Management Studies
Faculty Publications
Journal Publications
Author Name | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal with citation details |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Stage by stage E- Ecommerce market database analysis by using machine learning models | EAI ICISML 2023 - EAI 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning organized by Sri Sri University Odisha (Accepted and to be published in - Scopus indexed journal). |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Environmental Considerations in the Ethics of AI Adoption in Healthcare: Striving for Sustainable and Responsible Practices | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Application (ICAIA - 2023), (Accepted and to be published in - Scopus indexed journal). |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Application of social media in business-to-business marketing under the perspective of marketing process | International conference on Humanities for Smart Societies 2023 (HMSS-2023) (Accepted and to be published in SEAS Transactions Scopus indexed journal). |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | “Designing an effective performance management system in the age of remote work involving the ethics of HR through artificial intelligence” | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Science and Its Engineering Applications (IC3SEA 2023), Organized by Study World College of Engineering, Coimbatore, ISBN No:9789359156972, pages:73. (Accepted and to be published in - Scopus indexed journal). |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Customer Impulsive Buying Behaviour : A study of persuasion for buying the product in Seybold Report | Seybold Report, ISSN 1533-9211, Volume 18, Issue 08, Pages: 78-86, Scopus Indexed Journal. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Integrating learning context and characteristics of Gen Z and Gen α | Korea Review of International Studies, ISSN 1226-4741, Volume 16, Issue 46, Pages: 175-181, ABDC Rating Journal ‘C’ Category. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Impact of Stress and its Employees Performance in it Industries | World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 1819-8643, Volume 16, Issue 01, Pages: 273-282, ABDC Rating Journal ‘C’ Category. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Factors Influencing Consumer Intention to Purchase Groceries over the Internet | European Chemical Bulletin, ISSN 2063-5346, Volume 12, S. Issue 05, Pages: 1034-1045, DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5.099, Scopus Indexed Journal. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Analysis on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Tribal Women of Nilgiris District with special reference to PCOS | International Journal of Early Chilhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), UGC care List II Web of Science WOS Listed journal DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V1412.667 ISSN 1308-5581, Volume 14, Issue – 02, pp 5907 – 5916, DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I2.667. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Progress and growth of Information Technology on Business to Business relationship in Textiles Industries in the locale of Tirupur District, Tamil Nadu, India | Tierarztilich Praxis, Anna University Annexure - I journal ISSN 0303-6286, Volume 41, pp 65 - 80. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | A Critical Analysis on Gender-Based Violence in Rural District of Tamil Nadu | Pal Arch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, Scopus listed ISSN 1567-214x, Volume 17, Issue – 6, pp 11726 - 11737. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Gender-Based Violence in Rural Area of Tiruppur District – A Empirical Study | Journal of Critical Reviews, Scopus listed ISSN 2394 – 5125, Volume-7, Issue-06, pp 2654-2661. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Investors Preference Towards Investment Avenues In Tirupur District’ | International Journal Of Research and Analytical Reviews, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.5, Issue 4, pp.157-163. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | ‘Impact of Key Entrepreneurial Skills on Business Success of Rural Micro Entrepreneurs’ | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN 2349-5162, Vol.5, Issue 10, PP. 59-62. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | ‘Service Quality perception of Banking Customers in Erode District’ | Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, Anna University Annexure Journal Online ISSN: 2249-7315, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 61-64. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | ‘Customer Perception on Service Quality in Commercial Banks in the Techno Era’ | Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, Anna University Annexure Journal Online ISSN: 2249-7315 vol. 6, no. 12,pp. 1108-1118. |
Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran | Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business Intelligence and Decision Making: An Empirical Study | European Chemical Bulletin, 2023, 12 (S3), 165 – 172, DOI: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.024 |
Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran | Role of artificial intelligence in human resource management of selected it companies at Chennai city | International Journal of Management and Commerce, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023, Page No. 102-106, Online ISSN: 2664-6854, Print ISSN: 2664-6846 |
Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran | A Study on Organisational Culture and It’s Impact on Employees Behaviour with Special Reference to Christy Fried gram Industry, Trichengode | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 4, April-2023, Impact Factor: 7.429, |
Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran | The Influence of Tax Education on Tax Compliance of A B C Category Tax Payer's | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2023-2882, Volume 11, Issue 1 January 2023 |
Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran | CSR and Corporate Governance Interdependence: A Conceptual Study | Journal of Harbin Engineering University, ISSN: 1006-7043, Vol 44 No. 6, June 2023 |
Mr. M. Nandhakumar | A Study on Performance Appraisal of Employees with Special Reference to Lanco Agro Foods Pvt. Limited Erode | International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, ISSN: 2455-6211, Impact Factor: 7.429, Volume 11 Issue 4, April- 2023 |
Dr. A. Jafersadhiq | A Research on buying behavior on organic foods with special reference to erode district. | International Journal Of Innovative Technology and exploring engineering (IJITEE) Volume : 8 | Issue : 12s | October 2019 ISSN No 2278 - 3075 |
Dr. K. T. Kalaiselvi | Women Empowerment in India and Ways to overcome the challenges | South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN: 2454-9614 Vol 8 No S 2 (2019): Volume 8, Supplementary Issue 2, April, 2019, pp 19-22 |
Dr. A. Jafersadhiq | A study on difficulties and scenarios of Online marketing at Coimbatore district | South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN: 2454-9614 Vol 8 No S 2 (2019): Volume 8, Supplementary Issue 2, April, 2019 pp 1-5. |
Ms.E.Kamatchi Muthulakshmi & Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Influence of Social Media Among The Youth on Behavior Change: A Critical Study of University Students In Selected Universities Among Erode District | South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN: 2454-9614 Vol 8 No S 2 (2019): Volume 8, Supplementary Issue 2, April, 2019, pp 10-13. |
Dr. K. T. Kalaiselvi Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Effectiveness of Training and Development programme among primary school teachers. | International Journal of Innovative Research and Analytical Reviews ISSN (Online): 2319-8753, December 2018, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp 719-723. |
Mr. D. Nidhyananth | A Study on Prevelance of face book addiction among generation Z College students | International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol.5, Issue 10, October 2018, pp 43-46. |
Dr. A. Ravisankar | Investors preference towards investment avenues in Tirupur District | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ISSN:2348-1269 October 2018 |
Dr. A. Jafersadhiq | A study on Customer preference of online marketing in Coimbatore town | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ISSN:2348-1269, October 2018, Vol.5, pp 182-189. |
Dr. K. T. Kalaiselvi Mr.D.Nidhyananth | An Empirical Study on Impact of Emotional Maturity on Workplace Performance | International Journal of Innovative Research and Analytical Reviews ISSN (Online): 2319-8753, September 2018, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp 69-73. |
Dr. K. T. Kalaiselvi & Mr. D. Nidhyananth | Consumer brand preference towards sedan cars with special reference to Erode district | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN (Online): 2319-8753, Issue April 2018 |
Ms.E.Kamatchi Muthulakshmi | Impact of demonetization on Indian Economy | IQSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IQSR-JHSS),e-ISSN-2279-0837,p-ISSN,2279-0843,(March 2017) pp. 50-54. |
Mr.A.Ravisankar | Customer Perception On Service Quality In Commercial Banks In The Techno Era | Asian Journal of Research inSocial Science and Humanities Online ISSN: 2249-7315, Page 1108-1118, December 2016 |
Mr.A.Jafer Sadhiq | A study on Consumer buying Behaviour on Instant Food products with special reference to Muncipal Corporations in Tamilnadu | Asian Journal of Research inSocial Science and Humanities ISSN: 2249-7315 Vol6, No 11, November 2016, PP:993-1001 |
Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Service Quality: Measurement and Management | IOSR Journal of Businessand Management, September 2016,e-ISSN: 2278-487X,p-ISSN: 2319-7668, PP 23-25 |
Mr.A.Ravisankar | Quality Perception of Banking Customers In Erode District | Asian Journal of Researchin Social Science andHumanitiesOnline ISSN: 2249-7315,Page 1383-1391, August 2016. |
Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi & Mr. D. Nidhyananth | A Study on Consumer Purchase and Post Purchase Behaviour Towards Selected Home Appliances | International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320-981X, Special issue, March 2016, pp 221-229 |
Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi &Mr. D. Nidhyananth | An empirical study on parents perception about transferring to CBSE education system in India, | International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2454-9762, Vol-2, Special issue 3, Feb 2016, pp 27-36 |
Mr.A.Ravisankar | Service Quality Perception of Banking Customers in Perundurai Taluk. | International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology ISSN: 2320-981X, Special issue, March 2016,pp 238-242 |
Mr.S.Sabarinathan & Mr.S.Madhankumar | A Study on the Comparative Behavior of Dividend of Indian Firms before and After Share Split | International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320-981X, Special issue, March 2016, pp 243-246 |
Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi & Mr. D. Nidhyananth | An empirical study on parents perception about transferring to CBSE education system in India, | International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2454-9762, Vol-2, Special issue 3, Feb 2016, pp 27-36 |
Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Problems in Rural Marketing | International Journal of Scientific Research ISSN No 2277 8179, Vol.5, Issue 1, Jan 2016, pp 600-601 |
Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | An analysis on purchase behavior towards selected white goods | Asia Pacific Journal of Research ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-47, Vol: I. Issue XXXII, October 2015, pp 80-90 |
Dr.R. Vanathi & Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Growing Opportunities for Indian Youth in the era of Digital Marketing | International Journal Of Exclusive Management Research ISSN: 2249-8672, Feb 2015,Impact Factor 5.76 |
Mr.S.Gopalakrishnan | An assessment of mutual fund investors behavior | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 27-33 |
Mr.D.Nidhyananth | A study on consumer perception towards service quality in organized retail apparel stores with special references to Madurai City | Journal of Management and Science,ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 2, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 11-15 |
D.Nidhyananth | A study on consumer opinion towards departmental stores in Chennai city | Journal of Management and Science,ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 8-15 |
S.Gopalakrishnan | Purchasing deportment of green product among engineering college students in Erode dt. | International Journal of social sciences & Interdisciplinary Research 2277 677X |
U.Dineshkumar | A Study on Customers Attitude towards Service and Merchandise Provided at Retail Stores in Erode City | European Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 1450-2267 Vol.31 No.2 (2012), pp. 261-269. |
TNR Kavitha | Brand choice and brand loyalty of selected FMCG products among college students with special reference to Erode District | IJETA-ETS ISSN 0974-3588 JAN.2011 |
TNR.Kavitha | Customers' Attitude towards General Insurance - A Factor Analysis Approach | Namex International Journal of Management Research,2279-220, Vol.2, Issue 1, (Jan.-June.2012), PP.57-66 |
TNR.Kavitha & S.Jamuna | Customers' Attitude towardsGeneral Insurance - A Factor Analysis Approach | IOSR Journal of Business & Management ISSN 2278-487X, Vol.3,Issue 1, (July-Aug.2012), PP.30-36. |
U.Dineshkumar | A Study on Customers Attitude towards Service and Merchandise Provided at Retail Stores in Erode City | European Journal of Social Sciences,ISSN 1450-2267 Vol.31 No.2 (2012), pp. 261-269 |
U. Dineshkumar | A Study on the Consumers Brand Preference towards FMCG (Dental Care) Products with Special Reference to Organised Retail Stores in Erode | European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences ISSN 1450-2275 Issue 50 (2012),pp.46-51 |
U. Dineshkumar | Customers Satisfaction towards Organized Retail Outlets in Erode City | IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM),ISSN: 2278-487X Volume 3, Issue 4 (Sep,-Oct. 2012), PP 34-40. |
U. Dineshkumar | Customer Inclination towards Organized Retail Stores in Erode City An Analysis | IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 1,Issue : 5,Oct 2012, ISSN No 2277 8179,PP 79-80. |
U. Dineshkumar | Customer preference for private label brands with reference to organized retail stores in Coimbatore city | Elixir Marketing Mgmt.ISSN:2229-712X, 51 (2012),10784-10787 |
U. Dineshkumar | A study on decision making styles of college students for the apparel products with Special reference to erode district | Namex International Journal of Management Research ISSN 2277-2049(Print)ISSN 2250-2076(Online) Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July Dec- 2012 |
U. Dineshkumar | Customer Preference Towards Organized Retail Stores An Analysis | JM International Journal of Marketing Management ISSN:2230-701X Volume-issue-6 Dec, 2012. |
S.Jamuna TNR.Kavitha | Investment Attitude Of Women Towards Different Sources Of Securities-A Factor Analysis Approach | Global Journal of Management & Research ISSN No: 2249-4588, Vol.13.Issue 3, (Feb.2013), PP.39-43 |
S.Jamuna TNR.Kavitha | Investment Attitude Of Women Towards Different Sources Of Securities-A Factor Analysis Approach | International journal of Global Research Analysis,ISSN No:2277-81611,Vol.2.Issue 2,(Feb.2013), PP.106-108. |
S.Jamuna TNR.Kavitha | A Study on Students Attitude Towards Online Shopping | Journal of Management & Science,ISSN (Printed): 2249-1260, ISSN (Online): 2250-1819, Vol.1, Issue 11 (March 2013),PP 89-93. |
TNR.Kavitha | A Study on Students Attitude Towards Online Shopping With Special Reference to Erode Corporation. | Journal of Management & Science ISSN (Printed): 2249-1260, ISSN (Online): 2250-1819, Vol.2 , Issue 12(April 2013), PP 44-52. |
TNR.Kavitha | A Study on Employee Retention Towards Seshasayee Paper & Board Ltd. | Journal of Management & Science ISSN (Printed): 2249-1260, ISSN (Online): 2250-1819, Vol.3 , Issue 12(April 2013), PP 134-141 |
TNR.Kavitha & S.Jamuna | A Study on Poverty alleviation Through Micro Credit With Special Reference to Self Help Group. | Journal of Management & Science ISSN (Printed): 2249-1260, ISSN (Online): 2250-1819, Vol.2 , Issue 11 (March 2013), PP 24-32 |
S.Gopalakrishnan | Analysis On Skill Updating By Employees Through Training And Development With Special Reference To Flower Knitting Mill, Tirupur | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 99-105. |
S.Gopalakrishnan | A Micro analysis on Dissect of Consumers to Procure Green Products | Life Science journal 2013;10(2):1028-1032 |
S.Jamuna | A Study on Analysis of equity share which contribute to GDP for past three years | Journal of Management & Science,ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 73-77. |
S.Jamuna | A Study on Factors affecting investment behavior of working women. | Journal of Management & Science,ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 78-82. |
S.Madhankumar | A study on consumer behavior towards Ready to eat food products with special reference to Madurai City. | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 174-185. |
S.Madhankumar | A study on consumer preference towards Hero motor Bikes with special reference to Karur city | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 1-7. |
S.Madhankumar | A study on consumer buying behavior towards Mobile phones with special reference to Erode city | Journal of Management and Science,ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 174-185. |
P.Anchanakiruthika | A Study on Employee Engagement with special reference to Pariyur Amman Pvt Ltd,Gobichettipalayam | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 91-98 |
P.Anchanakiruthika | A study on Employee Welfare Measures with special reference to Flower Knitting Pvt Ltd,Tirupur | Journal of Management and Science,ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 2, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 119-126 |
P.Anchanakiruthika | A Study on College Students preference towards MNSP with special reference to Erode. | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 2, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 60-67. |
U. Dineshkumar | Customers Perception towards Organized Retail Stores An Analysis | Life Science Journal,(ISSN: 1097-8135). 2013:10(1):4275-4280]. |
U. Dineshkumar | Retailers Attitude towards the products of v. v. v. & sons edible oils limited with Special Reference to Madurai city | Journal of Management and Science,ISSN:2249-1260, Special Issue XII, Vol. 2 pp.1-5 |
U. Dineshkumar | A Study on buyers preference towards honda car at Madurai city | Journal of Management and Science,ISSN:2249-1260,Special Issue XII, Vol. 2,pp.34-43. |
U. Dineshkumar | A study on effectiveness of Motivation schemes provided at Pariyuramman spinning mills limited | Journal of Management and Science ISSN:2249-1260, Special Issue XII, Vol. 2,pp.110-126. |
S. Sabarinathan | A Study on Impact Of Financial Crisis on The Efficiency of Emerging Stock Markets | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 34-46 |
S. Sabarinathan | A Study on Impact of Financial Crisis on Movement of FII In Indian Stock Market | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 47-54. |
S. Sabarinathan | A Study on Impact of Financial Crisis on The Volatility of the Emerging Stock Markets | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 55-64. |
S.Gopalakrishnan | An assessment of mutual fund investors behavior | Journal of Management and Science ISSN: 2249-1260, Volume 3, Issue 12, April 2013, PP 27-33 |
TNR.Kavitha | The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B) | International Journal Of Scientific Research Volume : 2 | Issue : 6 | June 2013 ISSN No 2277 81792013 |
Dr.A.Jafersadhiq | Service Quality Management in Technology Driven Organization - An Empirical Study in Chennai City | Mukt Shabd Journal, ISSN: 2347- 3150, Volume-9 Issue-4, April 2020 Page No.3258-3268. UGC listed |
Dr.A.Jafersadhiq | “A Study on SWOT Analysis of Digital Marketing in India” | Alochana Chakra Journal , ISSN: 2231-3990, Volume-4 Issue-9,April 2020 UGC listed |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Invention | Application No./Date of filing of Application | Publication Date |
1 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Customer Journey of Cognitive Marketing and Consciousness Intention in E-Commerce Website | Application No: 202341043534 | Application under Process |
2 | Dr.S.M.Uvaneswaran | Automated employee expense Reimbursement system | Design Patent No.381932-001 | 21-03-2023 |
3 | Mr. Somnath Bhattacharjee | Impact on job evaluation process in banking sector | Application No: 202241057063 | 14-10-2022 |
Conference Publications
S. No | Author Name | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference |
Academic Year 2022-2023 | |||
1 | Dr. A. Ravisankar | CSR and Its Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
2 | Dr. A. Ravisankar | Stage by stage E- Ecommerce market database analysis by using machine learning models | EAI ICISML 2023 - EAI 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning organized by Sri Sri University Odisha |
3 | Dr. A. Ravisankar | Environmental Considerations in the Ethics of AI Adoption in Healthcare: Striving for Sustainable and Responsible Practices | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Application (ICAIA - 2023). |
4 | Dr. A. Ravisankar | Application of social media in business-to-business marketing under the perspective of marketing process | International conference on Humanities for Smart Societies 2023 (HMSS-2023). |
5 | Dr. A. Ravisankar | “Designing an effective performance management system in the age of remote work involving the ethics of HR through artificial intelligence” | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Science and Its Engineering Applications (IC3SEA 2023), Organized by Study World College of Engineering, Coimbatore, ISBN No:9789359156972, pages:73. |
7 | Dr. S. M. Uvaneswaran | Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: From A Corporate Governance Perspective | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
8 | D. Nidhyanath | A Study on Role and Responsibilities of Educational Institutions relating to Consumer Protection | International Conference VARTANA 2.0 “Innovation—An Engine for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” organized by St.Claret College, Bengaluru on 29 and 30.9.2022 |
9 | D. Nidhyanath | Study on impact among Consumer Trust on Digital/E-Payment Mode of Transaction for Online Shopping | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Management, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences organized by Cheran College of Engineering, Karur on 30.7.22 |
10 | D. Nidhyanath | A Study on Online Shopping and Misleading Ads | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
11 | Dr. S. Raj Kumar | Corporate with NGOs | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
12 | Dr. S. Raj Kumar | A Study on Online Shopping Buying Behavior among Young Consumers | International Conference VARTANA 2.0 “Innovation—An Engine for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” organized by St.Claret College, Bengaluru on 29 and 30.9.2022 |
13 | Dr. S. Raj Kumar | The role of NGOS in the development of women entrepreneurs | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Management, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences organized by Cheran College of Engineering, Karur on 30.7.22 |
14 | Dr. V. Gayathri | The Sustainable Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Global Analysis and Future Trends | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
15 | Dr. V. Gayathri | An empirical study on role of Government in Public Health and the current scenario in India | International Conference VARTANA 2.0 “Innovation—An Engine for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” organized by St.Claret College, Bengaluru on 29 and 30.9.2022 |
16 | Dr. V. Gayathri | Consumerism and its effect on Globalisation | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Management, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences organized by Cheran College of Engineering, Karur on 30.7.22 |
17 | V. Prakash | An investigation of awareness of women on consumer rights in the rural context | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Management, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences organized by Cheran College of Engineering, Karur on 30.7.22 |
18 | V. Prakash | A Study on Social Responsibilities of Laptop Manufacturers | International Conference VARTANA 2.0 “Innovation—An Engine for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development” organized by St.Claret College, Bengaluru on 29 and 30.9.2022 |
19 | V. Prakash | Role of NGO in Social Welfare | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
20 | M. Sathya | A study on employee understanding of talent management strategies in software companies with special reference to Chennai City, Tamilnadu | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
21 | M. Sathya | Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Rural Development with Special Reference to Perode Gram Panchayat in Erode District of Tamilnadu | International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Management, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences organized by Cheran College of Engineering, Karur on 30.7.22 |
22 | Somnath Bhattacharjee | Corporate with NGOs | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
23 | Somnath Bhattacharjee | A Study on Customer Awareness about E-Banking Services with special reference to ICICI Bank, Gobichettipalayam Town | National Conference on "Recent Trends in Commerce" at Gobi Arts and Science College on 25.2.23. Edited Book ISBN No. 978-81-951454-6-1 |
24 | V. Malaravan | History of CSR in India | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
25 | V. Malaravan | A Study on Online Shopping and Issues of Misleading Advertisement with Reference to Bengaluru City | National Conference on "Recent Trends in Commerce" at Gobi Arts and Science College on 25.2.23. Edited Book ISBN No. 978-81-951454-6-1 |
26 | M. Nandhakumar | Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability: From A Corporate Governance Perspective | 1st International Conference on “Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Goals (ICON – 23)” conducted by the School of Business, VET Institute of Arts & Science College, Erode on 18.02.2023 |
27 | M. Nandhakumar | A Study on the Problems faced by Online Buyers with Special reference to college students in Chennai City | National Conference on "Recent Trends in Commerce" at Gobi Arts and Science College on 25.2.23. Edited Book ISBN No. 978-81-951454-6-1 |
Academic Year 2021-2022 | |||
1 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Supply chain partners’ behaviour: Choosing the right partner and sourcing strategy | 24th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM) held at XLRI-Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India, December, 2021 |
2 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Supply Chain Resilience Through Options Contract | 32nd Annual POMS Conference held online, April 2022 |
3 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Satisfaction Level of Life Insurance Policy holders in Erode | International Conference on Globalization is Irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc& Making MSMEs Competitive,2nd -3rd March 2022, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, India(ISBN: 978-81-910472-9-5) |
4 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Antecedents of switching behaviour in telecom services | International Conference on Emerging Markets and Issues in Management, 19th -20th April 2022, VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore, India. (ISBN: 978-93-5104-881-7) |
5 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Education Sector | 56th Annual Conference of TIES, held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, 08-10 January 2022 |
6 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Level of Employee Commitment in Shakti Sugars, Erode | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
7 | Dr.V.Gayathri | Brand Preference of Branded Coconut Oil Consumer in Coimbatore City – An analytical study | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
8 | Dr.V.Gayathri | Valuation of Indian Patents using Renewal Model | Asia- Pacific Innovation Conference, held at Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, during 13-14 December 2021 |
9 | Dr.V.Gayathri | Disinformation as a strategic weapon: Roles of societal polarization, government's cybersecurity capability, and the rule of law | International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, (13-16 Dec 21). |
10 | Dr.V.Gayathri | Antecedents of switching behaviour in telecom services | International Conference on Globalization is Irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc& Making MSMEs Competitive,2nd -3rd March 2022, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, India(ISBN: 978-81-910472-9-5) |
11 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Exploring Rural Retailing-An Indian Perspective | International Conference on Globalization is Irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc& Making MSMEs Competitive,2nd -3rd March 2022, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, India(ISBN: 978-81-910472-9-5) |
12 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | A Literature Review on Cause Related Marketing | International Conference on Emerging Markets and Issues in Management, 19th -20th April 2022, VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore, India. (ISBN: 978-93-5104-881-7) |
13 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Level of Emotional Intelligence among Teaching Faculties in Namakkal, Tamil Nadu | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
14 | Mr.V.Prakash | Highly Sustainable Agriculture | National Conference on Social Issues: Changes and Challenges: (Interdisciplinary View), January 25th, 2018, Fatima College, Madurai, India. (ISBN: 978-93-86782-6-6) |
15 | Mr.V.Prakash | Consequences of Consumer Attitude Toward Cause Related Marketing | International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management 24th, 25th & 26th February, 2022, Kolkata |
16 | Mr.V.Prakash | Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness among the Employees of HDFC Banks in Erode Region | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
17 | Ms.M.Sathya | Organizational Learning and Creation of New Knowledge after the Covid19 Pandemic | 9th International HR Conference 2022 organized by K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management, February 3-5, 2022 |
18 | Ms.M.Sathya | Does Sectoral FDI Matter for Trade? Evidence from Emerging Economies | 56th Annual Conference of TIES, held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, 08-10 January 2022 |
19 | Ms.M.Sathya | Employee Capabilities: Enablers of Innovation at Service Marketing Firms | 11th Great Lakes-NASMEI (North American Society for Marketing Education in India) International Marketing Conference, Kotler-Srinivasan Center for Research in Marketing, Chennai, Dec. 29-30, 2021 |
20 | Ms.M.Sathya | The Role of Customer and Frontline Employee Interaction in Service Value Co-Creation | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
21 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | The Influence of Familial Socio-Political Forces on New Venture Creation Strategy in Family Business | Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Hyderabad, Dec. 2021 |
22 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Employee Engagement and Employee Job Satisfaction in Retail Sector | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
23 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Contribution of Family and Domestic Factors to Occupational Stress among college teachers | International Conference on Globalization is Irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc& Making MSMEs Competitive,2nd -3rd March 2022, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, India(ISBN: 978-81-910472-9-5) |
24 | Mr.Somnath Bhattacharjee | Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness among the Employees of HDFC Banks in Erode Region | International Conference on Globalization is Irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc& Making MSMEs Competitive,2nd -3rd March 2022, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, India(ISBN: 978-81-910472-9-5) |
25 | Mr.Somnath Bhattacharjee | Use factor analysis in service Research - Evidence from Indian Railways | 5th Edition of Virtual international Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 26.05.2022 |
26 | Mr.Somnath Bhattacharjee | Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Sree Annapoorna Sree Gowrishankar Hotels at Coimbatore | 11th Great Lakes-NASMEI (North American Society for Marketing Education in India), International Marketing Conference, Chennai, Dec. 29-30, 2021 |
Academic Year 2020-2021 | |||
1 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Reputation and Organizational Performance: The Moderating Role of Intangible Assets | Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hyderabad, March 2021 |
2 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Artificial Intelligence in Business Applications | AICTE sponsored Virtual international Conference on Machine learning and Data analytics for Business Decision Making on 5th and 6th March 2021organized by VIIMS, Tiruchengodu, Nammakal |
3 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Implementation of Lean manufacturing in Textile Industry | International Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 13.8.20 |
4 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Effects of Global Linkage on Firms’ Response to Climate Change in High-Growth Developing Economies | Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hyderabad, March 2021 |
5 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Development through Newly Evolved Technology in Open and Distance Education | International conference on Open and Distance Education: Frontiers, Challenges and Strategies, Hyderabad in Aug 2020 |
6 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | The Impact of Advertisement on Rural Consumer: A Study | Indian Conference on Management Innovations for Growth in India - Opportunities and Challenges, Gandhinagar, Dec 2020 |
7 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Mother Tongue Teaching and Language Policy | National Conference on ‘Mother Tongue Teaching and Language Policy, Ahmedabad, Feb 2021 |
8 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Interactive Media and ELT Practice | International Conference on Interactive Media in Pedagogy: Learning English in & Beyond Classrooms in H. M. Patel, Jan 2021 |
9 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Identifying Employee Competencies that Contribute to Development of Service Innovations in Family Firms | XIth CLAI Biennial International Conference 2020, The Journey and Scope of Comparative Literature: India and Beyond, Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2020 |
10 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Exploring Arousal and Sharing Behavior on SNS: Does Motivation to Use SNS Matter? | Proceedings of the Forty First International Conference on Information Systems, December 13-16, 2020, Hyderabad, India |
11 | Mr.V.Prakash | Artificial Intelligence in Practice–Real-World Examples and Emerging Business Models | Proceedings of IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2020, Tiruchirappalli, India, December 18–19, 2020, Proceedings, Part I |
12 | Mr.V.Prakash | Towards a Mindful Sensemaking of Enterprise Systems Assimilation: An Organizational Perspective | Proceedings of the Forty First International Conference on Information Systems, 13-16 Dec., 2020, Hyderabad, India |
13 | Mr.V.Prakash | Supply chain partners’ behaviour: Choosing the right partner and sourcing strategy | 24th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM) held at XLRI-Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India, December, 2020 |
14 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Establishing product quality in the market through artificial scarcity | 22nd International Conference, University of Pune, August, 2021 |
15 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Supply Chain Resilience Through Options Contract | 32nd Annual POMS Conference held online, April 2021 |
16 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Impact Of Nationalization And Behavioral Changes On Sourcing Decisions | 24th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM) held at XLRI-Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India, December, 2020 |
17 | Ms.M.Sathya | Do Flash Sales Make Products More Desirable To Customers?” | 32nd Annual POMS Conference held online, April 2021 |
18 | Ms.M.Sathya | Digital Education - A Boon or Bane during and after Covid-19 | International Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 13.8.20 |
19 | Ms.M.Sathya | Global Competitiveness in the Airline Industry | AICTE sponsored Virtual international Conference on Machine learning and Data analytics for Business Decision Making on 5th and 6th March 2021organized by VIIMS, Tiruchengodu, Nammakal |
20 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Role of Technology in Multi-Local Choice and Evolution of Creative Industries: An Exploratory Study | 24th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM) held at XLRI-Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India, December, 2020 |
21 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Trend and Performance of Selected Mutual Funds | AICTE sponsored Virtual international Conference on Machine learning and Data analytics for Business Decision Making on 5th and 6th March 2021organized by VIIMS, Tiruchengodu, Nammakal |
22 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Marketing Strategy and Brand awareness of Quartz wrist Watches - With special reference to Titan Industries Limited, Bangalore | International Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 13.8.20 |
23 | Mr.SomnathBhattacharjee | Global Linkage and Firms’ Response to Climate Change in Emerging Economies , Valuation of Indian Patents using Renewal Model | Asia- Pacific Innovation Conference, held at Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, during 13-14 December 2020 |
24 | Mr.SomnathBhattacharjee | Fusing Big Data and 3PL – Opportunities and Challenges | 9th ISDSI International Conference, held at Goa Institute of Management, Goa, during January 2-4, 2021 |
25 | Mr.Somnath Bhattacharjee | FDI in Retail Sector in India – Policy Issues | National Conference organized by ShriVaishnav Institute of Management, Indore on 27th April, 2021. |
26 | Dr.G.T.Sasetharan | New FDI Policy in Retail – Issues and Challenges | National Conference on “FDI in Retail Sector: Opportunities and Challenges”, organized by ShriVaishnav Institute of Management, Indore on 27th April, 2021. |
27 | Dr.G.T.Sasetharan | Quality Aspect of Management Education in India | National Conference on ‘Innovations for Sustainable Growth in the Global Market’, organized by PadmashreeDr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Management Studies, Pune, during March 1-3, 2021. |
Academic Year 2019-2020 | |||
1 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Intellectual Property Right and International Economic Development | National Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research(3MR) organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 6.03.2020 |
2 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Impact of Coronavirus On Education Sector | International conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
3 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Global Recession and Role of RBI in India, | Two Day National Conference on ‘Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Indian Economy’ held at Kakatiya Government Degree & PG College, Warangal, during November 12-13, 2019. |
4 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Risk Capital Mechanisms for SMEs in India | National Conference on ‘Organisation and Working of Financial Sector in India’, organized by the Department of Management, Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal, during September, 23-25, 2019. |
5 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Whither Factoring in India | National Conference on ‘New Horizons in Financial Services Management – Challenges and Solutions’, organized by the Department of Commerce and Business Management, Kakatiya University, Warangal, on April, 25, 2020. |
6 | Mr.D.Nithyananth | Challenges Faced By E-Commerce Firms Due To Covid - 19 | International Conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
7 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi, C | A Holistic Understanding of Business | National Conference on Holistic Vision of Ideal Living organized by Holistic Science Research Center at Surat, April 2020 |
8 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi, C | Strengthening Human Capital through Management Education: Some Reflections | National Conference on “Trends and Challenges in Management Education “ held at by Railway Degree College, Hyderabad August 2020 |
9 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Covid-19 : Its Impact On The Telecommunications Sector In India | International Conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
10 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | The Economic effects of Covid 19 on learning losses during times of closed schools | International Conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
11 | Dr.S.Kalaivani | Financialisation of Commodities in India | 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association, Bangalore University, Bangalore, December, 2019. |
12 | Mr.V.Prakash | Agricultural Commodity Derivatives in India – A study on Mentha Oil Futures | International Conference on Managing Change in Business and Economy, Pacific University, Udaipur; April, 2019. |
13 | Mr.V.Prakash | Fusing Big data and 3PL- Opportunities and challenges | 9th ISDSI International Conference, Jan 2-4, 2020, Goa, India |
14 | Mr.V.Prakash | Price impact of block trades in NSE | 8th ISDSI International Conference, Jan 2-4, 2020, Pune, Maharashtra India. |
15 | Mr.V.Prakash | Employment Strategy For Daily Labour Migrants | International conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
16 | Ms.M.Sathya | Attributes of Entrepreneurs in Family and non-Family Businesses – A Comparative Study | First Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business, at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, during February 1-3, 2020 |
17 | Ms.M.Sathya | Entrepreneurship Education in the Indian Context – Towards a New Model | National Conference on Entrepreneurship Education: Status and Future Initiatives, at NIMSME, Hyderabad, on March 26, 2020. |
18 | Ms.M.Sathya | The world after covid-19 and its impact on global economy | International Conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
19 | Mr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Start-ups in the Indian Context | International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Management at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India on July 26, 2019 |
20 | Mr.K R Vijaykumar | Lockdown Effect On Education Sector | International Conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
21 | Dr.G.T.Sasetharan | Causes of Organizational Stress among employees working in Select Garment companies in Tirupur District | National Conference on Metamorphosis of Modern Management and Research(3MR) organised by School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu on 6.03.2020 |
22 | Dr.G.T.Sasetharan | Retailing in India – Challenges and Opportunities | International Conference ‘Global Business Recession: Lessons Learnt’ Organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, Jan 8-10th 2020. |
23 | Dr.G.T.Sasetharan | Green Marketing – Greener Pastures? | National Conference on ‘Innovations in the Route to Win Markets’ Organized by Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, 3rd and 4th December 2019 |
24 | Dr.G.T.Sasetharan | Effects Of Covid-19 On It Industry- Challenges And Opportunities | International Conference on Global Economic Impact On Covid-19 by Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, 9th and 10th June 2020 |
Books/Monograph Published
S.No | Author | Book / Monograph title | Publisher | Year |
1 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Economic Studies on Automobile Management: Working Capital and Investment Analysis | IGI Global Publishing Tomorrow's Research Today | 2023 |
2 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Emerging Paradigms in Multidisciplinary Research | Weser Books | 2023 |
3 | Dr.K.T.Kalaiselvi | Recent Trends in Humanities and Social Sciences. | Akinik Publications | 2019 |
4 | Mr.D.Nidhyananth | Marketing Management | Himalaya Publication | 2018 |
5 | Dr.A.Ravisankar | Security Analysis and Portfolio Management | Thakur publication | 2018 |
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