Civil Engineering
Research Activities
- Funds Received
- Research Scholars
- Supervisors
- Faculty Publications
- Patent Publications
- Book / Book Chapter Publication
Funded Research Project
1 | Analysis and Removal of Fluoride in ground water | 7,500 | TNSCST | S.Parameshwari | 2013-2014 | Completed |
2 | Monitoring ground water quality and improvement techniques using geospatial technology and developing web based GIS water quality information system | 17,85,000 | NRDMS/DST | P.Balamurugan | 2014-2015 | Completed |
3 | Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of repair of concrete structure by using bacteria | 5,000 | Motorola | K.G.Devaki | 2014-2015 | Completed |
4 | Properties of textile wastes in reinforced cementitious composite | 5,000 | Motorola | P.Eswaramoorthi | 2014-2015 | Completed |
5 | An awareness program on industrial pollutants and its health issues | 15,000 | TNSCST | P.Eswaramoorthi | 2014-2015 | Completed |
6 | Remoal of excess calcium and magnesium in Dalmiapuram using Vetiveria Zizaniodes and Terminalia Chebula | 10,000 | TNSCST | L.Mekala | 2016-2017 | Completed |
7 | Effect of vinyl acetate effluent in reducing heat of hydration of concrete | 10,000 | TNSCST | M.Nivetha | 2016-2017 | Completed |
8 | Bendable light weight concrete | 5,000 | Motorola | P.Selvakumar | 2017-2018 | Completed |
9 | Skill development of Rural Mason | 4,50,000 | PMKVY | L.Poovendran | 2017-2018 | Completed |
10 | Skill development of Mason Concrete | 1,27,500 | PMKVY | S.Boobathiraja | 2018-2019 | Completed |
11 | Skill development of Mining Surveyor | 63,750 | PMKVY | P.Balamurugan | 2018-2019 | Completed |
12 | Characteristic study of paper pulp cement concrete | 10,000 | ESEC | Mr.D.Krishna | 2018-2019 | Completed |
13 | Manufacture of shellment for the construction of footpath near two wheeler parking in our college campus for a distance of 5 meter. | 6,000 | ESEC | Dr.Christian Johnson | 2019-2020 | Completed |
14 | Spinach oleraceae as a self curing agent | 5,000 | FAER | Mr.M.Balaji | 2019-2020 | Completed |
15 | Experimental investigation on textile waste used in concrete. | 7,500 | TNSCST | Mrs.K.Mohanapriya | 2019-2020 | Completed |
16 | Removal of Nickel, Manganese, Zinc, Tannery Effluent using Eucalyptus Camaldulensis and Camellia Sinensis Absorbent | 7,500 | TNSCST | Mrs.M.Poovizhiselvi | 2019-2020 | Completed |
17 | Strength Behaviour of Concrete with textile waste water treatment using natural coagulant | 25,000 | In-House | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | 2020-2021 | Completed |
18 | Skill development of Mason Concrete | 2,02,300 | PMKVY | S.Boobathiraja | 2020-2021 | Completed |
19 | Skill development of Mining Surveyor | 1,04,550 | PMKVY | P.Balamurugan | 2020-2021 | Completed |
20 | Treatment of domestic effluent by using fibrous materials as fixed aerated beds | 7,500 | TNSCST | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | 2021-2022 | Completed |
21 | Removal of sulphide in anaerobically treated tannery waste water by wet air oxidation | 7,500 | TNSCST | A.Fathima Darras Gracy | 2021-2022 | Completed |
22 | Dye Effluent Treatment using Activated Charcoal of Coconut Shell Compared with Zeolite Filter | 25,000 | In-House | A.Fathima Darras Gracy | 2021-2022 | Completed |
23 | Modelling and Prediction of Sensitive water quality parameters in Mooliculam lake using hyperspectral Photogrammetry and neural network | 25,000 | In-House | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | 2021-2022 | Completed |
24 | Advanced Oxidation Process for Treatment of contaminated water with micro pollutants | 7,500 | TNSCST | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
25 | Study on the effect of lime stabilization of Sewage sludge | 25,000 | In-House | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | 2022-2023 | Completed |
26 | Convective Evaporation System For Converting Wastewater Into Salt | 25,000 | In-House | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
27 | Influence of coconut husk and fly ash as an adsorbent in waste water treatment | 25,000 | In-House | M.Dhivakar Karthick | 2022-2023 | Completed |
28 | Enhanced biogas production by increasing organic load rate in mesophilic anaerobic digestion with sludge recirculation | 25,000 | In-House | R.Krishnasamy | 2022-2023 | Completed |
29 | Recycling of Oncological Effluent Wastewater in Pharmaceutical Formulation Industry | 25,000 | In-House | J.Arun Prasad | 2022-2023 | Completed |
Faculty Pursing Ph.D.
S.No | Name | Year of Registration | Registration number | Supervisor Name/Joint Supervisor | Status |
1 | Mr.R.Krishnasamy | 2017 | 17131697177 | Dr.P.Saravana kumar / Dr.S.Christian Johnson | Thesis Submitted |
2 | M.Dhivakar Karthick | 2019 | 19131691143 | Dr.G.S.Rampradheep | DC Meeting Completed |
3 | J.Arun Prasad | 2020 | 1931130050 | Dr.R.Murugan / Dr.S.Christian Johnson | 4 Research Advisory Committee Completed |
4 | B.Anukarthika | 2021 | 2131130003 | Dr.S.Sivagamasundari / S.Christian Johnson | Course work Going |
5 | K.Vallarasu | 2023 | 23141697152 | Dr.V.Sampathkumar | 1st DC Meeting Completed |
No | Name of Supervisor | Faculty | Specialization |
1 | Dr. S.Christian Johnson | Civil Engineering | Structural Engineering |
Academic Year 2023-2024
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
1 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Seismic Performance of RC Beam-Column joints Retrofitted with GFRP | Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science | ISSN:2096-3246 Volume 55 Issue 07 July 2023 |
2 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Seismic Retrofitting of Beam-Column joints using CFRP Nitowrap method | Euro Chemical Bulletin | ISSN: 2023, 12(5) 1081-1104 |
3 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson Mr.R.Krishnsamy | Crushing performance of Pultruded GFRP angle section with various connections and joints on lattice towers | Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0003 |
4 | Mr.R.Krishnsamy | Durability Evaluation of Cactus-infused M25 Grade Concrete as a Bio-admixture | Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering | https://doi.org/10.3311/PPci.22050 |
Academic Year 2022-2023
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
1 | Dr.A.Gopalan | Behavior of Concrete when coarse aggregate is partially replaced with aluminum caps and fine aggregate with Quarry dust | JUNI KHYAT | Vol 12 Issue 09 No 1 01-09-2022 |
2 | R.Krishnasamy | Confinement effectiveness of 2900psi concrete using the extract of Euphorbia tortilis cactus as a natural additive | Materia-Rio de Janeiro | ISSN 1517-7076 Vol 28.No 01 https://doi.org/10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2022-0233 |
3 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Treatment of Tanning Effluent Using Seaweeds and Reduction of Environmental Contamination | Hindwai –Journal of Chemistry | Volume 2022, Article ID 7836671, 8 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/ 7836671 |
4 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi Dr.A.Gopalan | Correlation, Regression Analysis, and Spatial Distribution Mapping of WQI for an Urban Lake in Noyyal River Basin in the Textile Capital of India | Hindwai- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3402951 |
5 | Mr.J. Arun Prasad Dr.S.Arulmozhi Mr.M.Balaji Dr.A.Gopalan Ms.Anukarthika B | Pharmaceutical Effluent Treatment Using Multi-effect Evaporator Process | Hindwai- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5238033 |
6 | Dr.K. M. Gopalakrishnan Fathima Darras Gracy | Adsorption of Chromium Ions From Aqueous Solutions by Synthesized Nanoparticles | Hindawi Journal of Nano materials | Volume 2022/ issued 6214438/ 2022 |
7 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Spatial variation analysis of groundwater quality for irrigation purpose using GIS | Materials Today: Proceedings | ISSN 2214-7853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.04.634. |
8 | R.Krishnasamy Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Crushing performance of pultruded GFRP angle section with various connections and joints on lattice towers | Materia-Rio de Janeiro | ISSN 1517-7076 Vol 28.No 01 https://doi.org/10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0003 |
Academic Year 2021-2022
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
1 | Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | Mechanical Properties of Concrete Beam with Bottom Ash as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate and Humic Acid as Admixture | Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology | https://doi.org/10.37896/JXAT12.10/29599 |
2 | Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | Mechanical Properties of RCC column with Kevlar and banana fibre | Materials Today:Proceedings | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.08.714 |
3 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | Characterization of sewage waste water by USAB Reactor Treatment | International conference on multidisciplinary research in Engineering, Science, Management, Humanities and Education | Scopus 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91535-32-2,7 – 8 May 2022 |
4 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Generation of Bioenergy from Industrial Waste Water Using Carbon Electrodes Microbial Fuel cell | International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET) | Volume 08/ issued 04/ 2022 |
5 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Behavior of textile Waste water by coalescing two stage water treatment mechanical system | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | ISSN : 094 - 5823, Vol. 7 No.4 April ,2022 |
6 | A. Fathima Darras Gracy | Assessment of waste water quality Index and exposed to Biological Treatment | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | ISSN : 094 - 5823, Vol. 7 No.4 April ,2022 |
7 | Dr.K. M.Gopalakrishnan | Adsorption of Chromium Ions From Aqueous Solutions by Synthesized Nanoparticles | Hindawi Journal of Nano materials | Volume 2022/ issued 6214438/ 2022 |
8 | Dr.K. M.Gopalakrishnan | Investigation of Dyeing Wastewater and Optimization Using Sawdust as Absorbent | International Journal of Special Education | Volume 37/ issued 03/ 2022 |
9 | Mr.J. Arun Prasad Mr.G.Nithyaprakash | Experimental Study of Removal of Chromium from Industrial Wastewater by Using Cow Dung as Adsorbent | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Volume 07/ issued 04/ 2022 |
10 | Ms.A. Fathima Darras Gracy | Removal of Sulphide in Tannery Wastewater by Wet Air Oxidation | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Volume 07/ issued 04/ 2022 |
11 | Mr.J. Arun Prasad Ms.Anukarthika B | Waste Water Treatment and Energy Reaping from Distillery Waste Using Bio Electrochemical System(BES) | International Journal of Special Education | Volume 37/ issued 03/ 2022 |
12 | Mr.R Krishnasamy Ms M Poovizhiselvi | Extraction of Sodium Sulphate in Agitated Thin Film Dryer Salt and Reuse of Glauber Salt in Dyeing Processing | International Journal of Special Education | Volume 37/ issued 03/ 2022 |
13 | Mr.M.DhivakarKarthick | Treatment of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent using Novel Absorbent for Recycling | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | ISSN: 0974-5823 |
Academic Year 2020-2021
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
1 | Dr. K. M. Gopalakrishnan Mr.M.Dhivakarkarthik | Treatment of diary waste water using natural adsorbent like fruit peal | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 10, Issue 3, 2021. |
2 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Agricultural Waste Materials as Potential Adsorbent for Treating Industrial Waste Water | International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) | Volume 05/ Issue 03/ 2021 |
3 | Dr. P. Balamurugan | Assessment of Bhavani river water pollution using geospatial technology | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 10, Issue 4, 2021. |
4 | Dr. P. Balamurugan | Removal of pathogens from drinking water under the influence of Iron | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021. |
5 | Mr.D. Krishna Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | An Novel investigation in natural media by using MBBR reactor | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 10, Issue 4 / 2021. |
6 | Mrs.A. Fathima Darras Gracy | Removal of dye by using Agricultural waste: Durian fruit as an adsorbent | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 10, Issue3 / 2021 |
7 | Mr.D. Krishna | Treatment of effluent water from fertilizing industry | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 10, Issue 3 / 2021 |
8 | Mr.M. Balaji | Pollution study of Kaveri in the Erode Region | International journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) | Volume 10, Issue 4 / 2021 |
9 | Mr .J.Arun Prasad | Design and Implementation of Kitchen Waste Biogas Plant | International Journal of Science Technology and Management (IJSTM) | ISBN 978-81-952307-2-3 ISSN 2394-1537 VOL 10,ISSUE 04 APRIL 2021 |
10 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Study of Pollution in Hazardous Waste Incineration Plant & Bio medical Waste Incineration Plant | National conference of Education ,Research and Innovation | Apr-21 |
11 | Mr .J.Arun Prasad | Analysis for the Biosorption of Nickel and Chromium from Industrial & Hospital waste water | International Journal of Science Technology and Management (IJSTM) | ISBN: 978-81-948668-4-8 ISSN 2394-1537 VOL 10 ISSUE 03 MARCH 2021 |
12 | Mr.M.Dhivakarkarthick | Leachate Degradation by using Solar Fenton’s Process | International Journal of Science Technology and Management (IJSTM) | ISSN 2394-1537 April 2021 |
13 | Mr.M.Dhivakarkarthick | Assessment of Impact of Leachpit on Groundwater Quality: A Case Study in Erode District | International Journal of Science Technology and Management (IJSTM) | ISSN 2394-1537 April 2021 |
14 | Mr.M.Dhivakarkarthick | An Experimental Investigation on Removal of Organic Stocking from Waste water using Artemia | Journal of Information and Computational Science | ISSN 1548-7741 June 2020 |
15 | Dr.Balamurgan. P | Removal of calcium and magnesium of underground Water in Veerapandi Village | International Journal of advances in Engineering and Management | Volume 02/ issued 05/ 2020 |
16 | Mr.Krishna. D | Bioremediation of sugar industrial water Effluent Using Hydrophytic Plants | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume 07/issued 08/ 2020 |
17 | Mr Krishna. D | Removal of sulphide in Tannery Wastewater By Wet Air Oxidation | International Journal of advances in Engineering and Management | Volume 02/ issued 04/ 2020 |
Academic Year 2019-2020
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | Publication Details |
1 | Dr. K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Characterization And Utilization Of Water Hyacinth For Biogas Generation | International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation (IRJMT) | 02 November 2019 / pp 220-224 |
2 | Mr.N. Sekaran | Hydro geo chemical characteristics of groundwater : A Case Study From Kaedavanur Watershed, Amaravathi Sub-basin, Cauvery River, South India | Indian journal of geo marine sciences | Volume 48/ issued 10/ 2019 |
3 | Ms.A.Fathima Darras Gracy | Experimental Investigation on Concrete by Partial Replacement of Marble Powder and Bore Well Sand | International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation(IRJMT) | ISSN:2582-1040, IRJMT /2019(6) 240-244 |
4 | Mr.J.Arun prasad | Experimental study on behavior of steel composite blocks using EPC | International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation(IRJMT) | ISSN:2582-1040, IRJMT /2019(6) 532-536 /Nov 2019 |
5 | Ms.B.Anukarthika | Utilization of quarry dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate in glass fiber reinforced concrete | International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation(IRJMT) | ISSN:2582-1040, IRJMT /2019(6) 537-542\Nov 2019 |
6 | Dr.S.Chrisitian Johnson | Alkali Aggregate reaction in Dam Structures | International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation | ISSN 2582-1040/Nov 2019 |
7 | Mr.Balaji M Mr.M. Dhivakar Karthick | Performance of Mimusops Elengi Fruit Adsorbent in Textile Waste Water Treatment | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering | 9(7), 96-109./ 2020 |
8 | Mr.Krishna D Mr.M. Dhivakar Karthick | Removal of Odour and Gaseous Pollutants from Leather and Dying Effluents | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering | 9(7), 84-95./ 2020 |
9 | Ms.Fathima Darras Gracy Mr.M. Dhivakar Karthick | Conversion Of High Cod Content Wastewater Into Biogas | Journal of Information and computational Science | ISSN: 1548-7741, Volume 13, Issue 8, 2020 |
10 | Ms.Fathima Darras Gracy A Mr.J.Arun Prasad | Removal of Nickel, Manganese and Zinc From Industrial Effluent using Eucalyptus Camaldulensis And Camellia Sinensis Adsorbent | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering | Volume 09/ issued 07/ 2020 |
11 | Dr. K.M. Gopalakrishnan M.Balaji | Development of A bio Degradable Sandwich Composite panels For Partition Wall | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering | Volume 09/ issued 07/ 2020 |
12 | Mr. R. Krishnasamy, Dr. S.Christian Johnson | Experimental Investigation on Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Pultruded Sections and Transmission Line Towers Modules | Water and Energy International | Jan-20 |
13 | Mr. R. Krishnasamy, | Performance Management of Transmission Line Tower Foundations against Corrosion by Non Destructive Testing | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) | ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-3, February 2020 |
14 | Mr. R.Krishnasamy Dr. S.Christian Johnson | Experimental Investigation on PET Bottles into Fabric | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Technology (IJSTM) | ISSN 2319-8354/07, July 2020 |
15 | Mrs. A.Fathima Darras Gracy Mr.R.Krishnasamy | Introducing casuarina fruit as natural media in MBBR and finding its performance in different temperature | International conference on recent development in engineering science, humanities and management (ESHM – 2020) | ISBN: 2394-1537/July 2020 |
16 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Sustainability of Non-Fine Concrete with Fibre Reinforcement | Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology | ISSN:2131-2143/2020 |
17 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | Methodologies for Enhancing Durability of Transmission Line Tower Foundations | Central Power Research Institute | Vol. 15(2)/91-99, July-December 2019 ISSN (Print) : 0973-0338 DOI : 10.33686/pwj.v15i2.150401 |
Details of Patent Publication
S. No | Name of the faculty | Title of the patent | Publication Date |
1 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan A.Fathima Darras Gracy J.Arun Prasad | Effect of Steel on Reinforcement Corrosion | 19.11.2021 |
2 | A.Fathima Darras Gracy M.Balaji R.Krishnasamy | Estimation of mineralogical clays by unmixing of hyperspectral images of 3 study sites at very high spatial resolution | 04.02.2022 |
3 | Dr.A.Gopalan | Strength and resilience features of recycled aggregate concrete with admixtures | 17.06.2022 |
4 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Multi-agent Topology for an Energy-efficient Building structure with Artificial intelligent | 17.06.2022 |
5 | M.Dhivakar karthick | Safety management system for construction site workers | 17.06.2022 |
6 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Machine learning based approach to predict the importance of bioenergy systems that are based on anaerobic digestion and fermentation techniques | 30.12.2022 |
7 | J.Arun Prasad | Earthquake early prediction and warning system in smart cities based on deep learning and IOT | 31.03.2023 |
8 | Mr.K.Vallarasu | Study and Analysis for development of Sustainable materials for construction of green building using Agricultural Residues | 01.09.2023 |
Details of Book / Book Chapter Publication
S.No. | Name of the Author | Title of the Book / Book chapter | Name of the Publisher | ISBN Number | Year of Publication |
1 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Strength of Materials-II | Thakur Publications Pvt. Ltd., | 978-93-88809-11-5 | 2019 |
2 | Dr.P.Balamurugan | Sustainability in Urban Planning and Design Urban Sprawl | Intechopen | DOI: 10.5772/ Intechopen. 92383 | 2020 |
3 | Dr.S.Christian Johnson | Irrigation and Water Resources | Dipti Press | 978-86923-45-5 | 2021 |
4 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Practices and Advancements in Civil Engineering - 2022 | - | 978-93-92537-27-1 | 2022 |
5 | Dr. S. Christian Johnson | No Fine Concrete Pavement—A Sustainable Solution for Flood Disaster Mitigation | A System Engineering Approach to Disaster Resilience, | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7397-9_19 | 2022 |
6 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Operational elimination of neurotoxics from spinning mill effluent by silica fume as an absorbent | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
7 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Enrichment of domestic wastewater with operational biodegradable waste by biological denitrification | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
8 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Influence of coconut husk and flyash as an absorbent in waste water treatment | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
9 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Enrichment of domestic wastewater with operational biodegradable waste by biological denitrification | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
10 | Dr.K.M.Gopalakrishnan | Study on the effects of lime stabilization of sewage sludge | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
11 | Dr.P.Balamurugan | Principles and Theories of Economic Geography | AG Publishing House | 978-81-19338-38-2 | 2023 |
12 | Dr.S.Christian Johnson | Conversion of biogas from high cod wastewater | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
13 | Dr.A.Gopalan | Advanced Concrete Technolgy | GPH Books | 978-81-960530-2-4 | 2023 |
14 | Dr.A.Gopalan | Behaviour of wastewater from STP and ETP by organic condensation | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
15 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Treatment of Domestic Effluent By Using Fibrous Materials As Fixed Aerated Beds | - | 978-93-5737-739-3 | 2023 |
16 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Rainfall Frequency Analysis of Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, India | - | 978-93-5737-739-3 | 2023 |
17 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Flocculation Study by using Bottom Ash Slurry for Water Clarification | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
18 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Effective Removal of Reactive Dye from Synthetic Textile Wastewater by using Novel Electroperoxone Process | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
19 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Generation of Biogas using Treated Sewage along with Food Waste and Domestic Waste | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
20 | Dr.S.Arulmozhi | Convective Evaporation System for Converting Wastewater into Salt | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
21 | Mrs.C.Rohini | Flocculation Study by using Bottom Ash Slurry for Water Clarification | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
22 | Mrs.C.Rohini | Conversion of biogas from high cod wastewater | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
23 | Mrs.B.Anukarthika | Contaminant confiscation from wastewater consuming chrysopogon zizanioides | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
24 | Mrs.B.Anukarthika | Convective Evaporation System for Converting Wastewater into Salt | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
25 | Mrs.M.Poovizhiselvi | Solidification and stabilization of pre-consumer fabric waste in organic soil | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
26 | Mrs.M.Poovizhiselvi | Convective Evaporation System for Converting Wastewater into Salt | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
27 | Mr.S.Boopathiraja | Generation of Biogas using Treated Sewage along with Food Waste and Domestic Waste | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
28 | Balaji M | Influence of coconut husk and flyash as an absorbent in waste water treatment | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
29 | Balaji M | Behaviour of wastewater from STP and ETP by organic condensation | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
30 | Dhivakar Karthick M | Operational elimination of neurotoxics from spinning mill effluent by silica fume as an absorbent | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
31 | Dhivakar Karthick M | Enhanced biogas production by increasing organic load ratein mesophillic anaerobic digestion with sludge recirculation | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
32 | Dhivakar Karthick M | Reduction of cost consumption of etp by primary influent treatment of raw textile waste during processing | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
33 | Dhivakar Karthick M | Investigation of municipal incineration ash as an absorbent in the treatment of paper and pulp liquid waste | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
34 | Dhivakar Karthick M | Influence of coconut husk and flyash as an absorbent in waste water treatment | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
35 | Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | Prospective analysis of vermifiltration process in treatment oftainted dairy wastewater | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
36 | Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | Characterization and desalination of saline water using stellar quiet | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
37 | Mr.M.Dhivakar Karthick | Solidification and stabilization of pre-consumer fabric waste in organic soil | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
38 | R.Abiramy | Hydrogen ion production from industrial dairy wastewater using microbial fuelcell | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
39 | R.Abiramy | Study on the effects of lime stabilization of sewage sludge | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
40 | R.Abiramy | Operational elimination of neurotoxics from spinning mill effluent by silica fume as an absorbent | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
41 | Mr.R.Krishnansamy | Enhanced biogas production by increasing organic load ratein mesophillic anaerobic digestion with sludge recirculation | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
42 | Mr.R.Krishnansamy | Reduction of cost consumption of etp by primary influent treatment of raw textile waste during processing | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
43 | Mr.R.Krishnansamy | Solidification and stabilization of pre-consumer fabric waste in organic soil | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
44 | Mr.R.Krishnansamy | Prospective analysis of vermifiltration process in treatment oftainted dairy wastewater | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
45 | Mrs.K.Mohanapriya | Characterization and desalination of saline water using stellar quiet | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
46 | Mr.J.Arunprasad | Contaminant confiscation from wastewater consuming chrysopogon zizanioides | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
47 | Mr.J.Arunprasad | Recycling of oncological effluent waste water in pharmaceutical formulation industry | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
48 | Mr.J.Arunprasad | Hydrogen ion production from industrial dairy wastewater using microbial fuelcell | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
49 | Mrs.B.Anukarthika | Hydrogen ion production from industrial dairy wastewater using microbial fuelcell | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
50 | Mrs.B.Anukarthika | Recycling of oncological effluent waste water in pharmaceutical formulation industry | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
51 | Mr.P.Selvakumar | Contaminant confiscation from wastewater consuming chrysopogon zizanioides | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
52 | Mr.P.Selvakumar | Conversion of biogas from high cod wastewater | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
53 | D.Krishna | Investigation of municipal incineration ash as an absorbent in the treatment of paper and pulp liquid waste | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
54 | R.Abiramy | Investigation of municipal incineration ash as an absorbent in the treatment of paper and pulp liquid waste | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
55 | K.Vallarasu | Study on the effects of lime stabilization of sewage sludge | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
56 | K.Vallarasu | Enrichment of domestic wastewater with operational biodegradable waste by biological denitrification | - | 978-93-94412-15-6 | 2023 |
57 | Dr.P.Balamurugan | Urban Geography | AG Publishing House | 2023 |
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