Mechanical Engineering
Association Activities
S. No. | Name of the Event | Date | Resource Person | Level of the Program(Institute, State, National) |
1 | Guest lecture on “Advances in Refrigeration” | 23.06.2023 | Er.S.S.Manoj, Safety officer, Milky Mist India Private Limited, Seenapuram, Perundurai. | Institute |
2 | Expert lecture on “Metal Additive Manufacturing” | 17.07.2023 | Dr.T.Ramprabhu, Scientist E and Joint Director of DRDO, Govt of India, Bangalore. | Institute |
3 | Seminar on “Latest Technology in Robotics and AI” | 11.08.2023 | Mrs.Sowmiya Santhanam, Director, Seventh Sense School of Robotics, Erode. | Institute |
S. No. | Name of the Event | Date | Resource Person | Level of the Program(Institute, State, National) |
1 | Association Inaugural & Guest Lecture on “Scope of Mechanical Engineers in Industries” | 17.08.2022 | Mr.Prakash R, Manager- Operations, PPL Enterprise Pvt ltd, Coimbatore. | Institute |
2 | Guest lecture on “Job Oppurtunities in Manufacturing Industries” | 25.08.2022 | Mr.N. Sampathkumar, DGM- Training & Career advancement Roots Industries Pvt ltd, Coimbatore. | Institute |
3 | Expert lecture on “Career Building in Mechanical Field” | 07.09.2022 | Mr.V. Karthik, Loads Engineer, Vestas Inc, Denmark. | Institute |
4 | Guest lecture on “3D printer using open source hardwares” | 16.09.2022 | Er.C.Muthumohan, Managing Partner , MK automations, Thiruchengode | Institute |
5 | Extension Program on Youth Empowerment program | 22.09.2022 | Mr.Mahadevan, Heartfulness Medidation centre, Nasiyanoor, Erode | Institute |
6 | Expert Talk on “Future Trends in Robotics and Automation” | 28.09.2022 | Mr.Amarnath Karthik, Director, Embuzz technology, Coimbatore | Institute |
7 | Workshop on “Hands on Training of Design of Experiments” | 11.10.2022 | Dr.S.P.Sivaprakasam, Professor&Head, Dr.K.R.Balasubramaniyan, Associate Professor, NIT, Trichy. | Institute |
8 | Technical Paper presentation on Recent Technologies | 20.10.2022 | Mr.Kannan A, Fresh and Fresh, Tiruppur. | State |
9 | Workshop on“Operations in CNC machine” | 21.10.2022 | Dr.Y.Robinson, Prof/Mech, ESEC | Institute |
10 | National Conference on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering for sustainable Development” | 01.11.2022 & 02.11.2022 | Dr.M.Bhuvaneshwaran, Associate Professor/Mechanical, KSR College of Engineering. Dr.A.Karthik, Assistant Professor, Akshaya college of Engg& Technology, Coimbatore | National |
11 | Guest lecture on “CFD applications in Industies” | 04.11.2022 | Dr.Kulasekharan Narasingamurthi, AGM-CFD, Fiat Chryslar Automobile Engineering India Pvt Ltd, Chennai. | Institute |
12 | Faculty Development Program on “Modern Manufacturing Technology” | 12.12.2022 to 16.12.2022 | Dr.P.Sathya, Professor/Production Engineering NIT, Trichy. Dr.G.SuganyaPriyadharshini, Assistant Professor/Mechanical, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, coimbatore | Institute |
13 | Expert Talk on “An Overview of Indian Space program” | 07.01.2023 | Dr.P.Sasikumar, Scientist/Engineer, Vikram Sarabhai space centre, ISRO, Trivandram , Kerala. | Institute |
14 | Expert Lecture “Finite Element Analysis” | 19.01.2023 | Dr.P.Emmanuel Nicholas, Assistant Professor/Mechanical, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul | Institute |
15 | Leaders Talk on “Job Oppurtunities in Industries” | 27.01.2023 | Mr.S.Raveendran, Assistant Engineer, M/s.JRK Industries, Sathyamangalam. | Institute |
16 | Expert talk on “Job Opportunities in core Industries” | 31.01.2023 | Mr.Gopinath, Trainee, Brakes India Private Limited, chennai | Institute |
17 | Expert lecture on “How to face Interviews” | 03.02.2023 | Mr.Pradheepjohn, Mechanical Alumnus, Freelancer company, Chennai. | Institute |
18 | Expert lecture on Career prospectus for Mechanical Engineering students” | 10.02.2023 | Mr.V.Subramaniam, Mechanical Alumnus, Manager in Hindustan sanitation India Ltd, Chennai. | Institute |
19 | Workshop on Geometric Dimensioning & tolerancing | 16.02.2023 | Mr.Krishnakumar.P, Manager- Business &Devlopment, TVS training Institute, Chennai. | Institute |
20 | Expert lecture on “Recent Trends in Robotics” | 23.02.2023 | Mr.V.Rajasekar, Design Engineer, M/S SVP Laser Technologies private Limited, Chennai | Institute |
21 | Guest lecture on “Introduction to Expansion Joint” | 02.03.2023 | Mr.R.Silambarasan, Project Manager, Engineering and sales support, M/S Eagleburgman KE private Limited, Singapore. | Institute |
22 | Valedictory function and “Career guidance for Higher studies” | 20.03.2023 | Dr.M.Pandian, Professor/Mechanical, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perunduai | Institute |
S. No. | Name of the Event | Date | Resource Person | Level of the Program(Institute, State, National) |
1 | Association Inaugural & Guest Lecture on “Product design” | 31.08.2021 | Mr.SunderrajArociam, Senior design engineer, HCL Technologies, Madurai | Institute |
2 | Expert talk on “Shortcut tricks in Heat and Mass Transfer” | 12.09.2021 | Dr.R.Sasikumar- AsP/Mechanical, ESEC | Institute |
3 | Expert Talk on “CFD Applications in Mechanical Engineering” | 30.09.2021 | R.Thundilkaruppa raj, Professor, Department of Automotive engineering, VIT, Vellore. | Institute |
4 | Soft skill Training on “Personality Development” | 6.10.2021 | Dr.M.Pandian, Professor/Mech, ESEC | Institute |
5 | Expert Talk on “Patent writing by Research” | 8.10.2021 | Dr.T.Senthil, Professor/Department of physics, ESEC | Institute |
6 | Expert Talk on "Evolution Of Metal Additive Manufacturing And Its Current Stage” | 28.10.2021 | Dr.N.Harshavardhana,M.E., Ph.D.,(IIT Bombay), Assistant Professor/ Mechanical Department, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. | Institute |
7 | Guest Lecture on “New Product Development on Automotive Industries” | 05.11.2021 | Dr.HussianBasha, Product Life Cycle Management (Incharge), R.V.RProcter Development, Sripermbutur. | Institute |
8 | Expert Lecture on “How to solve problems in Thermal Engineering by Shortcut” | 14.11.2021 | Dr.Y.Robinson, Prof/Mech, ESEC | Institute |
9 | Expert Talk on “Awareness about Patent filing” | 15.11.2021 | Mr.A.Jothimurugan, Director- M/s invenire, Coimbarore | Institute |
10 | Guest Lecture on “Ultrafine grained materials: Old material with futuristic properties” | 18.11.2021 | Dr.R.Jose Immanuel, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.C.G College of Technology, OMR Road, Chennai. | Institute |
11 | Guest Lecture on “Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering: A Research Perspective” | 25.11.2021 | Mr.Ashishes Kumar, Sr.Engineer, Vigshan Machine tool Products and service (Tire-I Supplier-Hyundai India), Sriperumbathur, Kancheepuram | Institute |
12 | Expert Talk on “Innovation Development And Technology Readiness level” | 22.12.2021 | Dr.A.chokkalingam, ASP/Research development, E.G.S.Pillay Engineering college, Nagapattinam. | Institute |
13 | Expert Talk on “Review Journal Preparation” | 04.02.2022 | Dr.M.Pandian, Professor/Mech,ESEC | Institute |
14 | Leaders Talk on “Awareness of IPR for student Innovators” | 10.02.2022 | Mr.S.Jaishankar, Entrepreneurship Consultant, Salem | Institute |
15 | Expert Lecture “Finite Element Analysis” | 09.03.2022 | Mr. N. Babu, Assistant Professor / Mechanical, Shri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology. | Institute |
16 | Soft skills Training on “Group Discussion on Current affairs” | 12.03.2022 | G.Dhayanithi, AP/Mechanical, ESEC | Institute |
17 | Guest Lecture on “Industry 4.0 Towards Digital Transformation” | 01.04.2022 | Dr.R.Thirukkumaran, Professor and Core Technical Committee, Satellites Consortium, Bangalore. | Institute |
18 | Workshop on “Workshop on 3D printing” | 22.04.2022 | Mr.RaghulShivakumar, Managing Director, Shivprema Industries Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. | Institute |
19 | Technical Presentation on “CNC Automation” | 22.04.2022 | Mr.Balaji, Hash tag CNC Automation, Coimbatore | Institute |
20 | Expert Lecture on “Casting Defects” | 25.04.2022 | Dr.J.Manivannan, Assistant Professor /Mech, ESEC | Institute |
S. No. | Name of the Event | Date | Resource Person | Level of the Program(Institute, State, National) |
1 | Guest Lecture on “GATE preparation- Shortcuts in Thermal Engineering” | 15.09.2020 | Dr.M.Pandian, Prof/Mech, ESEC | Institute |
2 | Inauguration and Guest lecture on “Job Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers” | 16.09.2020 | Mr.P.Manikandan, Head and Research & amp; Development MACBRO Engineering Solutions, Erode | Institute |
3 | Guest lecture on “Advanced Manufacturing Technology” | 12.10.2020 | Dr.SrinathM.K, Associate Professor, New horizon Engineering college, Bengaluru. | Institute |
4 | Guest lecture “GATE preparation-How to get full Marks in Engineering Metallurgy” | 13.10.2020 | Dr.G.Kathiresan, Prof/Mechanical, ESEC | Institute |
5 | Workshop on “3D Printing Technology” | 10.11.2020 | A. AnandhaMoorthy, Associate Professor/Mech, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam | Institute |
6 | Guest Lecture on “Intelligent optimization Techniques using MATLAB for Manufacturing Processes” | 20.11.2020 | Dr.K.Sivakumar, Asso.Professor Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Dept of Production Engineering | Institute |
7 | Guest Lecture on “Geometrical dimensioning and tolerance- | 16.12.2020 | Mr. S. Sasidhar, Trainer, TVS services & Training Private Limited, Chennai | Institute |
8 | Guest Lecture on “Importance of Intellectual Property Rights” | 17.12.2020 | Dr.Y.Robinson, Professor, RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore | Institute |
9 | Guest Lecture on “LeanManufacturing” | 23.12.2020 | Mr.Muthusaravanan.S, AGM/Training, ROOTS Industries Private Limited, Coimbatore | Institute |
10 | STTP Training on “3 D Printing Technology "A means for modern Manufacturing" | 09.12.2020 to 14.12.2020, 16.12.2020 to 21.12.2020, 23.12.2020 to 29.12.2020 | Dr.V.Sivaram, Professor, EGS Pillai Engineering College, Nagappattinam. Dr. Rajesh Renganathan Professor, CIT, Coimbatore. Dr.Ananthakumar Associate Professor Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Sathy. Dr.P.Sathya, Professor and Head, Production Engineering Department NIT, Trichy | Institute |
11 | Guest lecture on “Computational Fluid dynamics” | 07.01.2021 | Dr.R.ThundilKaruppuraj Professor and Head/Automobile, VIT,Vellore | Institute |
12 | Guest Lecture on “Nanomaterial Synthesis, Process, Characterization and its Functional Applications” | 05.02.2021 | Prof.P.Bharathkannan, Asso.Professor, Hindusthan college of Engineeing, Coimbatore Prof.T.Rajagopal, Asso.Professor, Easwari College of Engineering, Chennai | Institute |
13 | Guest Lecture on “How to file patent” | 20.02.2021 | Mr. R. Pradheep John, Consultant – Corporate Training, Teknoturf Info Services Private Limited, Coimbatore | Institute |
14 | Guest Lecture on “Machining of Aerospace alloy” | 26.02.2021 | Dr.R.Harikrishna Asst.Professor, SRM College of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai. | Institute |
15 | Guest Lecture “Mechanical metallurgy” | 04.03.2021 | Dr.K.Ganesan, Professor/Mech, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore | Institute |
S. No. | Name of the Event | Date | Resource Person | Level of the Program(Institute, State, National) |
1 | Guest lecture on “Need of MEP engineers in construction Industry” | 17.07.2019 | Mr.T.Anand, CEO,SWIFTERZ Creative Services(LLP), Coimbatore | Institute |
2 | Guest lecture on “Hybrid Electrical Vehicles on Future Trends” | 22.07.2019 | Mr.J.Jayaprakash, Engineer, Department of Conceptual Design and Development, Madras Engineering Industries Pvt Ltd. | Institute |
3 | Guest lecture on “Needs to Improving Effective Communication In Industry” | 26.07.2019 | Prof.C.Manoharan, Professor, Government college of arts and science, Salem (Seven Arts ) | Institute |
4 | Guest lecture on “Needs to analysis the Optimized process Parameters and the variable process parameters on the 3D Additive Manufacturing Process” | 27.07.2019 | Prof.R.Viswanathan, Associate Professor, Nehuru Institute of Technology, Chennai. | Institute |
5 | Guest lecture on “Needs Mechanical Engineer in Design Domain Important of Learning Japanese Language And Corporate Culture” | 29.08.2019 | Mr.Roopan Sanjeev Raju, Manager-Business Development, MACBRO Engineering Solutions, Erode | Institute |
6 | Guest Lecture on “Needs Mechanical Engineer in Design Domain Important of Learning Japanese Language And Corporate Culture” | 06.09.2019 | Mr.P.Manikandan, Head and Research & amp; Development MACBRO Engineering Solutions, Erode | Institute |
7 | Faculty Development Programme on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” | 27.09.2019 | Prof.G.Rajamuthu, Associate Professor, Adhiyaman College of Engineering, Hosur. | Institute |
8 | Workshop on “Metal Pressing Technique on Complex Products” | 12.10.2019 | C.Rathan Kumar, Sr.Manager, Jayalakshmi Engineering Enterprise Pvt.Ltd, (Supplier – Haritha seatings) Hosur. | Institute |
9 | Guest Lecture on “Future Trends in Additive Manufacturing Process” | 29.10.2019 | Prof.G.Vijayaragavan Kumar, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Science and Technology, Chennai | Institute |
10 | Guest Lecture on “New Product Development on Mechanical Wastage” | 06.01.2020 | Mr.K.L.Harikesavan, New Product Development (Branch of R & D), Look India New Products PVT.Ltd , Hosur | Institute |
11 | Guest Lecture on “Marketing Tools for New Product Development -Future Trends” | 24.01.2020 | Mr.M.Rajkumar, Deputy Director, Salem Productivity Council, Salem | Institute |
12 | Workshop on “Modelling and analysis of Engine Components using Fusion 360 Software” | 12.02.2020 | Prof.M.Shunmugaraj, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankovil. | Institute |
Association Activities 2019-2020
Mechanical Engineering Association was inaugurated on 17.07.19 Mr. T. Anand CEO from SWIFTERZ Creative Service (LLP)-Coimbatore was the chief guest. He delivered lecture on a topic “Need of MEP Engineer in Construction Industry”. Dr.N.Kulashekaran, Assistant General Manager- CFD,Valeo India Pvt LTD, chennai was the special guest.
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