Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Publications
Book Publications
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Book/Book Chapter | Year | Publisher |
1 | Dr.M.Pandian | Industrial Robotics Fundamentals, Technology, Programming and Applications | 2022 | Scientific International Publishing House |
2 | Dr.M.Pandian | Thermal Engineering | 2022 | GCS Publishers,India |
3 | Dr.M.Pandian | 3-D Printer and its applications | 2022 | Techno Publishers, Chennai |
4 | Dr.M.Pandian | Composite Materials Design | 2022 | GCS Publishers,India |
5 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan | Experimental Investigation and optimization of EDM Process parameters on Ti-6Al-4vAlloy using taguchi based GRA and modeling by RSM-Book Chapter | 2020 | CRC Press ,Taylor & Francis Group |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Patent | Type of Patent | Patent Number |
1 | Dr.M.Pandian | Designing a Smart Methodology for Maintaining Humitidy with Energy Saving Unit to Create A Defined Environment | Indian Patent | 202211050417A. |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Patent | Type of Patent | Patent Number |
1 | Dr.M.Pandian | “6-Axis Robotic Workstation for Laser Engraving” | Indian Patent | 202141035860 A. |
2 | Dr.M.Pandian | Mixed Fuel supply system using compressed Natural gas (CNG) and diesel as fuel for engine | Indian Patent | 202231018245 A. |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Patent | Type of Patent | Patent Number |
1 | Dr.M.Pandian | “Performance Analysis of Solar Still with Carbon Fiber Composite and Copper Fins” | Indian Patent | 202141010227 A. |
2 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan Dr.M.Pandian | “The Toxicological Aspect of Biogas from the Anaerobic Digestion of Household Waste” | Indian Patent | 202141026006A. |
3 | Dr.M.Pandian | Real Time 3D Printing of Remote Object Through IOT Cloud Computing System Interfaced 3D Scanner | Indian Patent | 2021100150 A. |
4 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan Dr.M.Pandian | “Analysis of Impacts of the Use of Solid Recovered Fuel in Pollutants Found in Gasification”. | Indian Patent | 202141024036 A. |
5 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan, | A Flywheel Powered Bicycle With Hybrid Technology” | Indian Patent | 202141013028 A. |
Journal Publications
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
Scopus Journals | ||||
1 | Dr.M.Pandian | Extraction of novel biosilica from finger millet husk and its coconut rachilla?reinforced epoxy biocomposite: mechanical, thermal, and hydrophobic behaviour | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-03342-y |
2 | Dr.M.Pandian | Effect of friction stir welding parameters on different joints aa7075- t651 and aa6351-t6 aluminum alloys | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 10 ¦ 2022 DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S10.053 |
3 | Dr.M.Pandian | Study of corrosion and tribological properties of zinc-tungsten alloy processed by cryogenic conditions | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 10 ¦ 2022 |
4 | Dr.M.Pandian | Investigation on corrosion and tensile Characteristics: Friction stir welding of AA7075 and AA2014 | Materials Today: Proceedings | Volume 66, Part 3, 2022, Pages 743-748 |
5 | Dr.R. Sasikumar | Mechanical and Thermal Adsorption Actions on Epoxy Hybrid Composite Layered with Various Sequences of Alkali-Treated Jute and Carbon Fibre | Adsorption Science & Technology | Volume 2023, Article ID 5272245, 7 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/5272245 |
6 | Dr.R. Sasikumar | Thermal Adsorption and Mechanical Behaviour of Polypropylene Hybrid Composite Synthesized by Glass/Hemp Fibre via an Injection Moulding Process | Adsorption Science & Technology | Volume 2023, Article ID 7450085, 7 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/7450085 |
7 | Dr.R. Sasikumar | Thermal Adsorption and Corrosion Characteristic Study of Copper Hybrid Nanocomposite Synthesized by Powder Metallurgy Route | Adsorption Science & Technology | Volume 2023, Article ID 5305732, 9 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/5305732 |
Non -Scopus Journals | ||||
1 | Dr.J.Balaji Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Ergonomic Hazard Elimination In Warehouse Logistics By Applying The Heirarchy Of Control Measures | International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education | Vol-9 Issue-2 2023 |
2 | Mr.S.Manikandan Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Choosing The Perfect Head Protection For The Phosphating Process In The Valve Making Industry | International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education | Vol-9 Issue-2 2023 |
3 | Dr. R. Sasikumar Mr. S. Karthikeyan | Control Measures For Chemical Hazards Involved In The Molding Process Of Lamination And Infusion | International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews | Vol 4, no 4, pp 2321-2324, April 2023 |
S. No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
Scopus Journals | ||||
1 | Dr.N.Saravanan | Impact of alkali treatment and fiber length on mechanical properties of new agro waste Lagenaria Siceraria fiber reinforced epoxy composites | Journal of natural fiber | Volume 19, 2022 - Issue 13 https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2021.1932681 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15440478.2021.1932681?journalCode=wjnf20 |
2 | Dr.N.Saravanan | Optimization and characterization of surface treated Lagenaria siceraria fiber and its reinforcement effect on epoxy composites | Pigment & Resin Technology | ISSN: 0369-9420 DOI: 10.1108/PRT-08-2021-0093 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/PRT-08-2021-0093/full/html |
3 | Dr.N.Saravanan N.S.Mohan | Study and Implementation of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Engineering Industries | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | Vol.7, Issue 6, page no.834 - 839, https://ijrti.org/viewpaperforall.php?paper=IJRTI2206138 |
4 | N.S.Mohan Dr.R.Sasikumar | A facile green approach of Fe2O3, Fe2O3 @Ag, Fe2O3 @AC and Fe2O3 @[email protected] NPs synthesized via Cocos nucifera L for waste water treatment applications | Results in Chemistry | Volume 4, January 2022, 100626 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211715622003459 |
5 | Dr.J.Balaji | Optimization of multi passes friction stir process parameters on AA7075 Surface Hybrid Composite with reinforcement of SiC and Gr | Journal of Ceramic Processing Research | Vol 23,Issue 3,2022,Pages 335-343 https://doi.org/10.36410/jcpr.2022.23.3.335 http://www.jcpr.or.kr/journal/archive/reference_view/2673 |
Non -Scopus Journals | ||||
1 | Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Ergonomic Seat Design For Fork Lifts | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | Volume 7, Issue 6 |
2 | Mr.S.Karthikeyan | Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Of Installation Of Limit Switch In Machinery | International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation | Volume 7, Issue 6 |
S. No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
Scopus Journals | ||||
1 | Dr.M.P.Prabakaran | Investigation on mechanical properties off Zro2,C and AA6061 metal matrix composites | Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies | Volume 8, 2022 - Issue sup1 Pages 178-186 Published online: 23 Aug 2020 https://doi.org/10.1080/2374068X.2020.1810946 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/2374068X.2020.1810946#:~:text=Research%20Article-,Investigation%20on%20mechanical%20properties%20of%20ZrO2,and%20AA6061%20metal%20matrix%20composites&text=Zirconium%20Di%20Oxide%20(ZrO2,are%20having%20good%20wear%20properties |
2 | Dr.M.P.Prabakaran | Lab view based optimal design of helical compression spring and analysis using Ansys | High Technology Letters | Vol.26,Issue 7,2020,Pages 87-97 • DOI: 10.37896/HTL26.07/1308 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342716380_labview_based_ optimal_design_of_a_helical_compression_spring_and_analysis_using_ Ansys |
3 | Dr.M.P.Prabakaran | Study on feasibility in welding of low carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel joint using CO2 laser welding process and analysis of its metallurgical and mechanical properties | Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu | Vol.16 Issue.5,2020,Pages.471-476 • DOI: 10.37896/whjj16.05/080 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341775396_Study_on_the_feasibility_in_welding_of_low_carbon_steel_and_austenitic_stainless_steel_joint_using_CO2_laser_welding_process_and_analysis_of_its_metallurgical_and_mechanical_properties |
4 | N.S.Mohan S.Manikandan | Analyzing the casting defects in small scale casting industry | Materials Today Proceedings | Volume 37, Part 2, 2021, Pages 386-394 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.05.382 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785320339614 |
5 | S. Karthikeyan | Safe Practice guide line and risk assessment for lattice tower assembly | Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu | Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020,pages 775-779 file:///C:/Users/ADMIN/Downloads/Safe_Practice_Guidelines_and_Risk_Assess.pdf |
6 | S.Manikandan Dr.M.P.Prabakaran | Experimental Investigation of raw and alkali treated areca leaf stalk and sisal fibers reinforced hybrid polymer composites | Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu | June 2020 Vol-16,Issue .6,pages:273-283 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342146364_Experimental_Investigation_of_Raw_and_Alkali_Treated_Areca_Leaf_Stalk_and_Sisal_Fibres_Reinforced_Hybrid_Polymer_Composites |
7 | S.Manikandan G.Dhayanithi | The lubricating properties of Graphene-NiO/Coconut oil hybrid nanofuids | Materials Today Proceedings | Volume 46, Part 9, 2021, Pages 3851-3854 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785321013870 |
8 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan, P.Chokkalingam | Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of PFC by Chemically Modified Areca Fine Fibers | Tierärztliche Praxis | Vol 41, 2021,pages.81-91 https://www.tierarztliche.com/gallery/v41.7.pdf |
Non - Scopus Journals | ||||
1 | G.Dhayanithi S.Karthikeyan N.S.Mohan Dr.S.Navaneetha Krishnan | Experimental Investigation Of Mechanical Properties Of Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
2 | P.Chokkalingam S.Karthikeyan G. Dhayanithi | Mechanical Properties Of Hybrid Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite (Ridge Gourd & Coconut Coir ) | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
3 | S.Karthikeyan N.S.Mohan A.Balakumaran | Experimental investigation on the properties of molding sand exploitation industrial waste (wet ash) | International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) | Volume 3, Issue 3 Mar. 2021 |
4 | Dr.M.Pandian | Designing Of Health & Safety Manual For Maintenance Of Metro Rail Project | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) | Volume 9, Issue 4, April -2021 |
5 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan S.Karthikeyan | Electric Scooter With Combined Power Regenerator | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
6 | Dr.M. Pandian G.Dhayanithi S. Karthikeyan | Experimental Stress Strain Investigation Of Spike Stuff | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
7 | R.Srinivasamoorthy S.Karthikeyan P.Chokkalingam A.Balakumaran | Evaluation Of Mechanical Properties Of Banana, Sisal And Coconut Fibers Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Composites | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
8 | S. Karthikeyan S.Manikandan N.S. Mohan | Experimental Design Of E-Vehicle For Physically Challenged Person | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
9 | P.Chokkalingam S.Karthikeyan G.Dhayanithi | Mechanical Properties Of Hybrid Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite (Ridge Gourd & Coconut Coir ) | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021 |
S. No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
1 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan | Weibull distribution analysis of roselle and coconut-shell reinforced vinylester composites | Australian journal of mechanical Engineering | Published online: 24 Jul 2019 Volume 19, 2021 - Issue 4Pages 457-466 https://doi.org/10.1080/14484846.2019.1637089 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14484846.2019.1637089 |
2 | Dr.S.Navaneethakrishnan | Enhanced mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polymer composites with addition of AL2O3 | Australian journal of mechanical Engineering | Published online: 04 Nov 2019 Volume 20, 2022 - Issue 1,Pages 212-220 https://doi.org/10.1080/14484846.2019.1681848 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14484846.2019.1681848?journalCode=tmec20 |
Conference Publications
Sl.No. | Name of the Faculty & Designation | Title of the Paper | National/International | Publication Details |
Academic year 2017-18 | ||||
1 | G. Dhayanithi, Assistant Professor | Improving wear properties of A516 steel by using HVOF coating with Al2O3 | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
2 | G. Gowrishankar, Assistant Professor | Investigation on cladding of inconel 600on ASTM A105 WCB cast steel by TIG welding | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
3 | G. Kamalakkannan, Assistant Professor | Performance enhancement of thermosyphon heat pipe using titanium oxide and zinc oxide nano fluids | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
4 | N. S. Mohan, Assistant Professor | Experimental investigation on the properties of sand mould using aluminium dross | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
5 | N.Navaneethakrishnan, Assistant Professor | An experimental investigation and comparison of weldments by MIG, TIG, FSW process | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
6 | A. Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor | Investigation on properties of metal matrix composite aluminium reinforced with Sic | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
7 | Mr.P. Chokkalingam, Assistant Professor | Exploration of mechanical properties of hybrid natural fiber reinforced composites | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
8 | Mr.G. Pavulraj Assistant Professor | Investigation of mechanical properties on 6082 Aluminium by thigxo forged component | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
9 | Mr.J. Parthiban Assistant Professor | Line balancing of elimination of waste in damper assembly line | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
10 | Mr.N. S. Mohan Assistant Professor | Automatic equipment for cleaning coolant filter | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
11 | Mr.M.Naveenkumar Assistant Professor | Determination of Biogas Yield From Co-Digestion of Goat Manure and Echinopsis Peruviana | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
12 | Mr.S.Manikandan Assistant Professor | Experimental investigations of vaccum pump for removal of moisture by using peltier cooler. | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
13 | Mr.G. Dhayanith Assistant Professori | Elimination of support bracket missing Toyoto 640A front shock absorber | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
14 | Mr.S.Nagarajan Assistant Professor | Study Of Ground Water Quality With Segmental Type Water Purifier | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
15 | Mr.K.Jagatheswaran Assistant Professor | Heat recovery from boiler start up vent system | International Conference | ESEC International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST 2018) |
Acadamic year 2016-17 | ||||
16 | B.Govondharajan and S.Manikandan, Assistant Professor | Influence of HYTHERM 600 Concentration on machining of WC with kerosene | International Conference | AMESHE-2016 KIOT, Salem 05.06.2016. |
17 | B.Govondharajan and S.Manikandan, Assistant Professor | Optimization b of Process Parameters of Powder Mixed EDM using Monel 400TM | International Conference Advances in mechanical and material sciences | Sandiego, USA Aug - 2016. |
18 | Dr.M.Pandian,Professor | Influence of additives on the combustion, emission and performance characteristics of a twin cylinder CIDI engine using Biodiesel diesel blend as fuel. | International Conference | Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST-2017) conducted by ESEC, March - 2017. |
19 | Mr.P.Chokkalingam, Assistant Professor, | "Investigation on Mechanical properties of Hybrid fiber reinforced composites" | International Conference | Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST-2017) conducted by ESEC, March - 2017. |
20 | Mr.P.Chokkalingam, Assistant Professor | Mechanical properties and structural analysis of human hair fiber reinforced epoxy polymer" | International Conference | Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST-2017) conducted by ESEC, March - 2017. |
21 | Mr.P.S.Pasupathiraj, Assistant Professor, | Investigation of Emission Control From the Exhaust Gas of Diesel Engine by Dual Type Wet Scrubber Technology | International Conference | Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology (ICETSST-2017) conducted by ESEC, March - 2017. |
22 | Mr.S.Manikandan, Assistant Professor | Experimental Investigation of Various Coalescent Filters For Removal of Moisture in Vacuum Pump | International Conference | Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering RAME18 |
23 | B.Govondharajan and S.Manikandan, Assistant Professor | Influence of HYTHERM 600 Concentration on machining of WC with kerosene | International Conference | AMESHE-2016 KIOT, Salem 05.06.2016. |
24 | M.Sathyaprabhu, Assistant Professor | Experimental investigation of ceramic coating using plasma spray and HVOF method | International Conference | International CMS, Coimbatore JUNE - 2016 |
25 | B.Govondharajan and S.Manikandan Assistant Professor | Optimization b of Process Parameters of Powder Mixed EDM using Monel 400TM | International Conference | Advances in mechanical and material sciences Sandiego, USA Aug - 2016. |
Academic Year 2015-16 | ||||
26 | Mr.Sathyaprabhu.M, Assistant Professor | Experimental Investigation of Ceramic Coating using Plasma Spray Method | International Conference | ESEC, 11-12, Dec-15 |
27 | Mr.Govindharajan.B, Assistant Professor | Effect of dielectric medium on process parameters of EDM using Copper Electrodes | International Conference | ESEC, 11-12, Dec-15 |
28 | Mr.Parthiban.J, Assistant Professor | Experimental analysis in carbide tiped high speed steel using micro-ECM | International Conference | ESEC, 11-12,Dec-15 |
29 | Mr.P. Karunakaran, Assistant Professor | Casting properties of molding sand prepared with different concentrations of thermal power plant fly ash | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
30 | Mr.A.Prabhakaran Assistant Professor | Evaluation of properties of green sand moulding using silica stone powders by using various binders. | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
31 | Mr.M.Gopi Assistant Professor | A Simulation Comparison of Virtual Cellular Layout with Functional and Cellular Layouts | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
32 | Dr.L. Boopathi, Professor | Influence of fiber length on Flexural, Compression and Thermal degradation properties of raw and alkali treated Borassus fruit fiber reinforced composites | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
33 | Dr.Boopathi.L Professor | Manufacturing of Aluminium Reinforced with Quartz In Composites | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
34 | Dr.Giridhar D Associate Professor | Study on micro-grooving of Alumina ceramic by contact stress evaluation and validation with Acoustic Emission parameters | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
35 | Mr.G.Thamaraikkannan Assistant Professor | Simulation and numerical analysis in the sealing system of the rotary air pre heater | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
36 | Mr.G.Pavulraj Assistant Professor | Investigation of Physical, Chemical and Thermal property of Enriched, Pulverized blended biomass | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
37 | Mr.P. S.Pasupathiraj Assistant Professor | Investigation of Emission Control From the Exhaust Gas of Diesel Engine by Dual Type Wet Scrubber Technology | International Conference | ESEC 11-12, Dec-15 |
38 | P. S.Pasupathiraj, Assistant Professor | Investigation of emission control of exhaust gas in an IC engine by dual type scrubber technology | International Conference | Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engg. College, Gobi 24.03.2016. |
39 | Mr. G.Pavulraj, Assistant Professor | Experimental investigation of moisture on municipal solid waste | International Conference | Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengode 02.04.2016. |
40 | Mr. P.Chokkalingam, Assistant Professor | Study on natural fibre reinforced hybrid nano filler composites and its applications | International Conference | Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengode, 02.04.2016. |
41 | Mr. C.Chelladurai, Assistant Professor | Heat transfer characteristics using TiO2 Water Nano fluid in double pipe heat exchanger. | International Conference | Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengode, 02.04.2016. |
42 | Mr. S.Manikandan, Assistant Professor | Effect of dielectric medium on process parameters of EDM using copper electrodes | International Conference | Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengode, 02.04.2016. |
43 | Mr.M.Sathyaprabhu Assistant Professor | Experimental investigation of ceramic coating using plasma spray and HVOF method. | International Conference | CMS College of Engineering, Namakkal. 22.04.2016 |
44 | Dr.D.Giridhar, Assistant Professor | Experimental investigation on magnetic abrasive finishing process | International Conference | SSN College of Engineering Chennai 25-26, April - 2016. |
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