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Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Faculty Publications
Journal Publication by the Faculty


S. No.Name of the Faculty & DesignationTitle of the PaperJournal NamePublication Details
1Mr.T.Maris Murugan, Associate ProfessorMonitoring and controlling the desalination plant using IoTElsevier- Measurement: SensorsVolume 27, February 2023, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2665917423000569
2Mr.T.Maris Murugan, Associate ProfessorWater Desalination Plant Fault Detection using Artificial Neural NetworkGlobal NEST JournalVolume 24, Nov 2022, pp. 1-7, ISSN NO : 1790-7632 (Online)
Impact Factor 1.042
Mr.T.Maris Murugan, Associate ProfessorISSN NO : 8600953, DOI: 10.24425/gsm.2022.143623,
Mr.T.Maris Murugan, Associate Professorhttps://gsm.min-pan.krakow.pl/pdf-155910-84434?filename=The%20Implementation%20of%20a.pdf
4Mr.T.Maris Murugan, Associate ProfessorThe implementation of a Coefficient Diagram Method BasedPolynomial Controller for a Non-Linear Process with a Distributed Control System in a Chlorine Scrubber SystemGospodarkasurowcamimineralnymi mineral resources managementVolume 38, Issue 4, Nov 2022, pp. 231-255,
ISSN NO : 8600953, DOI: 10.24425/gsm.2022.143623,
5Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ProfessorElectric Vehicle Solar Smart Charging Based On Solar Irradiance ForecastingGIS Science JournalVolume 9, Issue 11, Nov 2022, pp. 59-64,
ISSN NO : 1869-9391
6Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ProfessorAn experimental simulation testing of single-diode PV integrated MPPT grid-tied optimized control using grey wolf algorithmJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsDOI: 10.3233/JIFS-213259
pp. 1-20, 2022, 5 July 2022,
7Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ProfessorIoT-based Wireless Charging and Power Sharing for Electrical VehiclesNeuro QuantologyJuly2022, Volume 20,|Issue8, Page 5106-5116,
doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.8.NQ44537
8Ms.C.Jayabharathi, Assistant ProfessorA Handy Diagnostic Tool for Early Congestive Heart Failure Prediction Using Catboost ClassifierSpringer link: HIS 2022: Hybrid Intelligent Systemshttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-27409-1_96


S. No.Name of the Faculty & DesignationTitle of the PaperJournal NamePublication Details
1Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ProfessorIoT based Accident Detection and Smart Traffic Monitoring System using Vehicle Counts for Smart CitiesJournal of Chengdu University of TechnologyVolume 26, Issue 8, 2021,ISSN NO: 16719727, Impact Factor 0.52, https://app.box.com/s/i2nc58zq668kdz4xvocwa2ve1kiydkuc
2Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ProfessorInternet of Things Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Irrigation utilizing Raspberry PIJournal of Chengdu University of TechnolgyVolume 26, Issue 8, 2021, ISSN NO: 16719727, Impact Factor :0.52, https://app.box.com/s/d9wicvokq61g0ud637ztacu9ugasy4qm
3Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar, Associate ProfessorA novel Optimal Power Flow study with TCPSJournal of Electrical EngineeringVolume 21, 2021, pp. 125-130, ISSN NO: 1582-4594, http://www.jee.upt.ro/index.php/jee/article/view/WO1604644678W5fa4ef46
4Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar, Associate ProfessorSophisticated For Operation of Traffic Lights By Microcontroller Learned For Traffic CongestionJournal of Electrical EngineeringVolume 21, Issue 2, 2021,pp. 131-138, ISSN NO: 1582-4594, http://www.jee.upt.ro/index.php/jee/article/view/WN1604656592W5fa51dd042a76/2618
5Mr.E.Sathish, Associate ProfessorEnergy Utilization and Prediction using ML for Improving EMS system: A study ApproachTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative InquiryVolume 12, Issue 7, July 2021, ISSN NO: 3988-4000, https://www.tojqi.net/index.php/journal/article/view/4339/2991


S. No.Name of the Faculty & DesignationTitle of the PaperJournal NamePublication Details
Self – Sustainable Power Substation Power Allocation with IoT based Wireless Transfer of Energy based Monitoring SystemInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced TechnologyVolume 9, Issue 5, 2020, ISSN NO: 2249 – 8958 Impact Factor : 1,https://www.ijeat.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v9i5/D9139049420.pdf

2Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Smartphone-based electrochemical sensor for assessing COVID-19 infected patientsInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications - Emerald Publisher30 Nov 2020, ISSN NO: 1742-7371, Imapact Factor : 1.32,
3Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
The Study of Load Form Effect In Radial Delivery Networks on Loss AllocationJournal on Electrical EngineeringVolume 14, Issue 2, pp. 34-41, October 2020, https://www.proquest.com/openview/730774b202a0fdc46fec83ce16997e63/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2030625
4Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Impact of Input Pulse Shape In The Output of Optical Device In the Presence of Interference And Second Order Dispersion.Journal on Future Engineering & TechnologyVolume 16, Issue 3, pp. 17 – 22, https://web.p.ebscohost.com/abstract?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=09732632&AN=154188344&h=9qCZqnkHXdso9C%2bC%2fFFSMfA8wnqx6GdniGE%2f7enx%2fQwTCPkwc%2bvsvA%2fnz%2faScAUuYLY6Gl1EoCRBTgyx5lXR%2bw%3d%3d&crl=c&resultNs=AdminWebAuth&resultLocal=ErrCrlNotAuth&crlhashurl=login.aspx%3fdirect%3dtrue%26profile%3dehost%26scope%3dsite%26authtype%3dcrawler%26jrnl%3d09732632%26AN%3d154188344
Assistant Professor & Mr.E.Sathish,
Assistant Professor
A Comparative Study for Fault Detection and Classification in Textile Web MaterialsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture &TechnologyVolume XII, Issue XII, 2020, ISSN No : 1006-7930, https://drive.google.com/ file/d/1sTeR8K4JcF63hpSNJeKN-jH8Q7dhMDer/view
Assistant Professor
An Agriculture Irrigation Management system Based on the internet of Things with MQTT ProtocolIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (ICCSSS)Doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1084/1/012118, 2020, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1084/1/012118/pdf
7Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Two-Tier Security Mechanism for Malignant detection in wireless sensor networksEuropean Journal of Molecular and clinical MedicinesVolume 7, Issue 3, 2020, ISSN NO.: 2515-8260, Impact Factor : 8.111, https://ejmcm.com/article_5533_1a676e2fbe106d0f2575afb785f4c9c1.pdf
8Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Congestion free channel allocation for high traffic using MAC in WSNInformation Technology in IndustryVolume 9, Issue 1, March 2021, ISSN Online: 2203-1731,https://it-in-industry.org/index.php/itii/article/view/262
9Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Mathematical modeling and optimization of hyper node analysisAIP Conference ProceedingsISSN 0094-243X, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0025194, September 2020, https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0025194

10Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Impact of Input Pulse Shape In the output of Optical Device In the Presence of Interference and Second Order Dispersion.Journal on Future Engineering & TechnologyVolume 16,Issue 3, Feb-Apr2021, pp. 17-22, https://web.p.ebscohost.com/abstract?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=09732632&AN=154188344&h=9qCZqnkHXdso9C%2bC%2fFFSMfA8wnqx6GdniGE%2f7enx%2fQwTCPkwc%2bvsvA%2fnz%2faScAUuYLY6Gl1EoCRBTgyx5lXR%2bw%3d%3d&crl=c&resultNs=AdminWebAuth&resultLocal=ErrCrlNotAuth&crlhashurl=login.aspx%3fdirect%3dtrue%26profile%3dehost%26scope%3dsite%26authtype%3dcrawler%26jrnl%3d09732632%26AN%3d154188344
11Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Development of smart accident identification and detection systemMaterials Today: ProceedingsJanuary 2021, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785321005824
Assistant Professor
Design and development of multi controlled smart bikeMaterials Today: ProceedingDOI:10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.488, February 2021,
Assistant Professor
Design and development of smart dustbinMaterials Today: ProceedingDOI:10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.493,February 2021, http://sairamce.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Design-Development-of-Smart-dustbin.pdf


S. No.Name of the Faculty & DesignationTitle of the PaperJournal NamePublication Details
1Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Voltage Slump Compensation using Facts Controllers on Power SystemInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring EngineeringVolume 8, Issue 11, ISSN
NO:2278-3075, pp. 1621-
1624, (Scopus Indexed Journal B Impact Factor: 5.54), September
https://www.ijitee.org/wp- content/uploads/papers/v8 i11/J93050881019.pdf
2Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor, Mr. P. Sureshkumar, Assistant Professor(Sr.Gr.) & Ms. G. Revathy, Assistant Professor
Electromechanical Strength Analysis For Rectangular RailsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture
& Technology
ISSN NO.:1006- 7930,2020,
https://www.researchgate. net/publication/34086138 3_Electromechanical_Stre ngth_Analysis_For_Recta ngular_Rails
3Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Stability improvement on industrial load using current controlled voltage regulatorElsevier, Materials today- ProceedingsISSN 2214-7853, Special
Issue, (Scopus Indexed Journal - Impact Factor:0.97), May 2020,
.com/science/article/pii/S 2214785320343303
4Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Amending the governing input signal for the speed control of a steam turbineElsevier, Materials today- ProceedingsISSN 2214-7853, Special
Issue, (Scopus Indexed Journal - Impact Factor: 0.97), May 2020, https://www.sciencedirect
.com/science/article/pii/S 2214785320336610
5Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Revolutionary Modelling and design of Induction motor with Energy compensationJournal of Xi'an UniversityISSN 1001-2400, Vol. 14,
Issue - 3, pp. 828-834, (Scopus Indexed Journal - Impact Factor: 0.12),
April 2020,
/citations?view_op=view_ citation&hl=en&user=6B qku_cAAAAJ&cstart=20
&pagesize=80&citation_f or_view=6Bqku_cAAAA J:ufrVoPGSRksC
6Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar AssociateProfessorSpeed Regulation of Induction motor by Intelligent controllersJournal of Xi'an UniversityISSN 1001-2400, Vol.
14, Issue - 5, pp. 4247-
4253, (Scopus Indexed Journal - Impact Factor: 0.12), April 2020, https://scholar.google.co m/citations?view_op=vie w_citation&hl=en&user=6Bqku_cAAAAJ&cstart
=20&pagesize=80&citati on_for_view=6Bqku_cA AAAJ:IjCSPb-OGe4C
7Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
A Novel Analysis Of Brushless Drive System With Energy Saving MechanismJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture
& Technology
ISSN 1006-7930, Vol.
12, Issue - 3, pp. 2198-
2203, March 2020.
(Scopus Indexed Journal
- Impact Factor: 0.12), https://scholar.google.co m/citations?view_op=vie w_citation&hl=en&user= 6Bqku_cAAAAJ&citatio n_for_view=6Bqku_cAA AAJ:9yKSN-GCB0IC
8Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
An Analysis of VAR Compensator for Static and Dynamic Load ModelsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture
& Technology
ISSN 1006-7930, Vol.
12, Issue - 3, pp. 2204-
2210, March 2020,
(Scopus Indexed Journal
- Impact Factor: 0.12) https://scholar.google.co m/citations?view_op=vie w_citation&hl=en&user= 6Bqku_cAAAAJ&citatio n_for_view=6Bqku_cAA AAJ:2osOgNQ5qMEC
9Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
An Optimal power flow on grid connected power system using FACTS devicesJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture
ISSN 1006-7930, Vol.
12, Issue - 3, pp. 3795-
3800, March 2020.
(Scopus Indexed Journal
- Impact Factor: 0.12), https://scholar.google.co m/citations?view_op=vie w_citation&hl=en&user= 6Bqku_cAAAAJ&cstart
=20&pagesize=80&citati on_for_view=6Bqku_cA AAAJ:eQOLeE2rZwMC
10Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Current Retaliation design modeling of DC motorJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture
& Technology
ISSN 1006-7930, Vol.
12, Issue - 3, pp. 4126-
4131, March 2020.
(Scopus Indexed Journal
- Impact Factor: 0.12), https://www.researchgate
.net/publication/3407712 34_Current_Retaliation_ design_modeling_of_DC


Sl. No.Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Journal with citation details
1G.RevathyA Comparative Study for Fault Detection and Classification in Textile Web MaterialsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
2E.SathishA Comparative Study for Fault Detection and Classification in Textile Web MaterialsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
3Dr.M. N. Saravana Kumar,Voltage Slump Compensation using Facts Controllers on Power SystemInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
4Dr.D. SivanandakumarVoltage Slump Compensation using Facts Controllers on Power SystemInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
5Dr.M. N. Saravana Kumar Stability improvement on industrial load using current controlled voltage regulatorElsevier, Materials today-Proceedings
6Dr.M. N. Saravana Kumar Amending the governing input signal for the speed control of a steam turbineElsevier, Materials today-Proceedings
7Dr.M. N. Saravana Kumar Revolutionary Modelling and design of Induction motor with Energy compensationJournal of Xi'an University
8Dr.M. N. Saravana KumarSpeed Regulation of Induction motor by Intelligent controllersJournal of Xi'an University
9Dr.M. N. Saravana KumarA Novel Analysis Of Brushless Drive System With Energy Saving
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
10Dr.M. N. Saravana KumarAn Analysis of VAR Compensator for Static and Dynamic Load ModelsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
11Dr.M. N. Saravana KumarAn Optimal power flow on grid connected power system using FACTS devicesJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
12Dr.M. N. Saravana KumarCurrent Retaliation design modeling of DC motor", Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & TechnologyJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
13Dr.Saju SubramanianDiscrete Controller for Zeta ConverterJournal of Applied Science and Computation
Comparative study of performance in three mode controller tuningJournal of Applied Science and Computation
15T.Maris MuruganAn assessment of IOT based monitoring and control of boilerJournal of Intellectual Advancements
and Research in Engineering Computations
16T.Maris MuruganA Study of Flotation ControlInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
17P.SureshkumarDesign and comparison of new DWT – OFDM with conventional based system International Journal of
Intellectual Advancements
and Research in Engineering
18G. RevathyMeasuring and monitoring of physiological parameters in patientsInternational Journal of
Intellectual Advancements
And Research
In Engineering Computations
19Dr.D.SivanandakumarA Literature Study On Fault Recognition In Different SystemInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
20E.Sathish, Mishap detection and astute action using IOTInternational Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations
21Dr.Saju Subramanian, HoD/EIEDiscrete Controller for Zeta ConverterJournal of Applied Science and Computation
22Dr.M.Kandasamy, HoD/EIE
Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIE
Ms.G.Revathy, AP/EIE
VFD based Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by PLC and SCADAJournal for Research
23Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIEIndustrial Underground Power Cable Fault Identification using Arduino ControllerInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
24Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIE
Ms.G.Revathy, AP/EIE
Identification and classification of defects in fabric web materialsInternational Journal of scientific progress and research
25Dr.M.Kandasamy, HoD/EIEDesign and Implementation of an Intelligent PI controller for a Real Time Non Linear pH Neutralization ProcessJournal of Advances in Chemistry
26Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIE
Ms.G.Revathy, AP/EIE
Mr.E.Sathish, AP/EIE
Mr.T.MarisMurugan, AP/EIE
Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Inference System based Fault Detection and Isolation Scheme for Pneumatic ActuatorInternational Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
27Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIE
Mr.P.Senthilkumar, AP/EIE
Takagi - Sugeno Type Fault Detection and Isolation Scheme for Pneumatic Process Control Valve using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference SystemInternational Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology
28Mr.T.MarisMurugan, AP/EIEIoT Based Boiler Drum Level Control International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
29Mr.T.MarisMurugan, AP/EIEIoT based Online Bagasse measurement and ControlInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
30E.Sathish, AP/EIEDesign and Development of SCR Firing circuit for MPI Current SourceInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
31E.Sathish, AP/EIEAutomatic Coal Conveyor Control using PLCInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
32Dr.S.Poorani, HoD/EIEDesign of 500kJ pulsed power supply system for electromagnetic rail gun using PSPICE simulationIndian journal of science and technology
33Dr.S.Poorani, HoD/EIEAnalysis of performance of PSO based Fuzzy Controller for 4 phase SRM motorIndian journal of science and technology
34G.Revathy, AP/EIEReal Time Harmonic Minimization For Multilevel Inverter-connected To Solar Panel Using Artificial Neural Network (Ann)International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research
35Dr.S.Poorani, HoD/EIEDerivation Empirical Formula of Inductance Gradient of Rails for Circular Bore Geometry Using Regression Analysis TechniqueInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research
36Dr.S.Poorani, HoD/EIEA High Step up Transformerless Single-Stage Single-Switch AC/DC Converter Using SEPICInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
37Mr.M.Kandaswamy, AsP/EIEPerformance Testing of non-linear pH Neutralization Using Bacterial Foraging AlgorithmAensi journals Australian journal of basic and applied sciences
38Mr.M.Kandaswamy, AsP/EIEA Heuristic Approach for Optimization of Non Linear Process using Firefly Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging AlgorithmInternational Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications
39Mr.M.Kandaswamy, AsP/EIEHeuristic Algorithm Based Controller Optimization for a Real Time pH Neutralization Process SystemInternational Journal of ChemTech Research
40Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIERadial Basis Neural Network Based Fault Detection and Isolation Scheme for pneumatic ActuatorInternational Journal of Engineering Computers & Applied Sciences
41Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIESelf- Organizing Map Based Fault Detection and Isolation Scheme for pneumatic ActuatorInternational Journal of Innovation & Applied Sciences
42Mr.K.Prabakaran, AP/EIEFault Detection and Isolation Scheme for pneumatic Actuator Using Sugeno-Type Fuzzy Inference SystemInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
43Mr.M.Kandaswamy, HoD/EIEDesign of Auto-Tuning AdapativePidControlleerfor Two Tank Conical SystemInternational Journal of Scientific Research
43Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarStability improvement on industrial load using current controlled voltage regulatorElsevier, Materials today-Proceedings
44Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarSmartphone-based electrochemical sensor for assessing COVID-19 infected patientsInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications - Emerald Publisher
45Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarMathematical Modeling and optimization of hyper node analysisAIP Conference Proceedings
46Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarAmending the governing input signal for the speed control of a steam turbineElsevier, Materials today-Proceedings
47Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarRevolutionary Modelling and design of Induction motor with Energy compensationJournal of Xi'an University
48Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarSpeed Regulation of Induction motor by Intelligent controllersJournal of Xi'an University
49Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarA Novel Analysis Of Brushless Drive System With Energy Saving MechanismJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
50Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarAn Analysis of VAR Compensator for Static and Dynamic Load ModelsJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
51Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarAn Optimal power flow on grid connected power system using FACTS devicesJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
52Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarCurrent Retaliation design modeling of DC motorJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
53Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarTwo-Tier Security Mechanism for Malignant detection in wireless sensor networksEuropean Journal of Molecular and clinical Medicines
54Dr. M. N. Saravana KumarCongestion free channel allocation for high traffic using MAC in WSNInformation Technology in Industry
55Mr.E.SathishEnergy Utilization and Prediction using ML for Improving EMS system: A study ApproachTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
56Mr.E.SathishDevelopment of smart accident identification and detection system Materials Today: Proceedings
57Mr.E.SathishDesign and development of multi controlled smart bikeMaterials Today: Proceedings
58Mr.E.SathishSolar Powered Autonomous Robotic car using SurveillanceMaterials Today: Proceedings
59Mr.E.SathishA Comparative study for fault detection and classification in textile web materialsJournal of Xian University of Architecture and Technology
60Ms.G.RevathyA Comparative study for fault detection and classification in textile web materialsJournal of Xian University of Architecture and Technology
61Ms.G.RevathyDesign and development of smart dustbinMaterials Today: Proceedings
62Ms.G.RevathyPLC based smart framing system with SCADAIEEE Conference on Advances and developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Conference Publications by Faculty


S.No.Author NameConference NameName of the OrganisationConference date
1Dr.M.Shyamalagowri7th International Conference on Engineering,Technology and ScienceMuthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram31.03.2023
2Dr.M.ShyamalagowriNational Conference on Transformation of Learning Resource Centre’s in Digital Era organized by Digital LibraryKSR College of Technology, Thiruchengodu jointly organized with Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS)13.10.2022 to 15.10.2022
3Mr.T.Maris Murugan7th International Conference on Engineering,Technology and ScienceMuthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram31.03.2023
4Dr.S.SobanaInternational Conference on intelligent systems and control Karpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore10.03.2023 to 11.03.2023
5Dr.P.ElamuruganInternational Conference on intelligent systems and control Karpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore10.03.2023 to 11.03.2023
6Mr.P.SureshkumarAICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Emerging Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICEITE’22)”Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry13.07.2022 to 14.07.2022
7Ms.G.RevathyAICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Emerging Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICEITE’22)”Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry13.07.2022 to 14.07.2022
8Mr.E.SathishAICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Emerging Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICEITE’22)”Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry13.07.2022 to 14.07.2022
9Mr.P.SenthilkumarAICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Emerging Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICEITE’22)”Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry13.07.2022 to 14.07.2022
10Ms.C.Jayabharathi22nd International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Springer 2022Machine Intelligence Research Labs(MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn,Washington,USA13.12.2022 to 14.12.2022


S.No.Author NameConference NameName of the OrganisationConference date
1Dr.M.ShyamalagowriTNSCST Sponsored 8th International Conference on latest trends in Science, Engineering and Technology(ICLTSET’22)Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore20.05.2022 & 21.05.2022
2Dr.M.ShyamalagowriInternational Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5G Communications and Network TechnologiesVelammal Institute of Technology, Chennai28.04.2022 & 29.04.2022
3Dr.M.ShyamalagowriSeventh National Conference on Innovations and Advancements in Electrical Science -NCIAES’22 (Virtual)KPR Institute of Technology, Coimbatore26.03.2022
4Dr.M.ShyamalagowriInternational Conference on Management Engineering Science and Humanities Builder’s Engineering College, Nathakadaiyur, Tiruppur Dt.19.01.2022
7Dr.M.Shyamalagowri2nd International Conference on Waste, Energy and Environment (ICWEE-2021)Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University), Jeppiaar Nagar (OMR), Chennai23.09.2021 & 24.09.2021
8Mr.T.Maris MuruganNational E- Conference on “ Advanced Communication and New Energy Generation Technologies 2022” Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai28.05.2022
9Mr.P.SureshkumarNational E- Conference on “ Advanced Communication and New Energy Generation Technologies 2022” Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai28.05.2022
10Ms.G.RevathyNational E- Conference on “ Advanced Communication and New Energy Generation Technologies 2022” Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai28.05.2022
11Mr.E.SathishNational E- Conference on “ Advanced Communication and New Energy Generation Technologies 2022” Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai28.05.2022
12Ms.S.DivyaNational E- Conference on “ Advanced Communication and New Energy Generation Technologies 2022” Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai28.05.2022


S.No.Author NameConference NameName of the OrganisationConference date
1Dr.M.ShyamalagowriEmerging Technlogies for Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid Integration (ETEVSGI)PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research01.07.2020 & 02.07.2020
2Mr.T.Maris MuruganVirtual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence for IoT and Power Grid NetworksSRM TRP Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Trichy- 621
3Mr.T.Maris MuruganOn Smart Innovations in Engineering System and Technology-2020(Global E-Conference)Jagannath Institute of Technology, Chennai27.12.2020
4Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarVirtual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence for IoT and Power Grid NetworksSRM TRP Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Trichy- 621
5Dr.M.N.SaravanakumarOn Smart Innovations in Engineering System and Technology-2020(Global E-Conference)Jagannath Institute of Technology, Chennai27.12.2020
6Mr.P.SureshkumarVirtual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence for IoT and Power Grid NetworksSRM TRP Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Trichy- 621
7Mr.P.SureshkumarOn Smart Innovations in Engineering System and Technology-2020(Global E-Conference)Jagannath Institute of Technology, Chennai27.12.2020
8Ms.G.RevathyVirtual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence for IoT and Power Grid NetworksSRM TRP Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Trichy- 621
9Ms.G.RevathyOn Smart Innovations in Engineering System and Technology-2020(Global E-Conference)Jagannath Institute of Technology, Chennai27.12.2020
10Mr.E.SathishVirtual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence for IoT and Power Grid NetworksSRM TRP Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Trichy- 621
11Mr.E.SathishOn Smart Innovations in Engineering System and Technology-2020(Global E-Conference)Jagannath Institute of Technology, Chennai27.12.2020


S. No.Author NameConference NameName of the OrganisationConference date
1Ms.G.RevathyInternational conference on a comparative study for fault detection and classification in textile web materialsKarpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore.06.02.2020 & 07.02.2020
2Ms.G.RevathyTwo days National Level Conference on Patient Monitoring System using ArduinoHindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.02.08.2019 & 03.08.2019
3Mr. E. SathishInternational conference on a comparative study for fault detection and classification in textile web materialsKarpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore.06.02.2020 & 07.02.2020
4Mr. E. SathishAICTE sponsored first International conference on IoT based automatic drip irrigation for farmlands using MTTPKamaraj college of engineering and technology,Viruthunagar.04.10.2019 & 05.10.2019


Author NameTitle of the PaperName of the Conference
Home Automation Using IoTTwo day International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology
Mr. K.Prabakaran
Ms. G.Revathy
Identification and classification of defects in fabric web materialsTwo day International conference Biomedical signal and Image Processing
Mr. T.Maris Murugan
Traffic Management System using SCADAOne day National conference on Convergence Technologies in Biomedical Engineering
Mr. T.Maris Murugan
A Review of Flotation ControlTwo day International conference on Sustainable Materials Design and Application
Mr. T.Maris Murugan
Emergency Vehicles Detection using RFIDTwo day International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology
Ms. G.Revathy
Smart Dustbin Management system in Institutions using MicrocontrollerTwo day International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology
Android Based Irrigation System Using IoTTwo day International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology
Underground Cable Fault Detection Using ArduinoTwo day International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering
Colour Based Object Recognition And Sorting SystemTwo day International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering
IOT based Online Bagarse measurement and ControlOne day National conference on Quality through Innovations in Engineering
IOT based Boiler Drum level controlOne day National conference on Quality through Innovations in Engineering
IOT based Online Bagarse measurement and ControlTwo day International conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Management
IOT based Boiler Drum level controlTwo day International conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Management
Monitoring of Turbine Parameters and its Production System Using MicrocontrollerOne day National conference on Quality through Innovations in Engineering
Design of safety instrumental system for recycling gas compressor using PLCOne day National conference on Quality through Innovations in Engineering
Automatic Coal Conveyor control system using PLCOne day National conference on Quality through Innovations in Engineering
Automatic Coal Conveyor control system using PLCTwo day International conference on Advances in Science
Design and development of SCR firing circuit using MPI machinesTwo day International conference on Advances in Science
Enrichment of Engineering Graduands skills to Meet the Industry ExpectationsISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
Improving India’s Education System Through Information And Communication TechnologiesISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
Managing Oil Field Industry Based onNational Conference on Industrial
Embedded Wireless CommunicationTechnologies (NCIT-2016)
Implementing MOOCS for eminent engineering education in IndiaISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Enrichment of Engineering Graduands skills to Meet the Industry ExpectationsISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Implementing MOOCS for eminent engineering education in IndiaISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Managing Oil Field Industry Based onNational Conference on Industrial
Embedded Wireless CommunicationTechnologies (NCIT-2016)
S.V Satheshkumar
Improving India’s Education System Through Information And Communication TechnologiesISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Improving India’s Education System Through Information And Communication TechnologiesISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Implementing MOOCS for eminent engineering education in IndiaISTE Convention held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Dr. Saju SubramaniamMetaheuristic Technique for Biomedical ImageInternational conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
T.Maris muruganCloud based remote monitoring & control of boiler using smart phoneinternational conference on recent innovations in Engineering, Technology and management
P.Suresh kumarDesign and comparison of new DWT-OFDM with conventional based systeminternational conference on recent innovations in Engineering, Technology and management
G.RevathyMeasuring and Monitoring of physiological parameters in patientsInternational conference on recent innovations in Engineering, Technology and management
E.SathishA study on accident detection and rescue systemInternational conference on recent innovation in Engineering technology and management
Dr.D.Sivanandakumar, Patient Monitoring system using ARDUNIO Two Day National Level Conference organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
G.RevathyPatient Monitoring system using ARDUNIO Two Day National Level Conference organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
E.SathishIoT based automatic drip irrigation for farmlands using MTTPFirst international conference organized by Kamaraj college of engineering and technology
G. Revathy PLC Based Smart Farming System With SCADA.2020 IEEE International Conference On Advances And Developments In Electrical And Electronics Engineering (ICADEE 2020)
Book Publications by Faculty


S.No.Name of the FacultyTitle of the BookBook/ Book Chapter DetailsPublication Details
1Dr.M.N.Saravana Kumar,
Associate Professor
Data Security in Internet of Things based RFID and WSN Systems applicationsBook Chapter
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Chapter 9, pp. 107-114.


S.No.Name of the FacultyTitle of the BookBook/ Book Chapter DetailsPublication Details
1Dr.M.Shyamalagowri, ProfessorMachine Learning Techniques Enabled Electric VehicleBook Chapter
Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Engineering in CRRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Chapter 4.
2Mr.E.Sathish, Assistant ProfessorSolar Powered Autonomous Robotic Car Using for SurveillanceBook Chapter
KES International, Springer, Vol : 265, 2021, Chapter 25, pp.249-256
Patent Publications by Faculty


S.No.Author NameTitle of the inventionPatent office detailApplication numberDate if filingPublished date
Mr.T.Maris Murugan & Mr.P.Senthilkumar
Close Monitoring of Patient Medication and Automated Medication Dispenser Using IoT(12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION
(19) INDIA
202241050984 A09-Jul16/09/2022


S.No.Author NameTitle of the inventionPatent office detailApplication numberDate if filingPublished date
1Dr.M.ShyamalagowriDevelopment of IoT based Smart Irrigation System(12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA202141047014 A18/10/202129/10/2021
2Dr.M.ShyamalagowriDevelopment of IoT Based Accident Detection and Smart Traffic Signal Monitoring(12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA202141050406 A11-Mar19/11/2021


S.No.Author NameTitle of the inventionPatent office detailApplication numberDate if filingPublished date
1Mr.E.SathishDesign and Development of Smart Security and Surveillance SystemIP India, Chennai202141003615 A27/01/202102-May
2Ms.G.RevathyDesign and Development of Mishap detection and astute action smart system using IoTIP India, Chennai202141005564 A02-Sep02-Dec
3Mr.P.Sureshkumar & Dr.M.N.Saravana KumarSecured Protection Device for Safety during Overload ConditionIP India, Chennai202041025882 A19/06/202007-Mar
4Dr.M.N.Saravana KumarEnergy Efficient Street Light system using arduino Uno and WSN for smart cityIP India, Chennai2.02041E+1125/06/202007-Oct
5Dr.M.N.Saravana KumarAn Optimal method for fault detection of transmission line with loss reductionIP India, Chennai2.02041E+1107-Jan07-Oct


S.No.Author NameTitle of the inventionPatent office detailApplication numberDate if filingPublished date
1Dr.M.N.Saravana KumarImprovement of Voltage Regulation on Distribution Generation using Power system regulators12) Patent Application Publication (19) India201841045262 A30/11/201811-08-2019
2Dr.M.N.Saravana KumarHigh Torque Reluctance MotorRef.NO:314130-001, CBR No. 1360Filed, 2019
3Dr.M.N.Saravana KumarTransformer type ReactorRef.NO:317588-001, CBR No. 8852Filed, 2019


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