaivani & R.PoornimaMobile Phone Hardware Repair Technician AICTE-PMKVY-TIAICTE2018382500/-
14ECEDr.R.KalaivaniTelecom Sector-Optical Fiber Installation AICTE-PMKVY-TIAICTE2017303750/-
15ECEDr.R.KalaivaniTwo week FDP on Advancements in Cognitive green Communication and Robotic systemsAICTE2013510000/-

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