Department of Electronics and Communication
S. No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal details | Impact Factor | AU/Scopus/UGC List | Academic Year |
1 | Mr.V.Thamizharasan | FPGA implementation of High Performances Digital FIR Filter design using Hybrid adder and multiplier | International Journal Of Electronics | 1.457 | AU | Jul-22 |
2 | Dr. R. Kalaivani | Secured Wireless Connectivity With Machine Learning Optimized Flawless IoT | International Journal of Aquatic Science | _ | UGC | Jul-21 |
3 | Dr. M. Sundaram | Enhanced global and local face feature extraction for effective recognition of facial emotions | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | 1.53 | SCI-E, SCOPUS, WoS | Nov-21 |
4 | Dr.V.Premchandran | IoT-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks For Controlled And Safe Routing | International Journal of Aquatic Science | _ | UGC | Jul-21 |
5 | Dr.V.Premchandran | Effect of surfactant on the electrochemical performance of WO3 as super capacitor electrode | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | 2.48 | SCI | Sep-21 |
6 | Dr. S. Vimalnath | Traffic controlling and monitoring using IoT | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 0.55 | SCOPUS Indexed and WoS | Oct-21 |
7 | Dr. S. Vimalnath | Application of Internet of Things on the Healthcare Field Using Convolutional Neural Network Processing | Journal of Healthcare Engineering | 2.682 | SCI-E, SCOPUS | Jan-22 |
8 | Dr. K.Jayaram | Performance Analysis of Low Power Interference Cancellation Architecture for OFDM System | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing | 1.647 | SCI-E, SCOPUS | Nov-21 |
9 | Dr.V.Premchandran, Mr. V.Thamizharasan and Mr. M. Karthikkumar | Solar Powered Autonomous Robotic Car Using For Surveillance | Springer publication series: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | 0.65 | SCI indexed | Dec-21 |
10 | Mr. V.Thamizharasan | Design of Proficient two operand adder using Hybrid Carry Select Adder with FPGA Implementation | IETE Journal of Research | 2.33 | AU annexure 1 / Scopus | (Accepted on) April 22 |
11 | Dr. R. Kalaivani | Low-power DSSS transmitter and its VLSI implementation | Annals of Telecommunications | 1.412 | SCI | Mar-21 |
12 | Dr. R. Kalaivani | Automatic Vehicle Speed Control in School Zone and Horn Control in Hospital Zone Using Python Open CV | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
13 | Dr. R. Kalaivani | Medi-Quad- Multipurpose Drone For Medical Emergency | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
14 | Dr.A.V.Santhosh Babu | Comparison of Various Intrusion Identification and Response System for MANET | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management | _ | Mar-21 | |
15 | Dr. S Karthick | Realization of industrial automation using Bluetooth technologies | Materials Today: Proceedings | 1.24 | Scopus Indexed | Jan-21 |
16 | Dr. S Karthick | Food Recognition and Calorie Measurement Using Adaptive Super pixel Algorithm | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
17 | Dr. S Karthick | Algorithm to Diagnose Asymptomatic Eye Diseases Based On Color Fundus Images | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
18 | Dr. S Karthick | License Plate Image Recognition Based On Adaptive Super pixel Algorithm | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
19 | Dr. S Karthick | Energy Efficient Smart Agriculture System Based on IoT in Green House Cultivation | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
20 | Dr. S Karthick | Identifications of Irregularities in Mammographic Images Using Computer Aided Diagnostic Scheme | Solid State Technology | _ | _ | Aug-20 |
21 | Dr. V. Premchandran | Water Leakage Detection in Urban Using IoT | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
22 | Dr. V. Premchandran | Automatic Medication Dispenser to Ensure the Wellbeing of the Patient | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
23 | Dr. V. Premchandran | Contrast Enhancement of Low Luminance Image Using Modified Histogram | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
24 | Ms.M.Ramya, Mr.V.Thamizharasan | Adaptive Beam forming algorithms for wireless Communication using LABVIEW | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 0.51 | Scopus Indexed | Mar-21 |
25 | Ms. M. Ramya | Biometric Based Access To Personally Controlled Health Records In Emergency Situations | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
26 | Ms. M. Ramya | Design and Implementation of Hybrid Full Adder Using Tanner EDA | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
27 | Mr. V. Thamizharasan | High-Speed Hybrid Multiplier Design Using a Hybrid Adder with FPGA Implementation | IETE Journal of Research | 2.33 | AU annexure 1 / Scopus | Apr-21 |
28 | Mr. J. Sridhar, Mr. G. Lingeswaran | A Novel Approach on PLCC Based Domestic Data Communication | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 0.51 | Scopus Indexed | Mar-21 |
29 | Ms. R. Poornima | Miniaturized Embedded System Solution for Monitoring Driver and Vehicle Health | Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research | _ | UGC | Apr-21 |
30 | Dr.V.Premchandran, Mr. M.Karthikkumar | An Agricultural Irrigat?on Management System Based on the Internet of Things With MQTT Protocol | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 0.51 | Scopus Indexed | Mar-21 |
31 | Dr. R. Kalaivani | Review of Echocardiogram Analysis and Classification Practices | Journal of Critical Reviews | _ | _ | Jul-20 |
32 | Dr. V. Premchandran, Mr. M. Karthikkumar, Ms. M. Ramya, Mr.V.Thamizharasan, Mr. G. Lingeswaran and Mr. P.Logamurthy | A Review on Image Enhancement Techniques using Modified Approach of Histogram Equalization | International Journal for Research & Development In Technology | _ | _ | May-20 |
33 | Dr. V. Premchandran, Mr. M. Karthikkumar, Ms. M. Ramya, Mr.V.Thamizharasan and Mr. G. Lingeswaran | A Novel Technique to Preserve Nourishment of Food Beverages using E-Nose Technology in Food Industry | IJSRD -International Journal for Scientific Research & Development | _ | _ | May-20 |
- K.R.Priyadharshini, ” IoT based Energy efficient usingWireless Sensor Network application to smart agriculture” International Conference on Intelligent Data CommunicationTechnologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT 2023) 5-7, January 2023 by REVA University, Bengaluru,IEEE EXPLORE
- DhivyaPriya E L, A. Sharmila, K.C.Rajarajeshwari, K.R.GokulAnand, ArshiNaim, “Wearable Proximity coupled antenna for IoT Applications” in “Internet of Things Enabled Antenna for Biomedical Devices and Systems – Impact, Challenges and Applications” with Springer.
- K. Thivyabrabha, Sharmila A, DhivyaPriya E L,K. R. Priyadharshini,J.S.Sujin, “IoT Based Automated Coal mine Detection and Immediate Rescue robot” in International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2022) organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli.
- M. Balamurugan, G. Prabhakar, G. Amsaveni, M. Karthikumar, E. Sharmila and J. J. Shifa, “IoT-based Intelligent Mobile Application for Shopping,” 2022 International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS), Pudukkottai, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICACRS55517.2022.10029137.
- Ms.J.Nalifabegam,“Multimodal Efficient Bioscrypt Authentication using MATLAB”International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence (ICSMDI-2023)30-31st March 2023 (Paper Accepted).
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