

S. NoName of the FacultyDesignationTitle of the EventDateInstitutionLevelRemarks
1Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorFive Day International FDP on Research opportunities in emerging area of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
18.07.22 to 22.07.22KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, CoimbatoreNationalParticipated
2Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorFDP on “ Crypto currency, block chain and cyber security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM college of Art and ScienceNationalParticipated
3Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorFDP on “Academic leader ship for enhanced outcome”21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
4Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorWork shop on “Application of Image processing in MATLAB”12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022MARCELLO techNationalParticipated
5Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorFDP on “Iot and its Applications”05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
6Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AWARENESS MISSION24.01.2023Intellectual Property Office and MoE's Innovation Cell,NationalParticipated
7Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorAnalog and Digital Modulation Techniques using Analog Devices RF Transceiver ADALM PLUTO28.01.2023IETE-Erode Centre & Kongu Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
8Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorWebinar on IEEE Explore23.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
9Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorMaster Class on Machine Learning11.01.23 to 10.02.23Pantech e Learning Pvt ltdNationalParticipated
10Dr.R.KalaivaniProfessorPerformance Analysis of power converters using various modern control techniques for research perspective27.08.2022Aalim Muhammed Salegh college of engineeringNationalParticipated
11Dr.A.SathishkumarProfessorAmazon web service ‘AWS’22.08.2022 to 27.08.2022Sathyabama Institute of science and TechnologyNationalParticipated
12Dr.A.SathishkumarProfessor30 days full stack mentor course1.09.2022 to 30.09.2022Pantech e Learning Pvt ltdNationalParticipated
13Dr.A.SathishkumarProfessorWebinar on General awareness on Environment Health and Safety15.09.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
14Dr.A.SathishkumarProfessorFDP on “Electrical Vehicle Technology-A Future Transportation Tools”28.11.2022 to 02.12.2022Bangalore institute of technologyNationalParticipated
15Dr.A.SathishkumarProfessorWorkshop on “cloud based office management for corporate employee (paperless office)30.12.2022Dr.M.G.R. Education And Research InstituteNationalParticipated
16Dr.A.SathishkumarProfessorTechnical Meeting on “Future Trends in VLSI Technology”31.12.2022IEEE Madras SectionNationalParticipated
17Mr.V.ThamizharasanAssistant ProfessorFive day FDP on Discrete time signal processing20.06.2022 to 25.06.2022Anna university, ChennaiNationalParticipated
18Mr.V.ThamizharasanAssistant ProfessorFive day FDP on Cryptocurrency, Blockchain & Cyber Security12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM College of Arts and ScienceNationalParticipated
19Mr. BalamuruganAssistant ProfessorWebinar on General awareness on Environment Health and Safety23.08.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
20Mr. BalamuruganAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Recent High Capacity Batteries for Electric Vehicle15.09.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
21Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorWorkshop on Designing and Modelling of IoT, AI & ML Systems01.08.22 to 05.08.22AICTE-ATAL Academy, ARM Academy, ARM Education and STMicroelectronics, NIELIT Calicut.NationalParticipated
22Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorFive Day National Level FDP on “Crypto currency, Block chain & Cyber Security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM College of Arts and Science, Thrikkakara, KeralaNationalParticipated
23Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorFive Day International FDP on Research opportunities in emerging area of Electronics and Communication Engineering18.07.22 to 22.07.22KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, CoimbatoreNationalParticipated
24Ms. ThivyaprabhaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Recent High Capacity Batteries for Electric Vehicle23.08.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
25Ms. ThivyaprabhaAssistant ProfessorFDP on IoT Induced Artificial Intelligence for Emerging Computing Paradigms04.10.2022 to 08.10.2022Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab (India)NationalParticipated
26Ms. ThivyaprabhaAssistant ProfessorAttended a Five Day National Level FDP on “Crypto currency, Blockchain & Cyber Security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM College of Arts and Science, ThrikkakaraNationalParticipated
27Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorFDP on Fundamentals behind applications and Industrial Automation12.11.2022Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Polytechnic CollegeNationalParticipated
28Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorCryptocurrency, blockchain & cyber security12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM college of arts and scienceNationalParticipated
29Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorFDP on Innovation by Design01.08.2022 to 31.08.2022NPTEL plateformNationalParticipated
30Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorFDP on Recent Trends and advances in Electronics26.09.2022 to 30.09.2022MEASI Institute ofInformation TechnologyNationalParticipated
31Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorFDP on Current Trends in Information Technology19.09.2022 to 23.09.2022Dr.B.C. Roy Engineering College DurgapurNationalParticipated
32Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorAICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on "Academic Leadership for enhanced outcomes"21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022NITTTR, ChandigarhNationalParticipated
33Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorThree days International FDP on "Disruptive Technologies for Next Gen Computing"14.12.2022 to 16.12.2022Deparment of ECE, Sri Krishna College of Technology, CoimbatoreInternationalParticipated
34Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorActed as resource person and delivered a Hands on Training on "Practicing ALP for Microprocessor and Microcontroller Design" organized by18.02.2023.Department of EEE in association with BEES Association and IEI, KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, TiruchengodeNationalParticipated
35Ms.E.L. DhivyapriyaAssistant ProfessorActed as resource person and delivered a Guest Lecture on “Digital Modulation and Transmission Techniques” for the course 21EC4601-Analog and Digital Communication06.03.2023Department of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
36Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Recent High Capacity Batteries for Electric Vehicle23.08.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
37Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant Professor  Attended a Five Day National Level FDP on “Crypto currency, Blockchain & Cyber Security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022 KMM College of Arts and Science, ThrikkakaraNationalParticipated
38Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant Professor One Week Online Faculty Develoment Programme on "IoT Induced Artificial Intelligence for Emerging Computing Paradigms 04.10.2022 to 08.10.2022 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab (India)NationalParticipated
39Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended a Webinar entitled “Recent High Capacity Batteries for Electrical Vehicles”23.08.2022PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal.NationalParticipated
40Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended a Five Day National Level FDP on “Cryptocurrency, Blockchain & Cyber Security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM College of Arts and Science, ThrikkakaraNationalParticipated
41Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorWebinar entitled "Design Thinking"14.10.2022R.M.D Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
42Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorWebinar entitled Effective Teaching: Insights from Education Psychology15.10.2022Bharat Institute of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
43Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended Webinar on Recent High Capacity Batteries for Electric Vehicle23.08.2022Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab (India)NationalParticipated
44Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended Webinar on General awareness on Environment Health and Safety15.09.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
45Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended a Five Day National Level FDP on “Crypto currency, Blockchain & Cyber Security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM College of Arts and Science, ThrikkakaraNationalParticipated
46Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorInternational Webinar on Effective Teaching: Insights from Education Psycology15.10.2022CRESIHRDInternationalParticipated
47Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended international webinar on Computational Cardiac Engineering : Predictive Patient specific modeling of heart diseases19.10.2022MITInternationalParticipated
48Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorIP Awareness and Training Programme19.10.2022National Intellectual Property Awareness MissionNationalParticipated
49Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Intellectual property rights27.10.2022Annapoorna engineering collegeNationalParticipated
50Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on IoT Induced Artificial Intelligence for Emerging Computing Paradigms04.10.2022 to 08.10.2022Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab (India)NationalParticipated
51Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Design Thinking14.10.2022Annapoorna Engineering College ( organised by IIC and IPR)NationalParticipated
52Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended International Webinar on Solar Activity effects on Earth Environments28.10.2022 to 29.10.2022Govt. Model Science College, Rewa (M.P)InternationalParticipated
53Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on Academic Leadership for enhanced outcomes21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
54Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on IoT and its applications05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
55Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on Fundamenta;ls behind applications and Industrial Automation11.12.2022Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyala Polytechnic CollegeNationalParticipated
56Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorWorkshop on Applications of Image Processing in MATLAB12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022Mrcello TechNationalParticipated
57Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorIP Awareness and Training Programme24.01.2023National Intellectual Property Awareness MissionNationalParticipated
58Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorAnalog and Digital Modulation Techniques using Analog Devices RF Transceiver ADALM PLUTO28.01.2023IETE-Erode Centre & Kongu Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
59Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorWebinar on IEEE Explore23.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
60Ms. Priya DharshiniAssistant ProfessorDigital Circuits course12 week courseNPTELNationalParticipated
62Ms.E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Intellectual property rights27.10.2022Annapoorna engineering collegeNationalParticipated
63Ms.E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Design Thinking14.10.2022Annapoorna engineering collegeNationalParticipated
64Ms.E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Recent High Capacity Batteries for Electric Vehicle15.09.2022PGP College of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
65Ms.E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on "IPR and IP Management For Startup28.07.2022Kathir College of Engineering CoimbatoreNationalParticipated
66Ms.J.Jasmine ShifaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Intellectual property rights27.10.2022Annapoorna engineering collegeNationalParticipated
67Ms.J.Jasmine ShifaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Design Thinking14.10.2022Annapoorna engineering collegeNationalParticipated
68Ms.J.Jasmine ShifaAssistant ProfessorOne day FDP on Fundamentals behind applications and Industrial Automation12.11.2022Bharat Institute of engineering and technologyNationalParticipated
69Ms.J.Jasmine ShifaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on Effective Teaching: Insights from Education Psychology15.10.2022Bharat Institute of engineering and technologyNationalParticipated
70Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorFDP on “Academic leader ship for enhanced outcome”21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
71Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorFDP on “Open Source technologies”17.10.2022 to 21.10.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
72Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorFDP on “data science using python”10.10.2022 to 10.10.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
73Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorFDP on “Iot and its Applications”05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
74Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorWebinar on National Intelluctual Property awareness mission24.01.2023Intellectual Property Office and MoE's Innovation Cell, IndiaNationalParticipated
75Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorTwo Days National Level
Seminar on“Role of NAAC with NEP as a Quality Tool for Higher Education”
16.12.2022 to 17.12.2022Sri Ranganathar Institute of TechnologyNationalParticipated
76Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorWork shop on”Desigining Course outcomes and outcomes Fouced Questions14.01.2022In pods Ed -TechNationalParticipated
77Dr.S.BharathidasanAssociate ProfessorWebinar on IEEE Explore23.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
78Dr.A.sathishkumarProfessorFDP on “Academic leader ship for enhanced outcome”21/11/22 to 25/11/22NITTTR chandigarhNationalParticipated
79Ms.J.Jasmin ShifaAssistant professorGuest lecture on"Real time Implementation of28.01.2023Kongu college of engineeringNationalparticipated
80Ms.J.Jasmin ShifaAssistant professorNational intellectual property awareness mission24.01.2023Intellectual property rights office MOE'S innovation cellNationalparticipated
81Dr.G.S.Satheesh KumarAssistant professorNational intellectual property awareness mission24.01.2023Intellectual property rights office MOE'S innovation cellNationalparticipated
82Mr.V.ThamizharasanAssistant ProfessorAICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on "Academic Leadership for enhanced outcomes"21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022NITTTR, ChandigarhNationalParticipated
83Mr.V.ThamizharasanAssociate ProfessorFDP on “Iot and its Applications”05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
84Dr. G. S. Satheesh KumarAssistant professor“Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career
09.11.2022Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology,
85Dr. G. S. Satheesh KumarAssistant professorDevelopment of Artificial Intelligent and Data science in developing Electrical Engineering04-08-2022 to 17-08-2022NIT, WarngalNationalParticipated
86Dr. G. S. Satheesh KumarAssistant professorA Five days Lead Auditor Course on "Enviormrnt Management System Green Campus , Energy and Hygiene Audits26.09.2022 to 30.09.2022Natural Science FooundatioNationalParticipated
87Dr. G. S. Satheesh KumarAssistant professorFDP on “Academic leader ship for enhanced outcome”21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
88Dr. G. S. Satheesh KumarAssistant professorFDP on “Iot and its Applications”05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
89Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant professor One Week Online Short Term Course on " Cyber Security: Managing Risk in the information age"12.10.2022 to 16.10.2022Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab (India)NationalParticipated
90Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant professorInternational Webinar on "Computational Cardiac Engineering : Predictive Patient- Specific Modelling of Heart Disease"19.10.2022MIT Academy of EngineeringNationalParticipated
91Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant professor One Day IP Awareness/Training Program Under "National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission "19.10.2022 Intellectual Property Office, IndiaNationalParticipated
92Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant professorFDP on Fundamentals behind applications and Industrial Automation12.11.2022Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Polytechnic College NationalParticipated
93Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on Academic Leadership for enhanced outcomes21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
94Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on IoT and its applications05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
95Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant ProfessorAnalog and Digital Modulation Techniques using Analog Devices RF Transceiver ADALM PLUTO28.01.2023IETE-Erode Centre & Kongu Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
96Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant ProfessorWebinar on IEEE Explore23.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
97Ms.G.AmsaveniAssistant ProfessorFDP on “Open Source technologies”17.10.2022 to 21.10.2022National institute of technical teacher training and research chandigarhNationalParticipated
98Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorWorkshop on Applications of Image Processing in MATLAB12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022Mrcello TechNationalParticipated
99Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on Academic Leadership for enhanced outcomes21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
100Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on IoT and its applications05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
101Mr.M.KarthikkumarAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on Innovation in Mentoring Pedagogy and Incorporation of ICT Techniques in Education30.01.2023 to 04.02.2023Paavai Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
102Ms.J.NalifabegamAssistant ProfessorWebinar on IEEE Explore23.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
103Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended an International Webinar entitled “Effective Teaching: Insights from Education Psychology” 15.10.2022CRESIHRD, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society, Hyderabad ChapterInternationalParticipated
104Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended an “IP Awareness / Training Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission”19.10.2022Intellectual Property Office, IndiaNationalParticipated
105Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in an ATAL Blended/Hybrid FDP entitled “Robotics and Automation in Industry 4.0”06.10.2022 to 11.10.2022 and 15.10.2022 to 19.10.2022Bannari Amman Institute of TechnologyNationalParticipated
106Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorNPTEL Online Certification course entitled "Modern Digital Communication Techniques"July to October 2022NPTELNationalParticipated
107Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorFaculty Development Programme on "Modern Digital Communication Techniques"July to October 2022NPTELNationalParticipated
108Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended a Webinar entitled "How to Set Realistic Goals"03.11.2022Institution Innovation council, Vel-Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, ChennaiNationalParticipated
109Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in a Faculty Development Programme entitled "Fundamentals Behind Applications and Industrial Automation"12.11.2022Department of EEE, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidhyalaya Polytechnic College, Coimbatore NationalParticipated
110Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in the AICTE recognized Online Faculty Development Programme entitled "Academic Leadership for Enhanced Outcomes"21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College (Autonomous), Tamilnadu in association with NITTTR, ChandigarhNationalParticipated
111Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in the AICTE recognized Online Faculty Development Programme entitled "IoT and It’s Applications"05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College (Autonomous), Tamilnadu in association with NITTTR, ChandigarhNationalParticipated
112Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended a Webinar on "Industrial Trends in Electrical Discipline"08.12.2022Schneider Electric IndisNationalParticipated
113Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended a online Workshop on "Applications of Image Processing in MATLAB"12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022MARCELLO Tech, TrichyNationalParticipated
114Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in an International Webinar on "Solar Photovoltaics for Sustainable Future"24.12.2022CRESIHRD, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society, Hyderabad ChapterInternationalParticipated
115Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended an Online Quiz on "Basics of Research"31.12.2022Ashirwad Education Center, GujaratNationalParticipated
116Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended a Technical Meeting on "Future Trends in VLSI Technology"31.12.2022Professional Activities and Membership Development Committee, IEEE Madras Section in association with IEEE Madras Young ProfessionalsNationalParticipated
117Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended an International Webinar on "Importance of Preparedness for Educators"31.12.2022CRESIHRD, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society, Hyderabad ChapterInternationalParticipated
118Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in Five Days Online Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Trends and Innovations in Electric Vehicles"30.01.2023 to 03.02.2023Sri Krishna College of Technology, CoimbatoreNationalParticipated
119Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorAttended an online Training/ Webinar on "IEEE Xplore"24.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering College (Autonomous), ErodeNationalParticipated
120Mr.GladsonAssistant ProfessorParticipated in "IP Awareness /Training Programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission"24.01.2023Intellectual Property Office and MoE's Innovation Cell, IndiaNationalParticipated
121Balamurugan M Assistant Professorworkshop on ‘Medical Signal Processing with Artificial Intelligence’17-12-22 to18-02-22Thiagarajar College of EngineeringNational Participated
122Balamurugan M Associate ProfessorWebinar on Computational Cardiac Engineering: Predictive patient-specific modeling of heart diseases10/19/2022MIT Academy of EngineeringNational Participated
123Balamurugan M Assistant ProfessorInternational Webinar on Effective Teaching: Insights from Education Psychology10/15/2022Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society, Hyderabad ChapterInternational Participated
124Balamurugan M Assistant ProfessorIPR awareness/training program10/19/2022Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNational Participated
125Balamurugan M Assistant Professorwebinar on utilising Micro Hydro system for Electric Power generation 11/4/2022Chalapatghi Institute of Engineering and Technology National Participated
126Balamurugan M Assistant ProfessorDesign Thinking 10/15/2022RMD Engineering CollegeNational Participated
127E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorWebinar on IEEE Explore23.02.2023Erode Sengunthar Engineering CollegeNationalParticipated
128E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorDigital Circuits course12 week courseNPTELNationalParticipated
129E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on IoT and its applications05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
130E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorAttended FDP on Academic Leadership for enhanced outcomes21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research ChandigarhNationalParticipated
131E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorAttended a Five Day National Level FDP on “Cryptocurrency, Blockchain & Cyber Security”12.09.2022 to 16.09.2022KMM College of Arts and Science, ThrikkakaraNationalParticipated
132E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorIP Awareness and Training Programme24.01.2023National Intellectual Property Awareness MissionNationalParticipated
133E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorWorkshop on Applications of Image Processing in MATLAB12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022Mrcello TechNationalParticipated
134E.SharmilaAssistant Professor“Role of
NAAC with NEP as a Quality Tool for Higher Education”
16.12.2022 to 17.12.2022Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and TechnologyNationalParticipated
135E.SharmilaAssistant ProfessorFDP on “Fundamentals behind applications and Industrial
12/11/2022Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyala Polytechnic CollegeNationalParticipated

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Erode Sengunthar Engineering College

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